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emmys是什么意思 emmys的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:27:16
  • 71

emmys是什么意思 emmys的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. 她获得了三项艾美奖提名,真是太不可思议了。

Translation: She was nominated for three Emmy Awards, which is truly incredible.

2. 今年的艾美奖颁奖典礼将在下个月举行。

Translation: This year's Emmy Awards ceremony will be held next month.




例句:It has won 58 awards, including Golden Globes and Emmys. (荣获过58个奖项,其中包括金球奖和艾美奖。)


例句:Emmys. Once again, in a competition that's decided by insiders, the readers weighed in on the sartorial standoff. (在这样一场结果由内部人士决定的竞赛中,读者们只能凭小道消息自己猜度结局啦。)


例句:The Oscars, the Grammys, the Emmys, your company’s annual awards presentation…. (公司每年的奖项介绍有:奥斯卡,格莱美奖,艾美奖… )


例句:Emmys. Once again, in a competition that's decided by insiders, the readers weighed in on the sartorial standoff. (翻译:在这样一场结果由内部人士决定的竞赛中,读者们只能凭小道消息自己猜度结局啦。)


1. The Oscars, the Grammys, the Emmys, your company’s annual awards presentation…. (翻译:公司每年的奖项介绍有:奥斯卡,格莱美奖,艾美奖… )

2. Emmys. Once again, in a competition that's decided by insiders, the readers weighed in on the sartorial standoff. (翻译:在这样一场结果由内部人士决定的竞赛中,读者们只能凭小道消息自己猜度结局啦。)

3. It has won 58 awards, including Golden Globes and Emmys. (翻译:荣获过58个奖项,其中包括金球奖和艾美奖。)

4. She has also won all the top awards, including Grammys, Emmys, and Oscars. (翻译:她也赢过所有大奖,包括葛莱美奖、艾美奖及奥斯卡奖。)

5. The Emmys, the television industry's top awards ceremony has taken place in Los Angeles. (翻译:电视产业的顶级奖项的颁奖典礼艾美奖在洛杉矶举行。)

6. The Oscars, the Grammys, the Emmys, your company's annual awards presentation. (翻译:公司每年的奖项介绍有:奥斯卡,格莱美奖,艾美奖…)

7. Key Emmys also went to television movies and a mini-series based on real-life stories. (翻译:主要的艾美奖项还有最佳电视电影奖和基于真实故事拍摄的最佳迷你剧奖。)

8. Won two Emmys, broke Abu Ghraib... done jail time for not revealing sources. (翻译:得过两座艾美奖 战俘是我揭发的 我因为不肯透漏消息来源被抓去关)

9. "Ugly Betty" premiered in the US to 16 million viewers and was nominated for 11 Emmys in its first year. (翻译:《丑女贝蒂》在上映的第一年 仅在美国就有一千六百万次观看, 还在艾美奖获得了11项提名。)

10. The Emmys usually rotate among the four major broadcast networks. (翻译:艾美奖有美国四大广播电视网轮流做东举办。)

11. Temple Grandin, a biopic film about her early life, was this year's talk of the Emmys, roping a string of awards. (翻译:坦普格兰丁成为今年艾米奖的话题,因为以她早期生活为原型的纪传类电影获得了一连串的大奖。)

12. It has won 24 primetime Emmys and was renewed by Fox television earlier this year for two more seasons. (翻译:该动画片已经赢得24项黄金时段艾美奖,福克斯电视台还在今年早些时候推出了新的两季。)

1. 定义

'emmys'是指美国电视艺术与科学学院奖(The Emmy Awards),是一个全球知名的电视颁奖典礼。它旨在表彰电视行业的杰出表现和成就。

2. 来源与历史


3. 分类与评选


4. 影响与意义



1. The Emmys is a prestigious awards ceremony that recognizes outstanding achievements in television.

2. This year's Emmys featured several surprises and upsets, including unexpected wins for some underdog shows.

3. Winning an Emmy can be a career-defining moment for a television actor or creator.

4. The Emmy Awards has a long history of recognizing groundbreaking and innovative television programming.

5. Many people look forward to watching the Emmys every year to see which shows and performances will be honored.

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