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回过神来用英语怎么说 回过神来英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-27 13:41:36
  • 174

回过神来用英语怎么说 回过神来英语翻译

回过神来的英语翻译是"noogy",在日常中也可以翻译为"return course",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到44个与回过神来相关的释义和例句。


1. noogy

2. return course

回过神来翻译为return course。

示例:That traitor is a guy, of course
of course


3. steady one's nerves

回过神来翻译为steady one's nerves。

示例:- Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly. - Be careful.
- Steady, steady, steady.


4. meltback process

回过神来翻译为meltback process。

示例:That's a very difficult sentence to process.
That's a very difficult sentence to process.



1. snap to attention(na. (兵士)急忙采取立正姿势\n 回过神来)

2. return course(返回过程)

3. meltback process([电] 熔回过程)

4. noogy( 从神来的提醒)

5. steady one's nerves(安定情绪,定下神来)


1. i'll be in the guest room if you decide you want to be human again.

译文:等你回过神来 再回去找我吧.。

2. it took me a second to realize what you were doing.


3. Next thing you know, my eyebrows are gone.


4. The next thing i knew, i was in the water.

译文:等我回过神来 我已经在水里了。

5. He still hasn't recovered from the violence of his break with Professor Freud.


6. it'll be fine. He'll come around.

译文:没事的 他会回过神来的。

7. You'd better watch what you say.


8. i hardly got over my surprise since my mother told me.

译文:我听我妈妈一说就很震惊 还没回过神来。

9. Oh, you wanna hit him? He's coming to again.


10. You cha-chao before you even know it

译文:你还没回过神来 就已经被淘汰了。

11. i guess you could describe it like i'm hungry all the time.


12. L heard someone's Light steps, yet L was sure to be alone...

译文:我仿佛听到有人清脆的脚步声 回过神来,还是独自一人。

13. They were gone by the time we realized what was up.


14. Silligans aren't known for being prompt. What are you talkin' about?


15. As soon as i recovered, i checked out that web site and its owner.

译文:当我回过神来, 我检查了 该网站和它的主人。

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