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深圳市委宣传部用英语怎么说 深圳市委宣传部英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-17 05:41:19
  • 168

深圳市委宣传部用英语怎么说 深圳市委宣传部英语翻译

深圳市委宣传部通常被翻译为"groon"的意思,还网络中常译为"propaganda department",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到88个与深圳市委宣传部相关的译文和例句。


1. groon

2. propaganda department

深圳市委宣传部翻译为propaganda department。

示例:Yeah, the propaganda people, first come propaganda and then history.
是啊, 那些宣传部门的人 前脚说完后脚就变了.


3. foing

4. melion


1. propaganda department(宣传部)

2. groon( 深圳市国龙;深圳国龙设计;腹股沟)

3. sidway( 希德威;深圳希德威;深圳市希德威)

4. foing( 凌武深圳市福英)

5. melion( 美莱恩;深圳市;照明控制)


1. Goring gave a press conference at the propaganda ministry.


2. - El marketing tea Mient, because i promise that presents ...

译文:-宣传部在于你 因为它承诺要离开你 性感 流行 凉爽。

3. Drink with me, party boss.


4. Yeah, the propaganda people, first come propaganda and then history.

译文:是啊, 那些宣传部门的人 前脚说完后脚就变了.。

5. Joseph Goebbels, the little propaganda minister, whom the backstreet called "poison dwarf".

译文:约瑟夫·戈培尔,矮小的宣传部长, 被人背后称为"带毒的侏儒"。

6. How would you like to be my new Minister of information?


7. For 1940, propaganda minister Dr Goebbels was Father Christmas.


8. Carmine, get me the publicity department right away.

译文:卡迈恩 立刻给我联系宣传部。

9. i want to get the TV in your promotional offer.


10. "and that Goebbels has had removed from the war memorials."


11. Nazi propaganda filmed them greedily for the cinema newsreels throughout July and August.

译文:宣传部在整个七八月间 贪婪地将其拍摄成电影新闻片。

12. Shenzhen is the city changed the most.


13. The Reich Press Secretary... instructs us to focus... on the first ascent of the Eiger.

译文:帝国宣传部来的 "各主管采编部门要优先处理首次登顶"。

14. Listen to this nonsense from Mr. Goebbels...

译文:听听戈培尔先生的这段屁话 (党宣传部部长)。

15. i have a written order from... the Public Minister... authorising our partition "unofficially".

译文:这是来自宣传部的授权证明书... 我们的介入授权属非正式性质。

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