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他们的课桌用英语怎么说 他们的课桌英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-08 11:46:04
  • 171

他们的课桌用英语怎么说 他们的课桌英语翻译

他们的课桌用英语说"double desk",其次还可以说成"school table",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到53个与他们的课桌相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. double desk

他们的课桌翻译为double desk。

示例:"...and with the double whirl...¡±
"... and with the double whirl..."


2. school table

他们的课桌翻译为school table。

示例:- i got the table. - Yeah, Trunny got the table.
Trunny got the table.


3. in the desk

他们的课桌翻译为in the desk。

示例:- Pull up the check-in desk.
- Pull up the check -in desk.


4. theircar


1. school table([家具] 课桌)

2. double desk([家具] 双人课桌)

3. in the desk(在课桌里)

4. reading desks([医]阅读课桌)

5. theircar(他们的车;他们的汽车;他们的小汽车)


1. i want those desks -and-span before anyone leaves.

译文:走之前把课桌摆放整齐 清理干净。

2. We'd also have to learn Latin, Greek, Arabic.


3. This one is for my desk drawer, and there is no desk drawer.


4. He's been curled up underneath one of the desks at the preschool whacked out of his mind on drugs...

译文:他就蜷缩在幼儿园的课桌旁 了,神志不清...。

5. They are looking for their son.

译文:他们 他们在找他们的儿子。

6. We'll just clean out our desks and go home.

译文:我们就清理 我们的课桌回家。

7. They're rich men, they can waste their time any way they want.

译文:他们很有钱,他们可以浪费 他们的时间,因为他们的愿望。

8. Their origin, their plights, their reason for being.

译文:他们的出身,他们的困境, 他们的理由。

9. The left-hand desk drawer is my drawer.


10. What they did-- what they're doing--

译文:他们做过的 他们要做的。

11. in grade five, they taped a sign to the front of her desk that read, "Beware of dog."

译文:五年级的时候,他们在她的课桌前贴了一张纸, 上面写着,“注意,狗出没。”。

12. You finish your lecture block and immediately you have five hands going up asking you to re-explain the entire thing at their desks.

译文:你完成你的演讲, 然后马上,你就会看到五个人举手 要求你到他们课桌前重新解释整件事。

13. Does anyone want their car to smell like the bottom of a 6th-grader's desk?

译文:真有人希望他们的车闻起来 像一个六年级孩子的课桌。

14. All these lives that we're recording, their hopes, their dreams, their loves...

译文:他们的希望 他们的梦想 他们的爱情 都是感性的。

15. i'd stand up on my desk and clap for you.


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