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语义存储器用英语怎么说 语义存储器英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-19 00:56:14
  • 76

语义存储器用英语怎么说 语义存储器英语翻译

语义存储器在英语中的翻译是"memery",在日常中也可以翻译为"semantic memory",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到14个与语义存储器相关的释义和例句。


1. memery

2. semantic memory

语义存储器翻译为semantic memory。

示例:And so we came up with this measure, which we termed semantic coherence, which essentially measures the persistence of speech within one semantic topic, within one semantic category.
所以我们想出了一个 叫做“语义连贯性”的评估方法, 本质上就是评估谈话的持续性 是否会落在同一个 语义主题或类别上。


3. read memory

语义存储器翻译为read memory。

示例:if your eyesight's that bad, what about your memory?
what about your memory?


4. memorier


1. semantic memory([计] 语义存储器)

2. direct memery access(存储器)

3. memery(存储器)

4. memorier(存储器)

5. read memory(存储器)


1. it is a very different city to the one that the memory.

译文:它是一种非常不同的城市 到一个存储器中。

2. it was cabinets of processors and storage and everything.


3. i did my graduate thesis on semi-conductor memory.


4. Hey, ! We just want the drive!

译文:嘿 外国佬 我们只是想要USB存储器。

5. i know, but if we can get it working, then maybe i can restore the computer's memory.

译文:我知道 如果能让它重新工作 也许我们能恢复存储器里的内容。

6. The memory cards also have to be destroyed Sir

译文:存储器也毁掉了 长官 长官。

7. And we got to know the bossy CPU and the helpful RAM and ROM that help it remember things.

译文:我们知道了发号司令的中央处理器(CPU), 和十分有用的随机存储器(RAM), 以及帮助电脑记忆一切的只读存储器(ROM)。

8. Hazardous materials storage container opening.


9. i didn't want to have any like, memory of the music life.

译文:我不希望有任何喜欢, 存储器上的音乐生活。

10. it's the only way Garcia can find them.


11. i read about how the CPU is constantly shuffling data back and forth between the memory, the RAM and the ALU, the arithmetic and logic unit.

译文:我了解到CPU(中央处理器)是如何不断地让数据来回穿梭于 存储器--RAM (随机存取存储器)和 ALU -- 算术逻辑运算器。

12. it was cabinets of processors and storage and everything.


13. i'm sorry if i don't have a photographic memory, Gus.


14. - Camera's storage drive was stolen.


15. The one with the flash drive?


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