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pieces是什么意思 pieces的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-26 15:27:01
  • 2028

pieces是什么意思 pieces的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. She broke the vase into many pieces. (她把花瓶打碎成了很多碎片。)

2. The puzzle is missing a few pieces. (这个拼图缺了几块。)

3. He tore the letter into tiny pieces. (他把信撕成小碎片。)




例句:Well, sometimes only half of the little pieces find their way through. (sometimes only half of the little pieces find their way through.)


例句:You only ever see tiny pieces of the puzzle. (你只是看到整个谜团中的一小块 You only ever see tiny pieces of the puzzle.)


例句:We can still make the pieces. We can make the right pieces. (我们都可以做出这些零件,一模一样的零件,)


pieces一般作为名词使用,如在in pieces(破碎的, 损坏的)、to pieces(成碎片地, 成组件地;非常, 极度, 十分)、distance pieces([机] 间隔件)等常见短语中出现较多。

in pieces破碎的, 损坏的
to pieces成碎片地, 成组件地;非常, 极度, 十分
distance pieces[机] 间隔件
end pieces[网络] 罐盖和罐底;尾声;附录
fall to pieces跌碎
falling to pieces[网络] 分崩离析;心碎肠断
falls to pieces破碎,倒塌
fantasy pieces幻想小曲,幻想小品
fell to pieces破碎


1. We can still make the pieces. We can make the right pieces. (翻译:我们都可以做出这些零件,一模一样的零件,)

2. Like, give 20 pieces again (翻译:give 20 pieces again)

3. We can still make the pieces. We can make the right pieces. (翻译:我们都可以做出这些零件,一模一样的零件, )

4. I kicked him all to pieces. (翻译:我把他踢得稀烂. I kicked him all to pieces.)

5. You can break a second down to 100 pieces. (翻译:如果你把一秒分成100份 You can break a second down to 100 pieces.)

6. You need to do two pieces of wood! (翻译:你得钉两层木头 一层的不够牢 You need to do two pieces of wood!)

7. I will cut you into several pieces and parcel it. (翻译:我会把你切成碎片然后再拼回去 I will cut you into several pieces and ,parcel it.)

8. Where are the five gold pieces? (翻译:那五枚金币在哪儿? Where are the five gold pieces?)

9. I take all the little pieces and I put the pieces together like a puzzle. (翻译:我会收集所有的部件,而后像拼图一样将其拼起来 )

10. Well, uh, technically, we have them saying everything in bits and pieces. (翻译:we have them saying everything 他们说的七零八碎的台词 {\3cH202020}in bits and pieces.)

11. His body was ripped to pieces. (翻译:他的尸体被磨成碎块 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}His body was ripped to pieces.)

12. Sit and watch television while all our underclothes fall to pieces. (翻译:坐着看电视 让全家内衣变破布 Sit and watch television while all our underclothes fall to pieces.)

13. We can be bought for a few pieces of gold. (翻译:我们几个金币就可以买来 We can be bought for a few pieces of gold.)

14. Pieces of his flesh had been bitten off. (翻译:浑身上下血肉模糊 Pieces of his flesh had been bitten off.)

15. I am mad, I will smash you to pieces, into little bitsy pieces. (翻译:我疯了,我要把你打成碎片,很小很小的碎片。)






1. in pieces:成为碎片,崩溃

2. break something into pieces:把某物分成若分

3. pick up the pieces:重新开始,恢复过去的状态

4. fall to pieces:崩溃,破碎

5. tear something to pieces:彻底批评或批判某人或某事物

6. a piece of cake:轻而易举

7. a piece of advice:一条建议

短语: in pieces, tear something to pieces, fall to pieces, a piece of cake, a piece of advice



1. The vase shattered into hundreds of pieces when it fell on the ground. (花瓶掉在地上时破碎成了数百个碎片。)

2. The teacher broke the complex problem into several pieces to help students better understand it. (老师把复杂的问题分成若分,帮助学生更好地理解。)

3. After the accident, it took Jane a long time to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. (事故之后,简花了很长时间来重新开始生活。)

4. His world fell to pieces when he lost his job and his wife left him. (当他失去工作和妻子离开他时,他的世界瓦解了。)

5. The critics tore the new movie to pieces, calling it the worst film of the year. (评论家们彻底批评了这部新电影,称它为年度最差的电影。)

6. Don't worry about the exam, it's a piece of cake for you. (不要担心考试,对你来说很容易。)

7. My grandfather gave me a piece of advice on how to succeed in life. (我的爷爷给了我一条关于如何在人生中取得成功的建议。)

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