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anziani是什么意思 anziani的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-09 15:08:39
  • 155

anziani是什么意思 anziani的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





1. Molti anziani amano passare il tempo in giardino. (意大利语) - 许多老人喜欢在花园里度过时间。(中文翻译)

2. Gli anziani del paese sono molto rispettati dalla comunità. (意大利语) - 村里的老人们受到社区的高度尊重。(中文翻译)




例句:Study of Conidia of Arthrobotrys oligospora Administrated Orally on Killing the Nematode Larvae in Faeces of Domestic Ani-mals (口服少孢节丛孢菌孢子对家畜粪便虫幼虫的杀灭研究)


例句:Zi Juns tragedy has profound significance on social critique. (《伤逝》中子君的悲剧具有深刻的社会批判意义。)


1. The culture ministry has listed Ani, with an Armenian church on an island in Lake Van, among the sites it is keenest to conserve. (翻译:已经把阿尼和一个在Van湖岛上的亚美尼亚教堂列入最热切进行保护的名单里面。)

2. Looking at it, Zi Gong felt it was out of convenance. (翻译:子贡看见这样的行径,大不以为然。)

3. Kailyard and Graveyard--Dual Visual Angles in CHI Zi-jian's Stories (翻译:菜园·墓园--浅析迟子建小说中的双重视点)

4. The officers in the car said they punched Al-Ani several times and struck him with a baton in self-defence. (翻译:们说,为了自卫,他们在车里打了阿尔安尼几拳,还用打过他。)

5. The waiter stuffed the card in Mak-Zi's mouth and tapped on... his acupressure points (翻译:店小二把卡塞到麦子的嘴里边 然后再嘟 嘟 嘟 嘟 摁了他几个穴位)

6. They say Mak-Zi invented yawning belching and sitting (翻译:据说 打呵欠是麦子发明的 他还发明了打马虎眼和打大腿)

7. The fourth chapter is the case study of the epitaph, namely the research for the epitaphs written by Chen Zi'ang. (翻译:第四章是个案墓志铭研究,即对陈子昂所撰墓志铭进行研究。)

8. For example, one day an abandoned miniature Pomer ani an walked up to policeman in the street. (翻译:例如,一天被遗弃的微型松鼠狗在街道走并碰上了。)

9. When Zi Sang was eating, Zi Yu sat beside him. Zi Yu closed his eyes and pondered on the question of destiny. (翻译:子舆利用子桑吃东西这段时间,坐在一旁闭目打坐,并专心思索命运这个问题。)

10. In the papyrus, Ani's journey has a good outcome. Horus, the son of Osiris, speaks up for him, and he's admitted into paradise. (翻译:根据纸莎草卷轴的描述,阿尼的旅程得到圆满的结果。奥西里斯之子荷鲁斯为他说好话,他获准进入天堂。)

11. Al-Ani's last moments were captured by an outdoor camera overlooking a ramp leading up to the police station. (翻译:阿尔安尼的最后一刻,被一只俯瞰一条通向警局的斜坡的户外摄像头抓拍到。)

12. Objective To compare the difference between autonomic and reflex systolic pressure of sphincter ani externus, quantitatively. (翻译:目的比较门外括约肌自主收缩压力与反射收缩压力的数值差异。)

13. Wo de ming zi shi Sheldon. (翻译:Wo de ming zi shi Sheldon.)

14. BE ah, Kang Zi for the sake of his elder sister (翻译:Kang Zi for the sake of his elder sister)

15. Turns out jing zi was part of a organization (翻译:这个紫荆学院还是个和局 Turns out Jing Zi was part of a organization)


1. 'Anziani' 是意大利语中“老年人”或“长者”的意思。


- La casa di riposo accoglie gli anziani bisognosi di assistenza. (The nursing home provides care for elderly in need.)

- Gli anziani del paese organizzano un'escursione nella campagna. (The elders in the village organize a countryside excursion.)

2. 'ANZIANI' 是意大利语中“Nazionale Italiana ANZIANI”(意大利老年人国家队)的缩写。


- ANZIANI ha battuto la squadra francese in una partita di calcio. (ANZIANI defeated the French team in a soccer game.)

- ANZIANI ha parteto ai giochi olimpici degli anziani a Tokyo. (ANZIANI partited in the senior Olympics in Tokyo.)

3. 'ANZIANI' 是指某些公司或组织中的一个职位或头衔。


- Gli anziani della chiesa cattolica si sono riuniti per discutere la questione del matrimonio . (The elders of the Catholic Church met to discuss the issue of marriage.)

- Il presidente dell'azienda ha consultato gli anziani del consiglio di amministrazione prima di prendere la decisione finale. (The company president consulted the elders of the board before the final decision.)

4. 'ANZIANI' 是意大利语中“安智阿尼”(Anziani)的拼音,是一种意大利家族姓氏。


- Giuseppe Anziani è un famoso scrittore italiano. (Giuseppe Anziani is a famous Italian writer.)

- La famiglia Anziani ha una lunga storia di produzione di vino di alta qualità. (The Anziani family has a long history of producing high-quality wine.)


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