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wiry是什么意思 wiry的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-26 15:26:51
  • 249

wiry是什么意思 wiry的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. His wiry frame could withstand the most rigorous exercise routine.


2. The dog's wiry coat kept it warm in the cold weather.


3. The old man had a wiry beard and deep-set wrinkles.





例句:Small and wiry, with sunken eyes and dark bushy hair, he had nervous tics that caused his hands, feet and face to twitch constantly. (他身材矮小、清瘦结实、眼窝深陷并长着深色浓密的头发,他患有神经性痉挛,使他的手、脚和面部肌肉会经常抽搐。)


例句:Wiry and intense, Cabana seems surprised, and maybe insulted, when asked to explain the Space Shuttle's value. (瘦长结实而又紧张,当被要求解释航天飞机的价值时卡巴纳似乎有点意外,也可能感到被侮辱了。)




例句:Hard, wiry and straight, lying close to the body with a definite undercoat. (翻译:刚毛,毛质硬且直,紧贴身体,有一定的底毛。)


wiry一般作为形容词使用,如在wiry pulse([医] 弦脉)、wiry wool(粗硬毛)、wiry yarn(硬纱)等常见短语中出现较多。

wiry pulse[医] 弦脉
wiry wool粗硬毛
wiry yarn硬纱
wiry forceful pulse脉弦有力


1. Andria earned some success as a minotaur gladiator due to her wiry strength and great cunning but she knew she would soon perish to one of the larger bulkier males. (翻译,安骓亚凭借其金属丝般的力量和极端的诡诈赢得过一些胜利,但她知道自己很快就会被某个更加强大的男性杀死。)

2. Hard, wiry and straight, lying close to the body with a definite undercoat. (翻译:刚毛,毛质硬且直,紧贴身体,有一定的底毛。)

3. I want me a thin, wiry attorney. Somebody hungry forjustice! (翻译:我的辩护律师要苗条 骨感 对正义如饥似渴)

4. Wiry pulse was the common pulse tracings of hypertensive disease. (翻译:弦脉是高血压病的常见脉象。)

5. A wiry young man stepped forward. He was not a real lawyer, but was known in the cell for his argumentative abilities. (翻译:一个瘦长的年轻人走上前来,他不是一个真正的律师,而是因善辩在牢里著称。)

6. His body is wiry and athletic. (翻译:他的身体精瘦结实而且健壮。)

7. They were swarthier than ever from four years' exposure to sun and storm, thinner, more wiry, and the wild black beards they brought back from the war made them seem like strangers. (翻译:他们经历了四年日晒雨淋之后,已变得更黑更瘦的也更坚实,加上从战争中带回来的那脸乱蓬蓬的黑胡须,现在完全像陌生人了。)

8. He was a wiry, red-haired man with piercing blue eyes and a penchant for grandiose schemes. (翻译:他瘦削结实,红头发,有一双目光锐利的蓝眼睛,爱搞宏伟的计划。)

9. I was under 6 feet, wiry strong, the guy was fast. (翻译:不过 他是个体格健硕 瘦而结实 一米八左右的男人)

10. Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun. (翻译:她那硬直的头发被向上梳起,在头顶盘成一个乱蓬蓬的髻。)

11. Andria earned some success as a minotaur gladiator due to her wiry strength and great cunning, but she knew she would soon perish to one of the larger, bulkier males. (翻译,安骓亚凭借其金属丝般的力量和极端的诡诈赢得过一些胜利,但她知道自己很快就会被某个更加强大的男性杀死。)

12. She says she was 'devastated' at the sight of her remaining wiry patches standing like corn stalks on a silky lawn. (翻译:她说,当时她被眼前看到的景象惊呆了:剩下的金属线像玉米秸秆一样树在光滑的草坪上。)

13. Me at five, dark spiky hair, moon pale with brown almost Slavic eyes, wiry, coltish. (翻译:五岁的我,深色的刺猬头,一双如月亮般浅棕色的,斯拉夫人的眼睛,瘦长轻佻的身躯。)

14. unlike other dwarves, they are wiry and lithe instead of burly and thickset. (翻译:和其它矮人差别是,他们消瘦轻盈而非魁梧粗壮。)

15. The wiry Brazilian flicked the ball over the heads of two opposing defenders before hammering into the far corner with a left footed volley. (翻译:这个瘦小精干的巴西小伙子用他的左脚在对方两名防守队员解围前将球挑过他们的头顶。)



1. 词性:wiry是一个形容词,描述的是物体或人的特征。

2. 含义:wiry一般用来形容线条、肌肉等紧绷、有弹性的感觉,也可以形容人的外貌或性格,代表活力、精力充沛、勇敢等。

3. 同义词:sinewy、taut、springy、tense、flexible。

4. 反义词:flabby、lax、loose、soft、sluggish。

5. 用法:

(1) 描述线条:wiry line

(2) 形容肌肉:wiry muscle

(3) 描述人的外貌:a wiry frame

(4) 形容人的性格:a wiry personality

(5) 描述头发:wiry hair


1. His wiry frame enabled him to keep up with the pack throughout the entire marathon. (他有弹性的身体结构让他可以在整个马拉松比赛中与其他选手并驾齐驱。)

2. The wiry lines in the painting add a sense of dynamic energy to the overall composition. (画中的细线条赋予整幅作品动感。)

3. Despite his wiry appearance, the old man had a gentle heart and a kind spirit. (尽管看上去瘦小有力,但这位老人有一颗和善的心灵。)

4. She had wiry hair that stood up in all directions, giving her a distinctive look. (她的头发像钢丝一样,朝着不同的方向直立,让她具有独特的风格。)

5. The statuesque athlete showed off her wiry muscles as she lifted the heavy weights with ease. (这位高大的运动员展现了她筋骨纤细的肌肉,在轻松举起重物的时候表现出色。)

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