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signified是什么意思 signified的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-09 10:45:03
  • 328

signified是什么意思 signified的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. The color red often signifies passion and love.


2. This gesture signifies that she agrees with the decision.


3. The symbol on the flag signifies the values and beliefs of the country.





例句:In fact, most of the side streets even with their name, and for good measure, also a couple of landmarks, some of them signified by little symbols, others by these isometric three-dimensional bird's-eye-view drawings. (事实上我甚至标注了大部分街道的名称, 并且为了增加准确度,我也标注了一些地标, 有一些被小的符号标记, 另外的标上等大的三维 鸟瞰图 )


例句:the signified-signifier relationship, as I said, is arbitrary. (所指和能指的关系,就如我刚才说的,是任意的。)


例句:Xie Tiaos poems in the Yongming style signified a cleansing innovation to the landscape poetry in old style represented by Xie the senior. (谢永明体诗,是对以大谢为代表的古体山水诗的“减肥”更新。)


例句:Our past appeared frozen in the distance, and our every gesture signified negation of the old world and the reach for a new one. (翻译:我们的过去消失在远方 我们的每一个手势和口音... 意味著对过去的否定和对未来的向往)


1. Xie Tiaos poems in the Yongming style signified a cleansing innovation to the landscape poetry in old style represented by Xie the senior. (翻译:谢永明体诗,是对以大谢为代表的古体山水诗的“减肥”更新。)

2. Our past appeared frozen in the distance, and our every gesture signified negation of the old world and the reach for a new one. (翻译:我们的过去消失在远方 我们的每一个手势和口音... 意味著对过去的否定和对未来的向往)

3. Two jurors signified their dissent. (翻译:两个陪审员表达了他们的异议。)

4. His presence no longer signified. (翻译:他在不在场已不重要。)

5. Bad aspects from a naturally malefic Planet cause considerable trouble in the affairs signified by the Houses in which they fall. (翻译:凶星的负面相位,会引发其所落宫位代表事件的巨大的麻烦。)

6. This decision signified a radical change in their policies. (翻译:这个决定表明了他们的政策发生了根本的变化。)

7. Chartism signified the first great political movement of the proletariat in English history. (翻译:在英国的历史中,运动是伟大的无产阶级运动。、代表人物)

8. "and in the end, signified nothing." (翻译:到头来却毫无意义 [选自戏剧《麦克白》])



1. 词义和含义: signified是指表示、意味着、象征的意思,在语言学中指语言中的意义。它是源于符号学的一个术语。


- The red light signified that it was not safe to cross the street.(红灯表示过马路不安全。)

- The teacher's smile signified approval.(老师的微笑表示赞许。)

2. 语法和用法: signified是一个动词,常与介词“as”连用,表达某个事物如何被认为或看待。


- The new law signifies a change in government policy.(新法律表示政策的变化。)

- The statue of liberty signifies .(自由女神像象征自由。)

3. 同义词和反义词: signified的同义词包括indicated、denoted、represented等,反义词包括misrepresented、concealed等。


- His silence signified his agreement.(他的沉默表示他同意了。)

- His actions misrepresented his true intentions.(他的行为歪曲了他的真实意图。)

4. 派生词和词根: signified是从signify这个词根派生而来的,其他派生词包括signification(意义)、significant(重要的)等。


- The signification of the word "love" varies from person to person.(“爱”这个词的意义因人而异。)

- The results of the experiment were significant.(实验结果很重要。)

5. 例句翻译:

- The color green often signifies nature and growth.(绿色通常表示自然和生长。)

- Her smile signified relief.(她的微笑表示松了一口气。)

- The handshake signified the beginning of a new partnership.(握手表示开始了新的合作伙伴关系。)

- The red flag signified danger.(红旗表示危险。)

- The empty shelves signified that the store was out of stock.(空货架表示商店缺货。)

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