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ransacking是什么意思 ransacking的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-26 15:26:57
  • 193

ransacking是什么意思 ransacking的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. Thieves ransacked the house and stole all the valuable items. (贼们洗劫了房子并且偷走了所有有价值的物品。)

2. The police ransacked the suspect's apartment looking for any evidence. (翻查嫌疑人的公寓寻找证据。)

3. The students ransacked their backpacks to find their textbooks. (学生们搜查他们的书包以找到教科书。)




例句:The pirates roamed with impunity , often ransacking and even decimating coastal settlements . (这些盗贼肆无忌惮,经常掠夺甚至残杀沿海的居民。)


例句:She was ransacking the stores for Jim's present. (她正在彻底搜寻各家店铺,为吉姆买礼物。)


例句:When creating DEM, we always encounter numerous discrete data points which make ransacking all points difficult. (在建立数字高程模型时,往往会遇到海量的离散数据点,造成遍历数据点的困难。)


例句:He was beaten within an inch of his life after surprising a burglar ransacking his office. (翻译:发现有个小偷洗劫了他的办公室之后 他被打了个半死)


1. When creating DEM, we always encounter numerous discrete data points which make ransacking all points difficult. (翻译:在建立数字高程模型时,往往会遇到海量的离散数据点,造成遍历数据点的困难。)

2. He was beaten within an inch of his life after surprising a burglar ransacking his office. (翻译:发现有个小偷洗劫了他的办公室之后 他被打了个半死)

3. The proximate rewards included booty from looting bodies, ransacking captured towns and castles, selling the armor and weapons of the dead, and ransoming high-ranking prisoners. (翻译:而让自己当场受惠的方式,就是从尸体身上掠夺回来的贵重品、洗掠被占领的城镇或城堡、贩售死者的装甲和武器、和向高级的战俘勒索赎金。)

4. Sam Boulter, the 62-year-old owner of the Honeybourne Railyway Club, walked in Sunday night to see the rodent ransacking the place. (翻译:62岁的山姆•布尔特是哈尼伯恩铁路俱乐部的老板,星期天晚上他走进俱乐部,看到这只松鼠扫荡了这个地方。)

5. And when I have conversations with people, I remember having a conversation, for example, in Iraq, with a community that asked me whether the riot we were seeing in front of us, this was a huge mob ransacking a provincial council building, was a sign of the new democracy. (翻译:当我和那里的人们交谈的时候 我记得我有次在 有人问我 我们现在眼前所见到的这些 那时我们眼前是一大群洗劫省大楼的情景 是否是新的政权的标志?)

6. Hordes of Krug are ransacking the land. (翻译:克鲁格的散兵在抢掠我们的土地 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Hordes of Krug are ransacking the land.)

7. And when I have conversations with people, I remember having a conversation, for example, in Iraq, with a community that asked me whether the riot we were seeing in front of us, this was a huge mob ransacking a provincial council building, was a sign of the new democracy. (翻译:当我和那里的人们交谈的时候 我记得我有次在 有人问我 我们现在眼前所见到的这些 那时我们眼前是一大群洗劫省大楼的情景 是否是新的政权的标志? )

8. Looters caused chaos on the streets of London, burning buildings and ransacking businesses as police struggled to contain the trouble. (翻译:抢掠者引起伦敦街头混乱,他们焚烧建筑物并进行商业洗劫,警方也试图控制麻烦的局势。)

9. The pirates roamed with impunity, often ransacking and even decimating coastal settlements. (翻译:这些盗贼肆无忌惮,经常掠夺甚至残杀沿海的居民。)

10. Wait, wait, wait. First rule of ransacking- Remember where everything goes. (翻译:搜查的首要规则 记住每件东西最初是怎么放的)



1. 意思:ransacking是一個動詞,意思為翻箱倒櫃地搜索,洗劫。

2. 词性:动词

3. 常用场景:通常用于描述搜索某个地方或物件时的行为。例如:翻箱倒柜地搜索犯罪嫌疑人的住所。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:ransack a place(对某一地点进行洗劫),ransack a room(搜索一个房间),ransack someone's belongings(搜查某人的个人物品)等。

5. 相关短语:与ransacking 相关的常用短语包括go through(彻底搜索),turn upside down(把某事翻个底朝天),search high and low(到处搜寻)等。

6. 发音拼写:rænsækɪŋ /rænsækɪŋ/

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