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亚里斯多德用英语怎么说 亚里斯多德英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-29 19:39:21
  • 62

亚里斯多德用英语怎么说 亚里斯多德英语翻译

亚里斯多德的英语翻译是"aristotle -",还经常被译作  Aristotle,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到37个与亚里斯多德相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. aristotle -

亚里斯多德翻译为 aristotle -。

Aristotle called courage the first virtue, and Samuel Johnson called it the greatest.


2.   Aristotle

亚里斯多德翻译为   Aristotle。

For example, Aristotle once had a research library in the third century B.C..


3. Aristotle


However, Aristotle thought the concept of purpose could be invoked to explain the behaviour of everything in the universe.



1. anagnorisis(发现 亚里斯多德《诗学》中用语 “发现”与“突转”被视作悲剧情节的主要成分)

2. doand( 多德)

3. dodkin(多德金)

4. hrududu( 多德)

5. methodius(美多德)


Aristotelian ( 亚里斯多德的 )

aristotelian logic ( 亚里斯多德逻辑学 )

Aristotelean ( 亚里斯多德派学者 )

Aristolatry ( 亚里斯多德学 )

Aristotle University ( 亚里斯多德大学 )

Aristotle lantern ( 称为亚里斯多德提灯 )

Hotel Aristote ( 亚里斯多德酒店 )



1. And Aristotle said, "Hah, they appreciated that sometimes to design rounded columns, you need to bend the rule."

译文:亚里斯多德就说: 哈,他们也知道有时候 要设计圆的柱子, 你需要通融(放松规定)。

2. in fact, everyone who was educated understood that the world was spherical since Aristotle's time.


3. And indeed, as an explanation, it goes back to Aristotle, so that's what -- 2,300 years ago.

译文:的确,作为一种解释, 这要追溯到亚里斯多德 所以也就是要追溯到2300年前。

4. And in particular, the virtue that we need most of all is the virtue that Aristotle called "practical wisdom."

译文:特别地, 我们最需要的美德 是亚里斯多德所称的 实用智慧。

5. Each of them shows that it is possible to build on and nurture character and keep a profession true to its proper mission -- what Aristotle would have called its proper telos.

译文:每个事例都告诉我们 树立和培养人格, 同时,让所有职业都忠实于其真正的使命—— 就是亚里斯多德所说的“真正终级目标”—— 是可能的。

6. AK: So obviously, Aristotle never asked a child about this particular point because, of course, he didn't bother doing the experiment, and neither did St. Thomas Aquinas.

译文:很明显 亚里斯多德从没有 问过一个孩子这个问题 因为他自身并不觉得这个问题很有趣 托马斯·亚奎那也没有问。

7. Todd, cut the fill lights.


8. So Aristotle was very interested in watching how the craftsmen around him worked.

译文:所以亚里斯多德对于观察 他周围的工匠如何工作很感兴趣。

9. Okay, so they didn't tell us to become doctors or lawyers or anything like that, but my dad did read to us about Aristotle and pioneer germ fighters when lots of other kids were hearing "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round."

译文:当然,他们没有让我们立志成为医生 或律师诸如此类的, 但我爸经常读 关于亚里斯多德 和先锋细菌斗士的故事给我们听, 而其他小孩大多听的是 《公车的轮子转呀转》。

10. So Aristotle was very interested in watching how the craftsmen around him worked.

译文:所以亚里斯多德对于观察 他周围的工匠如何工作很感兴趣。

11. Just quickly: Aristotle, his thing was, "it’s not flat, stupid, it’s round."


12. Dodd, i'm on my way. i'm on the highway already.

译文:多德 我已经上路了。

13. Dude... do you have Tourettes?

译文:多德... 你有Tourettes吗。

14. You're familiar with Aristotle?


15. Each of them shows that it is possible to build on and nurture character and keep a profession true to its proper mission -- what Aristotle would have called its proper telos.

译文:每个事例都告诉我们 树立和培养人格, 同时,让所有职业都忠实于其真正的使命—— 就是亚里斯多德所说的“真正终级目标”—— 是可能的。

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