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vijay是什么意思 vijay的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:28:00
  • 106

vijay是什么意思 vijay的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





1. Vijay is a common name in India. (Vijay是印度一个常见的名字。)

2. The team celebrated its vijay in the football tournament.(这个队在足球比赛中获得胜利后庆祝。)




例句:Vijay Singh says the course will not play as long as the yardage indicates. (维杰-辛格说这个洞虽然码数长,但不需要打很多杆。)


例句:And that they're going to Benihana and then prom and then Vijay's parents' cabin. (他们会先去红花铁板烧吃饭 然后去舞会 最后去VJ父母的小木屋)


例句:Vijay Pura is cross-hatched with hard-packed roads built by people on the act's payroll. (维杰。普拉位于几条硬化路的交叉点上,这些路是就业保证法案覆盖到的雇员修建的。)


例句:Um, a bunch of us from the team are going to go to Benihana and then go to the prom and then go to Vijay's parents' cabin, so... (翻译:我们队里的一些人 打算先去红花铁板烧 然后去舞会 最后去V.)


vijay一般作为名词使用,如在Vijay Pillai(维贾伊)、vijay singh([网络] 维杰辛;维杰-辛格;斐济维杰辛)等常见短语中出现较多。

Vijay Pillai维贾伊
vijay singh[网络] 维杰辛;维杰-辛格;斐济维杰辛


1. Vijay Pura is cross-hatched with hard-packed roads built by people on the act's payroll. (翻译:维杰。普拉位于几条硬化路的交叉点上,这些路是就业保证法案覆盖到的雇员修建的。)

2. Um, a bunch of us from the team are going to go to Benihana and then go to the prom and then go to Vijay's parents' cabin, so... (翻译:我们队里的一些人 打算先去红花铁板烧 然后去舞会 最后去V.)

3. Brisk business expected The head of the All India Rice Exporters Association, Vijay Setia, says business will be brisk in the coming months. (翻译:全印大米出口商协会赛蒂亚说,未来几个月的生意将非常红火。)

4. The country also fields its own team, Force India, owned by liquor and airline magnate Vijay Mallya. (翻译:该国还拥有自己的队伍,印度力量车队,由酒和航空公司巨头维贾伊·马尔雅拥有。)

5. well said vijay. we are a herd of sheep and our shepherds are pimps! ! ! why these guys are getting paranoid ? ? (翻译:说的好!我们都是羊,那群狗官都是帮拉的!!!这帮人为什么开始多疑了呢?)

6. From the village of Vijay Pura in the Indian state of Rajasthan, the global financial crisis seems remote. (翻译:对于印度拉贾斯坦邦维杰。普拉村来说,全球性金融危机似乎很遥远。)

7. Two Ajay and Vijay; Two Karan and Arjun. (翻译:有两个Ajay和Vijay,两个卡然和阿俊.)

8. Play pro golfers like Sergio Garcia, Vijay Singh, Jim Furyk, Camilo Villegas and Justin Rose in 3 varied locations around the world: Fiji Island, American Mountains and English countryside. (翻译:发挥职业选手一样加西亚,辛格,福瑞克,卡米洛·维莱加斯和贾斯廷·罗斯在3不同世界各地:斐济岛,美国的山脉和英国乡村。)

9. The best known sport person from Fiji at the moment is golfer Vijay Singh. (翻译:斐济当今最著名的体育明星是高尔夫选手VijaySingh。)

10. That will be disruptive, says Vijay Vaitheeswaran (interviewed here), but also hugely beneficial to patients. (翻译:Vijay Vaitheeswaran说,它将引起一场混乱,但也会为患者带来巨大的好处。)

1. 意释:'vijay'通常是一个名字,来自印度语,意为“胜利者”。

2. 人名解释:'vijay'是一个常见的印度名字。例如,印度演员Vijay Deverakonda就以此为名,他在印度电影界非常知名。

例句:Vijay Deverakonda is one of the most popular actors in the Indian film industry.(Vijay Deverakonda是印度电影界最受欢迎的演员之一。)

3. 缩写词解释:'VIJAY'也可以是一个缩写词,具体含义视上下文而定。在印度中,'VIJAY'代表的是“胜利”,是一种战斗口号。

例句:The soldiers chanted 'VIJAY' as they stormed the enemy lines.(士兵们在冲锋时高喊“胜利”。)

4. 地名解释:'Vijay'也可以是一种地名,在印度、尼泊尔和斯里兰卡等国家都有涉及。

例句:Vijayawada is a city in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.(Vijayawada是印度南部安得拉邦的一个城市。)

5. 其他用法:'vijay'可以用于命名一些产品、活动等,通常用于表达“胜利、成功”的含义。

例句:The company launched a new product line named 'Vijay' to celebrate its recent success.(公司推出了一个名为“Vijay”的新产品线,以庆祝最近的成功。)

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