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ame是什么意思 ame的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-06 02:41:36
  • 678

ame是什么意思 ame的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





例句:You're putting me on! Spoken, especially AmE used to tell someone that you think they are joking. (你不是在和我开玩笑吧!美国口语,通常用于在别人告诉你某事时,你认为他是在开玩笑。)


例句:Dre aml and on Fly " is then ame of a net radio, and a secret path from our computer to everyone's. " (是一个网络电台的名字,是从我们的电脑信息传播到大家电脑里的一条秘密通道。)


例句:Film is a kind of art th at combine sp ace and time, also be ac carrier of an ation " culture, at these ame time embody an ation" tradition. (电影是一门空间与时间相结合的艺术,同时也是整个社会、文化的外化形式,承载着一个国家、一个民族的传统。)


例句:Lie to me and your world ends. (翻译:traici髇ame and will be the end of your world.)


ame一般作为名词使用,如在AME(误差平均值)、l'ame([网络] 心灵)、ma'ame([网络] 妈妈)等常见短语中出现较多。

l'ame[网络] 心灵
ma'ame[网络] 妈妈


1. Film is a kind of art th at combine sp ace and time, also be ac carrier of an ation " culture, at these ame time embody an ation" tradition. (翻译:电影是一门空间与时间相结合的艺术,同时也是整个社会、文化的外化形式,承载着一个国家、一个民族的传统。)

2. Lie to me and your world ends. (翻译:traici髇ame and will be the end of your world.)

3. Plebian hero struggles against the materialism and hypocrisy of French society with his "forced 'ame". (翻译:一位平民英雄,坚忍不拔的对抗法国社会的物质主义和虚伪。)

4. # Mi familia lme cuando me nesecita # (翻译:# Mi familia ll嫥ame cuando me nesecita #)

5. Pauls AME Church in Tampa, I flew to New Hampshire to support our Senate candidate, Dick Swett; (翻译:随后,我飞到新罕布什尔州支持我们的参议员候选人迪克·斯韦特;)

6. We had made foam claws, you know, at the end of the diving board, that we animated frame by i¬‚ame. (翻译:你知道我们有泡沫爪,在跳板的结尾 道格. 贝斯威克,单格拍制漫画家)

7. British English has a European range of reference. AmE and AusE similarly reflect the references of the geographical locations. (翻译:英式英语具有欧洲的关联范围,而美式英语和澳洲英语也反映了地理位置的关联。)

8. Ketcher Dzong is another place to visit, which is the 1st palace built by Ame Pal in the early 14th century. (翻译:附近还有一个碉堡是第一个国王在14世纪初期所建的第一座宫殿。)

9. [On any days, clear sky or raining, that same smile emerges on your face] (harewataru hi mo ame no hi mo, ukabu ano egao) (翻译:晴空也好 大雨滂沱也罢 那时时刻刻浮现的笑容)

10. Case law is another form of law opposite to formulated law which is usually adopted by Bri - Ame System countries. (翻译:判例法是与制定法相对的一种法律形式,历来被英美法系国家采用。)

11. We used a replacement animation series of cut-outs and I animated it frame by i¬‚ame to finish the action. (翻译:我们用动画系列图案代替 还有我们用 单格拍摄)

12. Content of Pentosan in Wheat Grain and Xylanase Supplementation on Measurements of AME and Nutrient Ingredient Digestibility of Cocks (翻译:小麦戊聚糖含量及添加木聚糖酶对鸡表观代谢能值和养分消化率的影响)

13. The benefit of AME varies based on workload. (翻译:AME的优势因为工作负载的不同而有所不同。)

14. The CPU utilization for AME activity in units of physical processors. (翻译:AME活动的cpu利用率,以物理处理器为单位。)

15. lose your face, lose your name then get fitted for a two-tone fla-a-ame (翻译:丢你的脸, 失去你的名字 然后得到安装 对于一个双音的FLA -一个)


1. 意义和用法

AME是许多缩写词和短语中的一部分,通常指代美国。这个缩写词可以是“American English”的简称,也可以指名为美国神学协会(American Theological Association)。除此之外,表示“(雨或雪)下得很小很轻”。

2. 同音异义词


3. 常用搭配

“ame”作为缩写词时,常常和其他单词或词组搭配使用,例如:“AME Church”指美国教卫理公会,是美国最古老和最大的黑人教会之一;“AME Zion Church”指非裔美国人的教教派,也是美国最早的非裔教教派之一。


1. The AME church is a vital part of the African American community. (美国教卫理公会是非裔美国人社区的重要组成部分。)

2. American English (AME) is spoken in many countries around the world. (美式英语在世界上许多国家都有使用。)

3. The rain was so light that it was more like a mist than a drizzle, it was just ame. (雨下得如此之轻,更像薄雾而不是毛毛雨,它只是萦绕。)

4. The AME Zion Church has a long and rich history in the United States. (美国非裔教卫理公会在美国有着悠久而丰富的历史。)

5. Make sure you aim the ball carefully before you shoot. (确保你在投篮前仔细瞄准。)

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