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上海第一支行用英语怎么说 上海第一支行英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-28 12:43:16
  • 57

上海第一支行用英语怎么说 上海第一支行英语翻译

上海第一支行的英语是"held a candle",还网络中常译为"holding a candle",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到51个与上海第一支行相关的短语释义和例句。


1. held a candle

上海第一支行翻译为held a candle。

示例:'Our conference was held in the state parlor which was feebly lighted by one candle.
我们的交谈是在客厅进行的 只有一支蜡烛泛着微弱的光


2. holding a candle

上海第一支行翻译为holding a candle。

示例:You're holding your hand over the candle.
你这是把手放到蜡烛上 {\3cH202020}You're holding your hand over the candle.


3. holds a candle

上海第一支行翻译为holds a candle。

示例:Journalist Noah Brooks holds a candle to illuminate Lincoln and to provide light by which to read.
记者诺亚・布鲁克斯手持蜡烛照亮林肯 以便他看演讲稿


4. HTC First

上海第一支行翻译为HTC First。

示例:Dear Daddy, today was my first day at first grade.
today was my first day at first grade.



1. HTC First( 宏达电脸书机;规格;同时推出第一支脸书手机)

2. held a candle(手持一支蜡烛)

3. holding a candle(手持一支蜡烛)

4. holds a candle(手持一支蜡烛)

5. put one out( 熄灭一支)


1. . ..the world premiere of Prestige Worldwide's first mυsic video...

译文:世界顶尖的"环球经典"的 第一支音乐视频。

2. - Can't i have just one? No.

译文:- 我就留一支行吗。

3. "i still remember like it were yesterday when grandpa gave me my first bonbon. "


4. Oh dear, oh dear. Where are my smelling salts? i think i shall faint.

译文:先生们如想跟你的意中人 跳第一支舞。

5. Don't you want our first dance to be perfect?


6. W-what's the band gonna play for your first dance?


7. Well, i think we just found the couple to lead the first dance.

译文:太好了 我们找到带头 跳第一支舞的人了。

8. We start before the first joss stick burns out

译文:第一支香熄之前 就要开始做接驳手术。

9. (Laughter) Ah! it's the first dance! - (Jill Barber) * long as this world *


10. We have our first Winner's Bracket Finalist.


11. Well, just in the nick of time came Samuel Colt, who, in 1836, invented the first weapon ever that could be fired over and over without having to reload.

译文:1836 他发明了第一支 不用反复重新装弹的。

12. But it's also here that i recorded my first ever single


13. He promised you the very first one, as soon as it comes off the line in September.


14. Right there a plan for the first space was made.


15. First duo since season 1 to go To the live show.


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