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首施两端用英语怎么说 首施两端英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-30 06:08:15
  • 69

首施两端用英语怎么说 首施两端英语翻译

首施两端在英语中的翻译是"double ended pressing",还可以翻译为ends of top,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到26个与首施两端相关的短语释义和例句。


1. double ended pressing

首施两端翻译为double ended pressing。

示例:Y-You see this, uh, double zero?
double zero?


2. ends of top

首施两端翻译为ends of top。

示例:And for God's sake, where are the tight ends?
where are the tight ends?


3. ended piece

首施两端翻译为ended piece。

示例:The next thing i knew, i ended up in the Bronx
I ended up in the Bronx


4. justify align

首施两端翻译为justify align。

示例:Align it in this direction.



1. double ended pressing(两端压制)

2. ends of top(盖板两端)

3. waver in determination(首鼠两端)

4. ended piece(两端色差布)

5. justify align([计] 两端对齐)


1. Some kind of crystalline deposits have been placed in both ends.


2. Conroy, Jamison, go on up to six, cover both ends of the hall.


3. May the rainbow bridge the two ends of ocean ...and bridge you and me

译文:但愿这彩虹的两端 足以跨过海洋,连结我和你。

4. You have a large net in the middle with two steel doors on either end.

译文:在两端的两个钢制门中间 放置一张大网。

5. it was coming out both ends.

译文:是生病了。这是 走出两端。

6. You have a large net in the middle with two steel doors on either end.

译文:在两端的两个钢制门中间 放置一张大网。

7. i've seen both sides of the courtroom.


8. Proceed to the door to the end of the campus.


9. And then finally, if you spin opposite pairs of rotors faster than the other pair, then the robot yaws about the vertical axis.

译文:最后 如果任意两端的螺旋桨的转速 大于另两端的螺旋桨的转速 飞行器就能原地旋转。

10. How is it that the states of cats on opposite sides of the universe can be entangled in this way?

译文:宇宙两端的猫的状态 怎能这样被纠缠。

11. There were guards stationed at both ends of each car, as if we were criminals.

译文:每节车厢两端 都有士兵把守 好像我们是罪犯。

12. it's measuring around four centimeters, which prevents us from simply sewing the two ends back together.

译文:经测量有四公分 我们无法简单缝合两端。

13. And they'll be quick enough to secure both ends of Arnhem Bridge?

译文:他们能够迅速地固守住 安亨桥的两端。

14. They can see us coming 100 yards either way.


15. Two souls on opposite sides of the earth.

译文:在地球两端 的两个灵魂。

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