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内分泌病用英语怎么说 内分泌病英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-24 20:36:15
  • 118

内分泌病用英语怎么说 内分泌病英语翻译

内分泌病的英语可以这样说:endocrinosis,还经常被译作  incretopathy,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到37个与内分泌病相关的短语释义和例句。


1. endocrinosis


The most common conditions leading to premature death were heart disease, respiratory diseases, stroke, and endocrine problems such as diabetes.


2.   incretopathy

内分泌病翻译为   incretopathy。

Among other theories, experts have proposed that Henry suffered from Type II diabetes, syphilis, an endocrine problem called Cushing's syndrome, or myxedema, which is a byproduct of hypothyroidism.


3. endocrinism


Mental stress activates components of the body's neuro-endocrine system, "which lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease," Iso explained.


4. endocrinopathy


1. dndocrinopathy(内分泌病)

2. endocrine disease(内分泌病)

3. endocrinosis(内分泌病)

4. incretopathy(内分泌病)

5. endocrine myopathy(内分泌肌病)


Edema of endoscrinopathy o ( 内分泌病性水肿 )

endocrinopathic ( 内分泌病的 )

endocrinopathy ( 内分泌病变 )

Endocrinology Clinic ( 内分泌病门诊 )

Endocrine Pathology ( 内分泌病理学 )

endocrine system disease endocrine disease Endocrine disorders Endocrinology ( 内分泌疾病 )

neuroendocrine disease ( 神经内分泌病 )

incretodiagnosis ( 内分泌病诊断法 )

endocrinopathy of pancreatic islets ( 胰岛内分泌病 )


1. - Beaming always gets on my .

译文:- 每次传送都会弄得我内分泌紊乱。

2. Listen, Lady, have i ever said i was an endocrinologist?

译文:- 谁告诉你说我是内分泌学家了? 啊? - 怎么回事儿。

3. Find Voronin, the administrator for the European Endocrinology Conference.


4. Like endocrinal glands and hormones, there are those gases which i told you about before, that are formed and released into the atmosphere, like hormones, which help in the formation of rain.

译文:就像内分泌腺与荷尔蒙 我刚刚提到过,有一些气体 会在大气中形成、释放, 就像荷尔蒙一样 它们会帮助成雨。

5. Once she doesn't have enough sleep she'll get sick easily

译文:睡眠不足 引致内分泌失调是女忌。

6. That could happen if you get an endorphin rush.

译文:内分泌过量 有时会出现这种情况的。

7. She told my mom. But you can tell. She's hormonally weird.

译文:她跟我妈妈说了 而且她内分泌失调 你们应该能看出来。

8. We even went to the international Society of Endocrinology meeting as family in Quebec.

译文:我们甚至举家前往魁北克 参加国际内分泌学学会。

9. - it's called an in-home separation.

译文:- 那叫室内分居。

10. What kind of medicine does he practice?


11. Endocrine, adrenal, increasing to fatal levels.


12. isn't Ellie supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance?


13. Addison's disease: chronic and severely acute adrenal insufficiency, bronze skin color...

译文:阿迪森病: 肾上腺分泌严重不足 肤色变深。

14. Stress begins with something called the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis, a series of interactions between endocrine glands in the brain and on the kidney, which controls your body's reaction to stress.

译文:压力开始于一种叫做 下丘脑垂体肾上腺轴的东西, 一连串的相互作用, 在大脑的内分泌腺和肾脏之间, 它会控制身体对压力的反应。

15. it turns out that my father was an M.D., actually studied hormones. i told him many times that i was tired, thirsty, not feeling very good.

译文:实际上我父亲是个医生 他研究内分泌激素。很多次我和他说 我又累,又渴,感觉不舒服。

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