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duh是什么意思 duh的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-23 08:05:32
  • 657

duh是什么意思 duh的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. A: Are you sure we need to bring an umbrella?

B: Duh! It's raining outside.

A: 你确定我们需要带雨伞吗?

B: 哎呀,当然啦!外面下雨了。

2. Duh, of course I knew that already.





例句:Ah Duh Lee's narration at the radio station on EP03 (并借此学会如何奋斗及抵抗 因此使他在暴风雨中)


例句:If some of you are looking at this tip and thinking, DUH! , then you are ahead of the curve. (如果你们中的某些人正在看这条秘籍会想,切,那么你们已高出平均水平。)


例句:♪ Dum-dum, de-de-dum-dum, duh- de-um-dum, dum-dum-dum-dum-dum ♪ (达姆,去脱达姆,咄 - DE -UM -达姆,达姆)


例句:You will need a blender — duh — and some ice. (翻译:你需要一台搅拌器——噢——还要些冰块。)


duh一般作为名词使用,如在no duh([网络] 没有呃)、duh factor([网络] 二重因子)、duh factors([网络] 呃因素)等常见短语中出现较多。

no duh[网络] 没有呃
duh factor[网络] 二重因子
duh factors[网络] 呃因素


1. ♪ Dum-dum, de-de-dum-dum, duh- de-um-dum, dum-dum-dum-dum-dum ♪ (翻译:达姆,去脱达姆,咄 - DE -UM -达姆,达姆)

2. You will need a blender — duh — and some ice. (翻译:你需要一台搅拌器——噢——还要些冰块。)

3. You may be saying, “Well, duh. (翻译:也许你会说,“额,好了。)

4. Duh. Of course she's gonna go with Joaquin. And did you see that mustache? (翻译:当然啦,她一定会选Joaquin,看看那个胡子吧)

5. Well, I guess I missed that half (翻译:-nuh, duh -nuh ~ ~ Duh)

6. You forgot the lesson about vervain. She takes a vampire venom, duh! (翻译:你忘了马鞭草的教训了 她对吸血鬼有免疫 )

7. Luckily, my son pulled me to safety with his trekking pole. Am I better off now than I was when I was sliding toward the abyss? Duh! (翻译:幸运的是,我儿子用他的登山杖拉住了我,我才得以脱险。和滑向深渊时相比,我现在的境况好些了吗?这还用说!)

8. And finally I realized, duh, you love the girl, marry her. (翻译:最后我才明白,如果你喜欢这个女孩,就跟她结婚)

9. My super cool cast, duh. So listen, two years ago, I was Suicide Girl, and I would complain about it all the time in my blog. (翻译:duh. 我无时不刻都在我的博客里面抱怨 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}and I would complain about it all the time in my blog.)

10. No duh. My dad won't let me get earrings, and I'm 14. (翻译:是啊 我都14岁了 我爸爸还不让我戴耳环)

11. Duh, he's dealing drugs just like I told you he was. (翻译:咄,他的deaIing药物 他就像我告诉你。)

12. - Duh... the curse of the Bambino. (翻译:- - the curse of the bambino.)

13. Duh, it's totally obvious. Your lips went from Cameron Diaz to Jay-Z. (翻译:这很显然呀 你的嘴唇从卡麦珑·迪亚茨变成了凯茨)

14. ♪ Dum-dum, duh-de-dum-dum, duh- de-dum-dum, duh-de-dum-dum-dum ♪ (翻译:达姆,咄 - 去达姆,咄 - 去达姆,咄 - 去达姆,达姆)

15. Duh, the only audio input will have to be via USB or the built-in mic. (翻译:音效输入只有透过USB外接设备或内置麦克风。)



1. 定义:'duh'是一个口语化的词语,表示明显的事实或者显而易见的道理。通常用于表达轻蔑、不耐烦或者愚蠢的想法。

2. 来源:'duh'最早出现在美国黑人英语和低俗的电视剧中,现在已经被广泛使用,并且成为了流行文化中的一个代表性词汇。

3. 用法:

- 表达明显的事实:You need to study hard to pass the exam. - 'Duh!'

- 表达轻蔑:A: 'Do you know that water is wet?' B: 'Duh, obviously!'

- 表达不耐烦:A, I can't come to the party tonight.' B: 'Duh, I figured as much.'

- 表达愚蠢:A: 'I heard that chocolate comes from cows.' B: 'Duh, that's ridiculous!'

4. 意义:'duh'常常被用于幽默的语境中,有时候也用于表达一些表示显而易见的道理,帮助别人明白他们的错误或者被嘲笑。


1. A: "If you don't study, you won't get good grades." B: "Duh, of course I know that!"

A:"如果你不学习,成绩肯定不好." B:"duh,我当然知道了!"

2. A: "Did you know that the moon orbits around the Earth?" B: "Duh, who doesn't know that?"

A: "你知道月亮绕着地球转吗?" B: "duh,谁不知道啊!"

3. A: "I think we should wear our jackets today, it's really cold outside." B: "Duh, I'm not stupid."

A: "我觉得我们今天应该穿上夹克,外面很冷." B: "duh,我又不傻."

4. A: "I heard that dogs can talk." B: "Duh, that's ridiculous."

A: "我听说狗能说话." B: "duh,那太荒唐了."

5. A: "I don't think it's a good idea to swim in a pool during a thunderstorm." B: "Duh, that's common sense."

A: "我认为在雷雨天游泳不是个好主意." B: "duh,那是常识."

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