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网络广告用英语怎么说 网络广告英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-02 07:50:26
  • 117

网络广告用英语怎么说 网络广告英语翻译

网络广告在英语中的翻译是"network advertising",还可以翻译为  Web Advertising,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到50个与网络广告相关的短语释义和例句。


1. network advertising

网络广告翻译为network advertising。

In fact, it was the son, Marco, who persuaded his father to move on from traditional television advertising and go online instead.


2.   Web Advertising

网络广告翻译为   Web Advertising。

Internet advertising will play a more prominent role in organizations' advertising in the near future.


3.   Network

网络广告翻译为   Network。

Yet spending on ads carried over cell-phone networks last year amounted to just $1.5 billion worldwide, a fraction of the $424 billion global ad market.


4. web advertit -

网络广告翻译为 web advertit -。

示例:What? Verbal advertit?



1. webvertising( 网络广告)

2. online advertising(网络广告\n在线广告)

3. Google ads( 广告;谷歌广告;谷歌的广告)

4. issue advertising( 观点广告;问题广告;论点广告)

5. divertit( 广告)


Web Advertising Measurement The evaluation of Internet advertits ( 网络广告评估 )

Web Advertising Effectiveness ( 网络广告效果 )

Network Advertising Design ( 网络广告设计 )

Banner Ad ( 横幅式网络广告 )

Internet Advertising Bureau ( 网络广告局 )

click to visit ( 网络广告转化率 )

Online Ads Lead ( 网络广告主管 )

Commercial online advertising commercial network advertit Commercial advertising ( 商业性网络广告 )

Web Advertising Planning and Creation ( 网络广告策划与制作 )


1. in the fall of 2008, we found some adversaries inside of our classified networks.

译文:在2008年的秋季 我们在网络内部发现了一些广告病毒。

2. And it's interesting, when you look at the predictions made during the peak of the boom in the 1990s, about e-commerce, or internet traffic, or broadband adoption, or internet advertising, they were all right -- they were just wrong in time.

译文:有趣的是,当你回顾一些预言 那些在90年代技术爆炸期关于电子商务的预言 或者有关互联网流量,宽带使用和网络广告的预言 他们都是正确的,只不过预言的时间不对。

3. -A personal ad on a billboard?

译文:- 个人的广告牌上的广告吗。

4. And of course there will be advertits.


5. Now, we started from someplace seemingly innocuous -- online adds following us around -- and we've landed someplace else.

译文:现在我们从一个无伤大雅的方面 也就是如影随形的 网络广告 转到了另一个方面。

6. - Network attacks network activity.

译文:-网络攻击... 网络行为。

7. - Merchandising consultant.


8. with Billboard Dad the man who put a personal ad on a billboard.

译文:与广告牌爸爸... ...该名男子谁把个人广告 的广告牌上。

9. We've got a three-ged strategy... web advertising, product partnerships and print ads.

译文:我们有一个三端战略 -- 网络广告 产品合作和印刷体广告。

10. The voice of the chat rooms.

译文:-网络留言 -网络留言。

11. --it would cost-- for her to be able to drive in any...

译文:... (广告)... ...。

12. Just take a look at some of the biggest names on the web, and you see that advertising plays a huge role.

译文:在一些大型网络公司, 广告占有很重要的地位。

13. She needs no further introduction. Ad Killer?


14. Tell them i want TV spots, radio spots, sky writing, the whole nine yards.

译文:告诉他们我要电视广告、电台广告 飞机广告,什么都要 -没问题。

15. So creating Craigslist or iTunes and the iPhone developer network, there are all these networks -- Facebook as well.

译文:Craigslist(大型免费分类广告网站) iTunes和iPhone开发商网络 各种网络,还有Facebook。

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