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临场用英语怎么说 临场的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-18 10:08:06
  • 136

临场用英语怎么说 临场的英语翻译

临场的英语可以这样说:when attending an examination,还网络中常译为"  Spot",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到99个与临场相关的短语释义和例句。


1. when attending an examination

临场翻译为when attending an examination。

The president's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.


2.   Spot

临场翻译为   Spot。

If you can't get to the nursing home to visit grandma, you can use a telepresence robot to hang out with her.


3.   Rinjo

临场翻译为   Rinjo。

This has an adverse effect on the behavior, judgment and general performance.


4. presence -

临场翻译为 presence -。

示例:When i'm not in your presence,
when I'm not in your presence,



1. present discussion(临场讨论)

2. rapcon(雷达临场指挥)

3. instrument approach procedure(盲目降落临场程序)

4. physical confrontation( 临场面对)

5. playspot( 临场发挥)


live action role-playing game ( 临场动态角色扮演游戏 )

Play spot Performance on reason event ( 临场发挥 )

Ambience Telepresence presence Presence-Introduction ( 临场感 )

Presence Presence Effect ( 临场效果 )


social presence ( 社会临场感 )

bench coach ( 临场教练员 )


cairophobia ( 临场恐怖症 )


1. That's good, improvisation. We have trouble with that.

译文:很好 临场发挥 这个我们无法预料。

2. Departure time: 10 minutes.

译文:临场时间 10分钟。

3. But he understood that these were the words of a self-educated man who was struggling for a metaphor.

译文:但是他也理解我当时说那些话 是一个没受过正规教育的人临场应变的不当之词。

4. i know it all ends tomorrow

译文:- 只有一日 - 临场做戏。

5. Moral skill is chipped away by an over-reliance on rules that deprives us of the opportunity to improvise and learn from our improvisations.

译文:道德的技能已经被对规则的国度信赖粉碎了, 这剥夺了我们的机会 去随机应变以及从临场反应中学习。

6. He didn't mind the security pat-down 'cause he knows how to improvise.

译文:他不怕搜身 因为他知道如何临场发挥。

7. Moral skill is chipped away by an over-reliance on rules that deprives us of the opportunity to improvise and learn from our improvisations.

译文:道德的技能已经被对规则的国度信赖粉碎了, 这剥夺了我们的机会 去随机应变以及从临场反应中学习。

8. That's great, Doc, if you wanna miss yet another opportunity here... and watch your colleagues get rich doing clinical trials.

译文:不错,大夫,如果你还想错过另一个机会... 并且看着你的同事靠临场诊断发财。

9. They're seeing if i can think on my feet.


10. - i do not like surprises.


11. Well, well, the best arguments really do sound spontaneous.

译文:好吧 好吧 最好的辩护还真是临场发挥。

12. She is not aware of her telepresence.


13. They saw potential police intervention on the ground, and they improvised.

译文:窃贼知道地面会有警方介入 就临场发挥了一下。

14. Did you just make that up on the spot?

译文:你是临场发挥的吗 Did you just make that up on the spot。

15. May i ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?

译文:这些哄人开心的恭维 是临场脱口而出 还是经过事先的研究。

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