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fuji是什么意思 fuji的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:27:38
  • 140

fuji是什么意思 fuji的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


读音:fú jì


1. Mount Fuji is a famous symbol of Japan.(山是日本著名的标志性建筑。)

2. Fujifilm is known for producing high-quality cameras and film.(胶片以生产高质量的相机和胶片而闻名。)




例句:Mount Fuji seen from an airplane above Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture. (在静冈县御殿场市5000米上的高空眺望山。)


例句:John Michealgusto comes to Fuji every year to help marine biologists like marine's world read records (约翰 米歇尔每年来斐济帮助海洋生物学家 像美里西那样)


例句:Toya Fuji, a college student is dating a rising idol singer named Yuki Morikawa. (爷,大学生和崛起的偶像歌手命名雪森川约会。)


例句:The company was established with the January 2001, Acting Fuji, Casio digital cameras. (翻译:本公司成立与2001年元月,目前、卡西欧数码相机。)


1. Toya Fuji, a college student is dating a rising idol singer named Yuki Morikawa. (翻译:爷,大学生和崛起的偶像歌手命名雪森川约会。)

2. The company was established with the January 2001, Acting Fuji, Casio digital cameras. (翻译:本公司成立与2001年元月,目前、卡西欧数码相机。)

3. If you look down from Mount Fuji, the forest looks like an ocean. (翻译:如果你从山上向下看 这森林就像一片海洋)

4. In fuji, it was raining all day long, that we could not drive. (翻译:在山比赛当天整天都下着雨 我们无法参加比赛)

5. The activity of POD in Qinguan is 195% of Fuji and the activity of PAL in Qinguan is 209% of Fuji in Apple Leaf Brown Spot. (翻译:在褐斑病中,秦冠的POD活性是的195%,秦冠的PAL活性是的209%。POD、PAL活性是影响秦冠和抗病性的重要生理因素之一。)

6. Organic fertilizer application patterns in Fuji apple orchard on Weibei Plateau in 1999-2002 were studied. (翻译:于1999 - 2002年对渭北旱原红苹果园不同水分条件有机肥施用模式进行了研究。)

7. One of the girls sold 20 contracts for Fuji Bank instead of buying. (翻译:有一女职员为银行 买入二十手,却误沽货了)

8. An unprecedented number of unsold cars in Japan have forced Toyota to stockpile them in the parking lots of Fuji Speedway. (翻译:日本未售出的汽车数量达到前所未有的水平,迫使丰田汽车在高速公路停车场大量囤积。)

9. The other day, he made a special trip from Japan all Fuji Xerox will Beijing media communication. (翻译:日前,他专程从日本赶来参加施乐北京媒体沟通会。)

10. A study on metaxenia roles in trait expression of 2001 Fuji apple fruit (翻译:2001苹果果实若干性状的花粉直感规律研究)

11. There were some very serious fruit peel rusts of Fuji apple miniascape in its production. (翻译:在红苹果盆景的生产过程中,存在果锈发生严重的问题。)

12. Hakone scenic area that together with Fuji belongs to Izu Park. The volcano's wonders appeared prominently before our eyes. (翻译:个把钟头后,便到了与同属伊豆公园的著名箱根风景区,活火山的奇观首先呈现在眼前。)

13. Fuji film company in recent years on the pS version, this improved version known as the Super-leading V pS Series pS Edition of the "VG" . (翻译:日本胶片公司近几年来对普通pS版进行了重大改进,把这种改进型pS版称为超前V系列pS版《VG》。)

14. Hisa: So, just one example is on the summit of Mt. Fuji. Yes, it's a shame. (翻译:举个例子,在山顶也货机,真是遗憾。)

15. Intermittent heavy rain has been forecast here at Fuji today, along with strong winds and occasional fog rolling in from the mountain. (翻译:预报会有间歇性的大雨 今天在赛道 有强风和偶发的雾气从山区涌进)



1. 意义:'fuji'可以指山(Mt. Fuji),也可以是照相机(Fujifilm)的缩写。

- "I want to climb Mt. Fuji next summer."(我想明年夏天爬山。)

- "I love taking photos with my Fuji camera."(我喜欢用相机拍照。)

2. 品牌:'Fuji'是日本的品牌,代表着高质量和可靠性,例如电梯(Fuji Elevator)和重工业(Fuji Heavy Industries)。

- "The Fuji elevator in our building is very smooth and fast."(我们建筑的电梯非常流畅快速。)

- "My car is made by Fuji Heavy Industries and I am very satisfied with its performance."(我的车是重工业制造的,我非常满意它的性能。)

3. 文化:'fuji'是一个传统的日本元素,代表着日本的自然美和文化底蕴。

- "The view of Mt. Fuji from the shinkansen is breathtaking."(从新干线上看到山的景象令人惊叹。)

- "When I visited Japan, I learned about the cultural significance of Mt. Fuji."(当我参观日本时,我了解了山的文化意义。)


- "I am so excited to see Mt. Fuji up close on my hike."(我很兴奋,想在徒步旅行中近距离看到山。)

- "I need to buy some Fujifilm for my camera."(我需要为我的相机买点胶卷。)

- "I heard that the new Fuji laptop is very lightweight and easy to use."(我听说新的笔记本电脑非常轻便易用。)

- "I love the aesthetic of traditional Japanese art, like the famous Hokusai painting of Mt. Fuji."(我喜欢传统日本艺术的美学,比如著名的北斎画山。)

- "The Fuji Xerox printer in our office is always reliable and produces high-quality prints."(我们办公室的施乐打印机总是可靠,输出的印刷品质量高。)

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