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家祖用英语怎么说 家祖的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-11 12:04:31
  • 98

家祖用英语怎么说 家祖的英语翻译

家祖在英语中的翻译是"pinchas zukermen",还网络中常译为"Zunar",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到80个与家祖相关的短语释义和例句。


1. pinchas zukermen

家祖翻译为pinchas zukermen。

My family have lived in this house for generations.


2. Zunar


This year, she's planning to plant rare heirloom vegetables that you can't get in the store.


3. Pinchas Zukerman

家祖翻译为Pinchas Zukerman。

This ring has been passed down in my family.



1. Zunar( 漫画家祖纳;漫画家是以祖纳;漫画家朱纳)

2. Pinchas Zukerman( 祖克曼;小提琴家祖克曼;平夏斯·祖克曼)

3. pinchas zukermen( 祖克曼;小提琴家祖克曼;平夏斯·祖克曼\n(pinchas zukerman 的复数))


Thanda Royal Zulu ( 皇家祖鲁 )

Gendensambuugiyn Zuunai ( 与病理学家祖奈 )

The Originals ( 始祖家族 )

Jack Zylkin ( 由创意发明家祖金 )

Heirloom quality furniture ( 祖传家具 )

Gourmet heritage cuisines ( 美食家祖传名菜 )

Family Forefather Adoration ( 家祖崇拜 )

Hakka homeland ( 客家祖地 )

Zu C the Remarkable Mathematician ( 数学家祖冲之 )

Archibald Witwicky ( 维特维奇家族的先祖 )


1. Her family remedy, which is shrouded in mystery, allows men to go about life proudly... and erectly.

译文:她家祖传秘药 传男不传女 让男人可以活得骄傲 和阳刚。

2. it's the Lam Family's lega--


3. Think about the youngest son who must obey the eldest son, who in turn must obey the patriarch.

译文:想想必须听大儿子的话的那最小儿子 而大儿子还是要听家祖长辈的话。

4. Thus she hastily returns to... their ancestral home hastily opens a chicken-themed restaurant

译文:于是麦太 很快很快的回到乡下的麦家祖屋所在地 很快很快的开了一家主题吃鸡的专门店。

5. And kowtow to my ancestors


6. i've been forced to help out in our ancestral shop.


7. The ancestors of the Lin family, please bless Ashin.

译文:林家祖先 你要保佑阿信。

8. in honor of the ancestors of the Lui family, from this day on, i hereby announce, Fei as my forth adopted son!

译文:雷家祖宗在上 从今天开始 阿飞就是我雷公第四个义子。

9. i mean, there's no room in the Gilbert family plot.


10. And it's this journey that is of such interest to humanity, and it's this journey that has been the focus of the past three generations of my family, as we've been in East Africa looking for the fossil remains of our ancestors to try and piece together our evolutionary past.

译文:正是这个旅程对人类意义重大, 也正是这个旅程成为了我们家祖上三代以来 一直关注的焦点。我们一直在东非寻找我们祖先进化的化石遗存, 试图把这些碎片拼起来,重现人类的进化过程。

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