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incisions是什么意思 incisions的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-24 07:26:35
  • 250

incisions是什么意思 incisions的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





1. The doctor made two small incisions in my lower abdomen.


2. The surgeon used a scalpel to make a long incision along the patient's spine.





例句:The entire procedure may be completed through the cannulas or by lengthening one of the small cannula incisions. (全部手术可以完全利用套管进行或者需要扩大其中一个套管的切口。)


例句:There is a lifetime of incisions to be learned here. (在这里你要学一辈子才能做到有好的切肉技术。)


例句:Anus and mouth and from A to B and from B to C ... Connecting the grafts incisions of the jaw (把从A到B到C的合嘴相连接 前者的物通过后面的嘴 再由最后面的那个排出...)


incisions一般作为名词使用,如在interlobular incisions([昆] 叶间切)、surgical incisions(手术切口)等常见短语中出现较多。

interlobular incisions[昆] 叶间切
surgical incisions手术切口


1. Anus and mouth and from A to B and from B to C ... Connecting the grafts incisions of the jaw (翻译:把从A到B到C的合嘴相连接 前者的物通过后面的嘴 再由最后面的那个排出...)

2. But there is a trade-off, because these incisions are created with a long, pointed device called a trocar. (翻译:但是同时这个仪器也带来了一些不好的, 因为切口是由一个 长并且尖的 叫做套管针的仪器切出来的。)

3. So let's start with our incisions and where we're going to make these, on either side of the patellar tendon. (翻译:我们先从这些切口开始, 它们的位置在膝盖肌腱的两侧, )

4. Objective To introduce experience of application of right subaxillary and infrasternal small incisions to intracardiac operation under direct vision. (翻译:目的介绍右腋下和骨下段小切口在心内直观手术中的应用体会。)

5. The laser pulse is then focused into a surgical-quality beam capable of executing the most precise incisions. (翻译:镭射脉博集中 为一道手术用的光线 以进行微细、准确的手术)

6. Infection of the incisions or to the spine is rare, but can occur. (翻译:手术切口和脊柱的感染非常罕见,但也不排出发生的可能。)

7. He was going to remove my appendix through these tiny incisions, and he was talking about what I could expect for the recovery, and what was going to happen. (翻译:他准备从那些小的切口中移除我的阑尾, 他告诉我将来的康复情况 以及可能发生的后果。)

8. The question had to be asked, "Well, can we do these same surgeries but through little incisions?" (翻译:所以必须问这样一个问题: “我们能否用小的切口 做同样的手术? )

9. Infection of the incisions or to the spine is rare, but can occur. (翻译:手术切口和脊柱的感染非常罕见,但也不排出发生的可能。)

10. Results All the 11 anastomotic stomas healed by first intention with 2 incisions infected. (翻译:结果11例手术吻合口全部一期愈合,2例切口感染。)

11. Her incisions look fine. She's tolerating a normal diet. (翻译:手术切口愈合得很好 现在她也可以正常进食了)

12. Small incisions with a fine instrument. (翻译:精细... ...伤口要... ...精细,工具要...)

13. We'll attach sutures to both ends of Lee's esophagus, threading them out through incisions in his back. (翻译:我们会缝合食道两端 在他的后背用线连接切口)

14. The entire procedure may be completed through the cannulas or by lengthening one of the small cannula incisions. (翻译:全部手术可以完全利用套管进行或者需要扩大其中一个套管的切口。)

15. Anatomic study of two different duramater incisions in petroclival endoscopic surgery (翻译:经乳突内窥镜下处理岩斜坡区病变两种硬脑膜切口的应用解剖)





词组搭配:make incisions(切口)、small incisions(小切口)、surgical incisions(手术切口)




1. The surgeon made several incisions in the patient's abdomen to remove the tumor.(外科医生在病人的腹部做了几个切口来摘除肿瘤。)

2. The incisions on the tree trunk suggested that it had been attacked by a wood.(树干上的割痕表明它被啄子攻击过。)

3. The laparoscopic surgery only requires small incisions, which reduces the recovery time.(腹腔镜手术只需要小切口,减少了恢复时间。)

4. The incisions on the stone tablet were so precise that they must have been made using a sharp tool.(石碑上的切口如此精确,肯定是用利器刻成的。)

5. The doctor instructed the patient to keep the incisions clean and dry to prevent infection.(医生指示病人要保持切口清洁干燥,以防感染。)

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