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三磷酸腺甙酶用英语怎么说 三磷酸腺甙酶英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-23 17:03:39
  • 183

三磷酸腺甙酶用英语怎么说 三磷酸腺甙酶英语翻译



1. lacarnol

2. ntpase

3. atpase

4. triphosphatases


1. atpase(酶 腺苷三磷酸酶)

2. ntpase(核被膜核苷三磷酸酶;三磷酸核苷酶;三磷酸核苷水解酶)

3. triphosphatases( 三磷酸酶)

4. phosphotriesterase( 磷酸三酯酶;重组磷酸三酯酶)

5. lacarnol(腺苷,腺甙)


1. - i'll get all of 'em. - Get all of 'em.

译文:- 去试验所有有机磷酸酯。

2. - There's over 40 organophosphates.

译文:- 当今世上有40多种有机磷酸酯 - 我去试验所有有机磷酸酯。

3. Genetic-sequencing enzymes.


4. There are enzymes called restriction enzymes that actually digest DNA.

译文:有一种酶叫做限制酶 是能够消化DNA的。

5. What have you heard? i heard that you had glandular fever.


6. He has this salivary gland condition. Yeah.


7. Hair follicles. Sebaceous glands?

译文:毛囊 皮脂腺。

8. if you don't put chlorine in, you get phosphates, and algae feeds on phosphate.

译文:如果你不把氯气, 你磷酸盐, 和海藻饲料磷酸盐。

9. if we don't know what kind of organophosphate we're targeting, we don't know which hydrolase to ask for.

译文:如果我们不知道他中的是什么样的有机磷酸酯 我们就不知道需要哪种的水解酶。

10. it consumes an astounding 3.4 x 10^21 ATP molecules per minute, ATP being the coal of the body's furnace.

译文:大脑每分钟都令人震惊地消耗 3.4 x 10 ^21 个三磷酸腺苷(ATP) 分子, 三磷酸腺苷就好像支持我们身体燃烧的燃料。

11. Enzymes are breaking forth sugars.


12. Phosphate rock, it's got a density of 1.852.

译文:磷酸盐岩 密度是1.852。

13. Experts in the field will know that cellular communication is phosphorus-based -- phosphorylation, dephosphorylation.

译文:这个领域的专家们都知道 细胞间的通讯传递是基于磷的- 像是磷酸化,去磷酸化。

14. Fukie collapsed in school today.


15. i can't. i don't have a mucous gland.


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