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pesata是什么意思 pesata的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:27:56
  • 81

pesata是什么意思 pesata的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. Ho bisogno di pesare la farina con la pesata. (意大利语)


2. Comprei uma pesata de bananas hoje. (葡萄牙语)





例句:The British "underestimated the capacity of the EPP and the PES to make their deal stick, " says one diplomat. (英国“低估了欧洲社会党和欧洲党私定协议的能力”,一外交官如是说。)


1. Pes cavus deformity is complex, any procedure can not correct all the deformities. (翻译:高弓内翻足为复合畸形,任何单一的手术都不能很好的改善所有症状。)

2. Synthesis and characterization of a series of Polysulfone (PSF)-Polyesters (PEs) block copolymers were undertaken. (翻译:本文合成了一系列聚砜— 聚酯类嵌段共聚物。)

3. PES may be the underdog - but it has been a champion before, and you can never write a champion off. (翻译:PES可能是牺牲者-但是它以前已经是一个冠军,而且你不能注销一个冠军。)

4. But for PES to move forwards and stem the flow of FIFA converts, reconnection with its fanbase is vital. (翻译:但对于PES的前锋和移动干的国际足联流转换,其球迷成分重联是至关重要的。)

5. However, comparison of SES with PES in diabetic patients has not been sufficiently evaluated. (翻译:然而,SES和PES在糖尿病人中还没有进行有效地估计。)

6. Yet in early October, the EPP and PES agreed to divide the two top jobs between them, with the centre-right getting the president's post. (翻译:然而在10月份早期,欧洲社会党和欧洲党达成一致协议:将两个职位分开,中获得总统职位。)

7. The resulting compressed elementary streams are packetized to produce PES packets. (翻译:然后将压缩的主要流打包生成PES包。)

8. Synthesis and characterization of a series of Polysulfone (PSF) -polyesters (PEs) block copolymers were undertaken. (翻译:本文合成了一系列聚砜—聚酯类嵌段共聚物。)

9. In addition, 15 cadavers knee-joint were anatomized. The distances between the IPBSN and the upper edge of the pes anserinus tendon were measured. (翻译:解剖15具尸体的膝关节,测量其隐神经髌下支与鹅足腱上缘的距离。)

10. Work by Rodrigo Arriagada of North Carolina State University and his colleagues suggests that the PES scheme was responsible for only 10% of the reduced deforestation on farms that took part. (翻译:北卡罗莱纳州立大学的Rodrigo Arriagada和他的同事认为生态系统付费方案对有效减少10%的农场里部分森林退化做出了贡献。)

11. That and the Cacate florae acicularae — that's the one he put on my old owner. (翻译:咒语pes petrat和咒语Cacate florae acicularae,后者是他用在我旧主人身上的咒语。)

12. The distances between the IPBSN and the upper edge of the pes anserinus tendon were measured. (翻译:测量了 IPBSN 与鹅足肌腱上缘的距离。)

13. For PES 2009, Konami is already planning a raft of extensive new additions that will further bridge the gap between PES and the real thing. (翻译:为聚醚砜,到2009年,柯纳米已规划一系列广泛的新的补充,这将进一步大桥之间的差距,聚醚砜和实际的事。)

14. The deal was done at a small meeting of PES leaders. (翻译:该协定在欧洲社会党举行的小型会议中完成。)

15. I left the play test with a quiet confidence about PES2010. (翻译:我离开了一个有关PES2010安静的信心playtest。)

1. 词义及背景:'pesata'是一个缩写词,来源于意大利语中的'peso argentino',意为'阿根廷比索'。它通常用于表示阿根廷的货币单位,也可作为'ARS'的替代词出现。

2. 句法用法:'pesata'通常作为名词使用,表示货币单位。在英语中,可以使用'peso'作为阿根廷货币的表示。

3. 同义词:'peso'是'pesata'的同义词,也可作为阿根廷货币的表示。另外,还可以使用'Argentine peso'作为'pesata'的替代词。

4. 实际用途:'pesata'使用较少,通常只在意大利语中出现。在英语中,可以直接使用'Argentine peso'或简称'peso'表示阿根廷货币。


1. 我们需要支付2000阿根廷比索。We need to pay 2000 Argentine pesos.

2. 上次旅游时我花了200美元换阿根廷比索。Last time I traveled, I exchanged 200 US dollars for Argentine pesos.

3. 这个饭店的价目表上,所有的价格都用阿根廷比索表示。All prices on the menu of this restaurant are shown in Argentine pesos.

4. 去阿根廷旅游时,你需要带足够的阿根廷比索。When traveling to Argentina, you need to bring enough Argentine pesos.

5. 我去年在布宜诺斯艾利斯买的纪念品只花了100阿根廷比索。The souvenir I bought in Buenos Aires last year only cost me 100 Argentine pesos.

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