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歪头菜用英语怎么说 歪头菜的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-14 07:37:11
  • 133

歪头菜用英语怎么说 歪头菜的英语翻译

歪头菜用英语翻译为"Vicia ohwiana",还网络中常译为"rucola",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到43个与歪头菜相关的释义和例句。


1. Vicia ohwiana

2. rucola

3. Gastrochilus subpapillosus

4. Epilobium hirsutum


1. Vicia unijuga(歪头菜)

2. Vicia ohwiana( 头序歪头菜)

3. Gastrochilus subpapillosus(n. 歪头盆距兰)

4. Epilobium hirsutum( 柳叶菜;柳叶菜科柳叶菜)

5. rucola( 芝麻菜;蔴菜;芝麻菜沙拉)


1. And a boyar who came their ways

译文:路遇贵族 歪头的鞑靼人。

2. - There's a casserole in...


3. Smith, Lorelei... Lorelei... this is Smith

译文:史密斯 罗蕾菜 罗蕾菜 这是史密斯。

4. So Thai, italian, or should we just grab a couple steaks?

译文:那泰国菜 意大利菜 还是牛排。

5. And you can cook whatever you like.


6. The dish i ordered now is Folio Desate.


7. Morning, Dwight. Let me help you.

译文:早安 歪头 我来帮你。

8. What, Mexican, Chinese, burgers?

译文:墨西哥菜 中国菜 还是汉堡。

9. Dinner was very good. - Yeah.


10. How to tilt my head and Look at them...

译文:怎么歪头 和怎么看着男人...。

11. Muscle pain, gastric juice, high cholesterol, sore throat...

译文:肌肉酸痛得要命风湿骨痛 喉咙肿痛歪头缩颈。

12. We could go get Mexican food.


13. i had lentil soup, goulash...


14. - They have all kinds of dishes.

译文:- 什么菜都有。

15. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Dwight. i say when we pull the plug.

译文:歪头 这得由我来决定。

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