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patchy是什么意思 patchy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:27:19
  • 176

patchy是什么意思 patchy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. The lawn looks patchy because it hasn't been watered properly.


2. The paint on the walls was patchy and needed to be redone.


3. The clouds were patchy and the sun kept peeking through.





例句:Turning now to weather, the forecast for the weekend... is bright and sunny with patchy early-morning clouds. (接下来报告气象,本周末... 清晨有云,但大致晴朗)


例句:Diagnosis: Sarcoidosis, with patchy lung involvement. (诊断:结节病,片状肺组织受累。)


例句:Patchy employment history. Joined Stephen on the island one year ago. (工作经验之后断掉,1年前来岛和哥哥一起工作。)


例句:David Flook INT0007 Foundation Maths Leo's attendance has been a bit patchy lately and this could be hurting his chances of doing well. (翻译:大卫弗勒克int0007根底数学狮子座的出勤曾经有点片状最近,这能够是损伤做好的时机。)


patchy一般作为形容词使用,如在patchy adhesion(片状粘连)、patchy amnesia([医] 空隙性遗忘)、patchy corrosion(点腐蚀)等常见短语中出现较多。

patchy adhesion片状粘连
patchy amnesia[医] 空隙性遗忘
patchy corrosion点腐蚀
patchy hide有斑疤的畜皮
patchy infiltration片状浸润
patchy[医] 絮影
patchy work七拼八凑的东西
patchy vesiculosquamous eczema斑块状水疱鳞屑性湿疹


1. Patchy employment history. Joined Stephen on the island one year ago. (翻译:工作经验之后断掉,1年前来岛和哥哥一起工作。)

2. David Flook INT0007 Foundation Maths Leo's attendance has been a bit patchy lately and this could be hurting his chances of doing well. (翻译:大卫弗勒克int0007根底数学狮子座的出勤曾经有点片状最近,这能够是损伤做好的时机。)

3. But not all heads are hairy, and, in fact, some of them grow increasingly patchy over time in response to bodily changes. (翻译:但是, 不是所有的头都是长满头发的, 实际上, 随着时间的推移, 有些人逐渐长出了斑状 这是对身体变化做出的反应。)

4. HALF a year since the Arabs began to shake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy. (翻译:半年来,自从人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。)

5. The best word to describe these forests of old is "patchy." (翻译:形容这些森林最好的一个词 就是“参差不齐”。)

6. In his office in Delhi, listening to Vivaldi, Mr Ramesh criticises "uneven, patchy" implementation of the scheme. (翻译:坐在德里的办公室里,听着维瓦尔第,拉梅什先生批评说这项福利项目的执行是“不公平、不全面”的。)

7. And since gambling is a state rather than a federal issue, any legalisation of online gambling is likely to be patchy. (翻译:自从更多的变成州营而不是联邦的事情的时候,任何在线的合法化都看起来不可调和。)

8. "Enforcement is still patchy but our office in Shanghai is having increasing success, " she said. (翻译:她说:“执行情况依旧有好有坏,们在上海的办事处在这方面日益取得进展。”)

9. Lateral groups of nephrons are affected more than central ones, leading to patchy atrophy with variable degrees of severity. (翻译:侧组肾单位受累较中心组为重,而导致严重程度不等的斑状萎缩。)

10. Quite a lot of us derive our patchy understanding of globalisation from such well-publicised high jinks. (翻译:我们中有很多人对全球化的理解都比较零碎,而且这种理解都来自于这种大肆宣扬且喧闹的活动之中。)

11. He was real big with, like, a... patchy beard and crazy bug eyes. (翻译:他块头很大 而且 胡子乱糟糟 眼神疯疯癫癫)

12. When plankton concentrations become patchy, manta rays feed alone and they somersault themselves backwards again and again, very much like a puppy chasing its own tail. (翻译:当这些浮游生物比较分散时, 魔鬼鱼一般单独捕食, 它们在水里不停的向后翻滚, 就像小狗追着自己的尾巴。)

13. The CT manifestations of spinal tuberculosis were: mottling, patchy, caved or faveolate bone destructions. (翻译:脊柱结核的 CT 表现为:斑片、斑点状、洞穴状或蜂窝状骨质。)

14. The focus in long bone appears patchy geographic type, the courser of its long axis was coherent with the stress bone trabecula; (翻译:在长骨灶病呈长斑片地图样,其长轴大体与应力骨小梁走行相一致;)

15. Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame. (翻译:浓重的分布不均的雾和不负责任的驾驶应受到责难。)





词组搭配:有时候patchy可以和一些词组搭配,例如:"patchy memory"(不完整的记忆)和 "patchy fog"(雾霾不均匀)

短语:a patchy job(不完美的工作)



1. The painting was patchy, with some areas looking great while others seemed unfinished.(这幅画有点不完整,有些地方看起来很棒,而其他地方似乎还没完成。)

2. The weather forecast warned of patchy fog in the area for the rest of the week.(天气预报警告说这一周区域内将有雾霾不均匀分布。)

3. Her memory was patchy but she still remembered the important details.(她的记忆不完整,但她仍然记得重要的细节。)

4. He had a patchy attendance record, often missing cl without explanation.(他的出勤记录不一定,经常没有解释地缺课。)

5. The singer's performance was patchy, with some songs sounding amazing and others falling flat.(歌手的表演有点不太尽如人意,有些歌曲听起来很棒,但其他歌曲没那么好听。)

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