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ringleader是什么意思 ringleader的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:28:14
  • 135

ringleader是什么意思 ringleader的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


ringleader的读音为 [ˈrɪŋl.idər]。


1. The police finally caught the ringleader of the gang.


2. She was the ringleader of the schoolyard bullies.





例句:Comrade Dzerzhinsky used to say that the ringleader... must be eliminated. (捷尔任斯基同志曾说过,首恶 必须被消灭。)


例句:Samuel Adams was widely considered to be the ringleader of the demonstration. (人们普遍认为是塞缪尔·亚当斯策划了这次活动。)


例句:The famous I Spy Circus has a ringleader and a clown but nothing for them to do. (在著名的《视觉大发现系列之:马戏团》中,有一个头目和一个小丑,但是他们什么都不用做。)


例句:Koepke, set the times a movie you have made during the demonstration, make us the ringleader can look at it. (翻译:科普柯,把你在上拍的录像资料播放一下 让我们好好看清楚那几个肇事头子)


1. The famous I Spy Circus has a ringleader and a clown but nothing for them to do. (翻译:在著名的《视觉大发现系列之:马戏团》中,有一个头目和一个小丑,但是他们什么都不用做。)

2. Koepke, set the times a movie you have made during the demonstration, make us the ringleader can look at it. (翻译:科普柯,把你在上拍的录像资料播放一下 让我们好好看清楚那几个肇事头子)

3. The ringleader's a Homicide boss (翻译:主谋是凶杀组的上司 他说你是凶手,你就是)

4. This man, Farroukh Erdogan, of Turkish origin, is rumored to be the ringleader of the group responsible for the Borough bombing. (翻译:这个人,富瑞克埃多耿,土耳其出生,被传言是 组职头目 负责本行政区爆破)

5. The last guy, maybe the ringleader-- That was Harvey's department. (翻译:最后一个家伙可能是元兄 是哈维带人去抓的)

6. The ringleader of an embezzler group shall be punished according to the total amount of money the group has embezzled; (翻译:对贪集团的首要分子,按照集团贪的总数额处罚;)

7. So we run all the security footage through facial recognition software, and when we find the man that visited all four banks before the robberies, we find our ringleader. (翻译:所以只要用面部识别软件 检查所有的监控录像 只要找到在劫案发生前光顾过 这四家银行的人 肯定就是那个头目)

8. Brad weiss, he was the ringleader, (翻译:叫布拉德・维斯 他是首领 Brad Weiss, he was the ringleader,)

9. And the potential reward is huge if Google has its way as the ringleader of the complete transition to our digital lives on the web. (翻译:假如Google能够成为彻底转变我们网络数字生活的主导者,那么其潜在的回报将是巨大的。)

10. Natasha's mother convinced the ringleader to let Natasha train to be a tiger trainer. (翻译:娜塔莎的妈妈说服马戏团团长训练娜塔莎成为一名老虎驯兽师。)

11. You, as the community manager, are their ringleader. (翻译:作为社区管理者的您同时也是社区的领导者。)

12. You have seen the proof that the woman before you was the ringleader of a criminal organization called northern lights. (翻译:你们已经看过证据了 证明 你们面前这个女人 是北极光犯罪组织的头目)

13. You know, Helen's boy, Lenny, he was-- he was the ringleader. (翻译:你知道吗 海伦的儿子 伦尼... 他是主犯 他供认不讳)

14. The ringleader of the cult, the man they follow, is from Galilee. (翻译:这帮狂徒的首领 他们所追随的那个人 The ringleader of the cult, the man they follow, 来自加利利 is from Galilee.)

15. Commissioner Hou, with this thing is the other ringleader, Big Stick even qualified to be No. 1? (翻译:侯专员,就凭 这家伙 别的山头许大马棒这伙)



1. 词汇含义:


2. 用法:


3. 同义词:

类似的词汇包括:leader、chief、head、captain、boss、mastermind、instigator 等。

4. 例句:

1. The ringleader of the gang was arrested last night for robbery.


2. The ringleader of the terrorist group was killed in a military operation.


3. The ringleader of the school bullies was suspended for his actions.


4. The ringleader of the pickpocketing gang was caught by the police.


5. The ringleader of the protest march addressed the crowd with an impassioned speech.


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