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通学用英语怎么说 通学的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-03 00:43:00
  • 120

通学用英语怎么说 通学的英语翻译

通学的英语可以这样说:attend a school by taking daily trips,在日常中也可以翻译为"  General Studies",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到15个与通学相关的译文和例句。


1. attend a school by taking daily trips

通学翻译为attend a school by taking daily trips。

Selective schools don't systematically employ better instructional approaches than less selective schools.


2.   General Studies

通学翻译为   General Studies。

The policy is to integrate children with special needs into ordinary schools.



1. general college(普通学院)

2. general studies(普通学科)

3. neurocommunications(神经信息交通学)

4. ordinary degree( 普通学位;普通成绩;普通学士学位)

5. pass student(〈英〉(成绩)普通学生)


Elphinstone College ( 埃尔芬斯通学院 )

regular school Normal school regular r school ( 普通学校 )

Ordinary degree Pass Degree General Degree Pass or Ordinary Degree ( 普通学位 )

Able Learner ( 精通学习者 )

Shandong Jiaotong University ( 山东交通学院 )

Jiaotong University Chiao Tung University NCTU ( 交通大学 )

general studies ( 普通学科 )

Keystone College ( 吉斯通学院 )


1. Penn State asked me, a communications teacher, to teach a communications class for engineering students.

译文:宾夕法尼亚州立大学让我这个教沟通学的老师 给工程系的学生上沟通学课。

2. Because Caleb is anything but average.


3. Nowhere. Not even a safety school?


4. if my son can go to public school, why can't yours?

译文:我儿子也只是读普通学校 有什么分别。

5. You finish your senior year, i take the GED.

译文:你完成高中学业 我搞定普通学历。

6. How does that compare to a normal school?


7. it's not that far to commute from Harigei to school. Oh...


8. - Fine, then i'll take my GED.

译文:好 那我也准备普通学历。

9. Are you, by any chance, - Bradley Stoner Frost, Jr.? - No.

译文:有时我好想把星星撕掉 做个普通学生。

10. - The GED is for quitters, not geniuses.

译文:普通学历是针对辍学者的 而不是天才。

11. Do you think i should apply to some safety schools?


12. My daughter was the top in a normal school, right?


13. - so he sent me to normal school, and he let me and my brother... - [Horn Blowing]

译文:所以送我进了普通学校 而且还让我和哥哥去看他工作。

14. So much so, that it was like an additional year of schooling for the average student.

译文:这种提高程度 相当于是普通学生 多了上一年的学。

15. The next song is dedicated to the guards in the provincial prison from their colleague

译文:省交通学校唐国标,单德慧,赵兴平 献给平遥柴油机厂技术科武端阳同志。

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