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ptsd是什么意思 ptsd的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:27:29
  • 47

ptsd是什么意思 ptsd的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

PTSD是缩写词,指的是创伤后应激障碍(Post-traumatic stress disorder)。它是一种精神障碍,是因为遭受过创伤件(如战争、、事故、自然灾害等)而引起的长期应激反应和恐惧情绪。一些症状包括:梦魇、回忆、易怒、失眠等。




1. Many war veterans suffer from PTSD after returning home.


2. People who experience traumatic events such as car accidents or natural disasters may develop PTSD.





例句:Now, like any training, the best PTSD treatments require repetition. (就像任何训练一样, 最佳的PTSD治疗方案也需要被反复进行。)


例句:The prognosis of PTSD differs from individual to individual. (PTSD的预后因人而异。)


例句:Until recently, the science of PTSD just wasn't there. (不久前,关于PTSD的研究 都还不够完善。)


例句:I do not think that canine PTSD is the same as human PTSD. (翻译:我不认为犬类的【创伤后症候群】 跟人类的是一回事。)


ptsd一般作为名词使用,如在PTSD(abbr. 创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder))等常见短语中出现较多。

PTSDabbr. 创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder)


1. Until recently, the science of PTSD just wasn't there. (翻译:不久前,关于PTSD的研究 都还不够完善。)

2. I do not think that canine PTSD is the same as human PTSD. (翻译:我不认为犬类的【创伤后症候群】 跟人类的是一回事。)

3. Depression and PTSD are chronic, often lifelong, clinical diseases. (翻译:抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍都属于慢性, 甚至是终身的临床病 )

4. But I also do not think that my PTSD is like your PTSD, or that my anxiety or that my sadness is like yours. (翻译:同样不认为 我的【创伤症候群】和你的一样, 或我的焦虑和悲伤跟你的一样。)

5. For these men, Poulin said, chronic stress is probably a bigger concern than PTSD. (翻译:保林说,对这些人来说,长期的压力或许比创伤后应激障碍更重要。)

6. For someone with PTSD, that memory activates the same neurochemical cascade as the original event. (翻译:对于创伤后压力综合征患者来说, 这个记忆激活了相同的神经化学反应, 就跟一开始受到的创伤一样。)

7. However, when you add MDMA, the results more than double, to 56 percent no longer having PTSD. (翻译:然而,当你加入MDMA时, 结果翻倍,56%的人摆脱了PTSD。)

8. Many returning soldiers suffer from PTSD and are not diagnosed. (翻译:很多退伍都患有创伤后精神紧张性 障碍症候群,却没有被诊断出来)

9. And in that moment, I realized that MDMA could be very effective for treating PTSD. (翻译:在那一刻, 我意识到MDMA对治疗 PTSD可能非常有效。)

10. The psychs tagged him with PTSD, but they didn't discharge him. (翻译:该psychs标记他患有PTSD, 但他们并没有释放他。)

11. Paula Schnurr: The first thing is that, not all soldiers have PTSD. (翻译:宝拉·施努尔:首先,并不是所有的士兵都患有创伤后应激障碍。)

12. And it allowed me to put 23 years of PTSD and TBI stuff together in one place that has never happened before. (翻译:它能够把我23年的PTSD 和TBI抛之脑后, 从来没有过。)

13. Powers said they sidelined Gibson because he was suffering from PTSD. (翻译:Powers说他们撤下了Gibson Powers said they sidelined Gibson 因为他得了创伤后应激障碍症 because he was suffering from PTSD.)

14. - There are two types of PTSD. (翻译:- 幻觉 - 创伤后精神紧张性障碍有两种 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000})

15. When problems last more than a month, PTSD is often diagnosed. (翻译:当这些问题持续长达一个月, 创伤后压力综合征就经常可以被确诊了。)

1. 定义:PTSD是Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder的缩写,即创伤后应激障碍。它是一种由于创伤体验导致的精神疾病,通常表现为持续的恐惧、回忆和焦虑等症状。

2. 症状:PTSD的症状包括闪回、噩梦、恐惧、愤怒、失眠、回避性行为和情感麻木等。

3. 原因:PTSD的原因通常为遭受创伤件,如战争、、暴力事件等。

4. 治疗:治疗PTSD通常包括心理治疗、药物治疗和曝露疗法等。

5. 预防:预防PTSD的最佳方法是在遭受创伤件后及时寻求治疗和支持。


1. My friend is suffering from PTSD after being deployed to Iraq.


2. The symptoms of PTSD can vary, but they often include nightmares and flashbacks.


3. Many veterans live with PTSD long after returning from the battlefield.


4. Therapy and medication can help alleviate the symptoms of PTSD.


5. Seeking help and support can be key to preventing and treating PTSD.


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