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不活跃区用英语怎么说 不活跃区英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-22 15:50:00
  • 70

不活跃区用英语怎么说 不活跃区英语翻译

不活跃区的英语翻译是"inactive front",还经常被译作unactiveness,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到87个与不活跃区相关的译文和例句。


1. inactive front

不活跃区翻译为inactive front。

示例:Target here, currently inactive, over
目标停下, 无任何动静, 请指示


2. unactiveness

3. quiet market

不活跃区翻译为quiet market。

示例:So, what do you say we go find... a more romantic spot? OK. PHOTOGRAPHER:
Quiet! No!


4. unactivity


1. inactive front(不活跃锋)

2. quiet market(不活跃市场)

3. unactiveness( 不活跃)

4. unactivity( 不活跃)

5. underactivation( 不活跃)


1. The business offices only go up to 80.

译文:不,不,不,商业办公区 只限于80层以下。

2. - # Like that active volcano.

译文:-就像活跃火山 -别唱了。

3. She doesn't need to go through the zone.

译文:不... 她不能穿越感染区。

4. No. the guy who works in the fruit department.

译文:不 是在水果区 工作的那个家伙。

5. Possibility of gang feud is not ruled out

译文:警方不排除有仇杀成份 现正通缉多名活跃于。

6. My wife has a vivid imagination.


7. We found activity in a tiny, little factory near the base of the brain called the ventral tegmental area.

译文:我们发现在大脑底部附近有一块活跃的微小的区域 ——腹侧背盖区。

8. - i'm not in the zone. - No, Ross.


9. in red is an area that active in the prefrontal cortex, the frontal lobe of the brain, and in blue is this area that was deactivated.

译文:左前头叶外皮的一个活跃地区呈红色, 这是在大脑的前叶。蓝色的地区是不活跃地区。

10. The sweat glands are overactive.


11. Here we have the district of Mazevar, the district of Khanevar, the district of Assemar, the district of Khanevar, Mazevar...

译文:这里有Mazevar区, Khanevar区, Kashevar区, Assemar区, Khanevar区, Mazevar...。

12. You know, people say the same thing about Area 51.


13. Are the prawns as eager as you?


14. But you got to be careful, it's an active location.


15. 10 or greater are considered to be very active.


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