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everytime是什么意思 everytime的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-05 01:57:38
  • 2879

everytime是什么意思 everytime的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





1. Everytime I hear that song, it reminds me of my childhood.(每当我听到那首歌的时候,它让我想起了我的童年。)

2. Everytime I visit my grandparents, I bring them some fresh fruits.(每次我去看望我的祖父母,我都会给他们带些新鲜水果。)




例句:Plus everytime. I get jammed up. Gary comes up with something. (而且每次我如果被难阻了,加里总会给我一些什么东西.)


例句:It hurts so much for me to see you with other girls everytime. I never went with any other guy, but you never comforted me! (每次看到你和别的女生一起,我多难受啊,我从来不和别的男生一起,可是你从来都没安慰过我!)


例句:Everytime I have fun, you stop me. It's not fair. (不公平 每次人家玩得正开心 你就要人家停)


例句:God, if I had a nickel for everytime I spanked at the Bernadette Peters. (翻译:要是我每次我想着伯纳黛特时都能得五美分我就发达了 God, if I had a nickel for everytime I spanked at the Bernadette Peters.)


1. Everytime I have fun, you stop me. It's not fair. (翻译:不公平 每次人家玩得正开心 你就要人家停)

2. God, if I had a nickel for everytime I spanked at the Bernadette Peters. (翻译:要是我每次我想着伯纳黛特时都能得五美分我就发达了 God, if I had a nickel for everytime I spanked at the Bernadette Peters.)

3. -so everytime i drive you to Valencourt, i'll have to drop you off by the drugstore. (翻译:-那么每次我载你到Valencourt, 我都得在药房放你下车.)

4. I need to restart the computer everytime. (翻译:也似乎要出错了 每次一有人碰到错误玩不下去 我就得重启电脑)

5. Everytime you kissed me, my heart was in such pain. (翻译:每一次你亲吻我,我的心都是如此的痛楚。)

6. Members then pay an entrance fee everytime they visit. (翻译:然后会员们需要在他们每次光顾的时候交纳入场费。)

7. And everytime this happens, the next person in line will switch the parity they expect to see. (翻译:每次这样的情况发生后, 下个人就知道他们需要看到 奇数还是偶数个特定颜色的帽子。)

8. Everytime when you pick a wallet, you either return the content or just drop it except the cash. (翻译:那你们每次扒钱包之后 只要钱,其他的东西 不是寄回给失主,就是扔进垃圾桶)

9. - [lsis] Everytime we getsome, herey'all come, tryin' to steal it, puttin' blond hair on it and calling it something different. (翻译:- 么此我们想出新东西,你们就会来。试图去偷它,把它放上你们金发头发,然后 称它为不同的东西。)

10. Right, everytime Wai makes a young potential become famous, they wouldn't stay with Wai and they flew away! (翻译:对呀 每一次发掘一个新星,走红了出名了 翅膀还不长硬飞走吗?)

11. Everytime I see her, my tongue kind of gets glued. (翻译:每次我见到她 舌头就像 涂了胶水一样黏在嘴里)

12. They said a really good spy, or really good liar could trick me everytime. (翻译:他们说一个真正出色的间谍或是 每次都能骗过我。)

13. Everytime you wanted to install a Firefox add-on, you will have towait for several secs before the actual installation starts. (翻译:你在安装火狐扩展时,你一定要等他个3,5秒钟才开始安装扩展。)

14. Everytime i mention money your face is saturn . How much does a ramen cost. Forget it i 'll buy it , okay ? (翻译:每次我提到钱你就这种表情。这会花多少钱啊。好拉我会买的,恩。)

15. Now, everytime I wear my wrist braces, I'm reminded of that conversation - and I'm actually happy that I keep thinking about it. (翻译:现在,每当我带上我的护腕,都回让我想起那段谈话--而且,我还挺高兴自己不断想起它。)

everytime 是一个词组,由 every 和 time 组成,词性为副词。其意为“每一次,每当”,表示某个事件在每一次发生时,都会有相应的结果或者情况出现。everytime 可以用于强调某个事件的频率和重要性。


- every time 每次,每回

- everytime I see you 每次见到你

- everytime he speaks 每当他说话

- everytime you leave 每次你离开

- everytime we meet 每次我们见面


- every time and again 不时地

- every time you turn around 你反复地看


- /ˈev.ri.taɪm/


1. Everytime I eat spicy food, my mouth burns. (每次我吃辛辣的食物,我的口腔都会烧起来。)

2. Everytime I visit my grandma, she gives me cookies. (每次我拜访我的奶奶,她都给我饼干。)

3. I get a headache everytime I watch too much TV. (每当我看太多电视时,我会头痛。)

4. Everytime it rains, my dog refuses to go outside. (每次下雨时,我的狗都不肯出门。)

5. Everytime I listen to this song, I feel happy. (每次我听这首歌,我都感到开心。)

6. Everytime she speaks, people stop to listen. (每当她说话时,人们都会停下来听。)

7. Everytime I see a sunset, I am reminded of the beauty of nature. (每次我看到日落,我都会想起大自然的美丽。)

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