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slam是什么意思 slam的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-04 13:21:13
  • 368

slam是什么意思 slam的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. Don't slam the door, it's rude.(不要猛力关门,这很不礼貌。)

2. He slammed his hand down on the desk in frustration.(他沮丧地狠狠地拍打着桌子。)

3. The wrestler slammed his opponent to the mat.(摔跤手将对手摔倒在垫子上。)

4. The car slammed into the wall, sending debris everywhere.(汽车猛撞在墙上,四处飞溅着碎片。)




例句:In one second you can brake and slam us against the wall. (这一秒钟内,你可以踩煞车 然后我们会撞上墙壁)


例句:Nevermind, just slam the table. (别管了 敲桌子就行了 Nevermind, just slam the table.)


例句:They lose the humanity. War just becomes slam dunks and smart bombs. (更加丧失人性 战争变成了灌篮和跟踪 )


例句:Mr. Ryoma Echizen, Does this get the Grand Slam if the U. S. network, you already have had two Grand Slam! (翻译:越前龙马先生,请问这次的美网如果拿到大满贯,您就已经拥有2个大满贯了!)


slam一般作为名词、动词使用,如在slam into(猛烈撞击)、slam it([网络] 瞄准打波子)、slam on([网络] 关上)等常见短语中出现较多。

slam into猛烈撞击
slam it[网络] 瞄准打波子
slam on[网络] 关上
slam to把…砰地关上
the slam[网络] 刘炫正
to slam[网络] 猛烈抨击;恶言相向;砰地放下
with a slam砰地一声
golden slam[网络] 金满贯;金色大满贯
Grand Slam大满贯;满垒时的全垒打
little slam小满贯


1. They lose the humanity. War just becomes slam dunks and smart bombs. (翻译:更加丧失人性 战争变成了灌篮和跟踪 )

2. Mr. Ryoma Echizen, Does this get the Grand Slam if the U. S. network, you already have had two Grand Slam! (翻译:越前龙马先生,请问这次的美网如果拿到大满贯,您就已经拥有2个大满贯了!)

3. Karin poster featured in this months issue of " Slam" the German alternative music magazine. (翻译:卡琳海报,在这个音乐杂志的月发行的“大满贯”德国替代。)

4. I'd hit a grand slam and interview as I get my MVP. (翻译:决赛时 关键时刻得分成功 拿到MVP 接受采访)

5. The bars slam with a STEEL CLANG . Tommy and his new CELLMATE take in their new surroundings . (翻译:牢门铿锵的撞上,汤米和他的新狱友们来到了的新的环境。)

6. I had to put it in reverse, slam into the guy's car, and just... (翻译:我不得不向后倒 撞上那家伙的车 就那么...)

7. Slam, slam, brother My brother, is that the one that you want (翻译:[Slam, slam, brother My brother, is that the one that you want])

8. See, when I slam a door, life opens a window. (翻译:你看,当我猛然一扇门, 生活打开了一扇窗。)

9. to bed then , if it must be so ! and she closed the window with a slam. (翻译:她突然喊叫一声,“睡就睡吧!”她于是砰然一声关上了窗户。)

10. Did you have to literally slam a door on the FBI's face? (翻译:通向庞恰特雷恩湖 断腿是从海湾里捞起来的 这怎么解释)

11. Headbanger music : loud , rough music that you can slam your head around to . (翻译:摇头音乐:一种大声,粗犷的音乐,你可以随着音乐猛烈地摇晃你的头。)

12. They hit something and you slam into that plastic partition. (翻译:可能撞到了什么 他整个人撞上了中间的防弹板)

13. She's engineered an umbrella so she can -- bam! -- slam the door. (翻译:她摆弄着一把伞——砰!可把车门给带上了。)

14. Slam, slam, brother My brother (翻译:[Slam, slam, brother My brother])

15. With shield slam: 3 sunders and 1 shield slam every 6 seconds. (翻译:使用盾牌猛击:每6秒上3个破甲用一次盾牌猛击。)




1. 'slam'的主流含义是“猛烈地关上”或“猛烈地摔打”。它可以用于形容扔东西,或者形容某人猛烈地关上门或窗户等。


- He slammed the book shut and stormed out of the room.(他猛烈地合上书本,然后怒气冲冲地离开了房间。)

- The wind slammed the door shut behind us.(风猛烈地关上了我们的门。)

2. 'slam'也可用于形容文学或音乐中的“口语化抒发”或“强烈的韵律”。


- His poetry has a certain slam quality to it that really resonates with young people.(他的诗歌具有一种独特的口语抒发风格,深受年轻人喜爱。)

- The band's latest al features some great slam poetry.(这个乐队的最新专辑里有一些很棒的口语化诗歌。)

3. 'SLAM'也是一个常见的缩写,代表着“同步定位和地图构建”(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)技术。这是一种利用传感器和算法实现智能移动机器人在未知环境中定位和建图的技术。


- The new autonomous drone uses SLAM technology to navigate indoors without a GPS signal.(这个新的自动无人机使用SLAM技术,在没有GPS信号的室内进行导航。)

- SLAM algorithms are an important part of self-driving car technology.(SLAM算法是自动驾驶汽车技术中的重要组成部分。)


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