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marimo是什么意思 marimo的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 09:03:43
  • 612

marimo是什么意思 marimo的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



读音:mǎ lì mó


1. Marimo是一种很受欢迎的水族宠物。

Marimo is a popular pet in the aquarium.

2. 我的水族箱里养了一颗很漂亮的marimo。

I have a beautiful marimo in my aquarium.




例句:You cannot mar the bright and perfect flower that will be my child. (你不能明亮和完善 花,这将是我的孩子。)


例句:Virginia Acosta, from Vina del Mar, has requested Jeanette's "Why Are You Leaving?" (来自维尼亚德尔玛的维吉尼亚·阿科斯塔 点播珍妮特的歌曲《因为你要走了》)


例句:I want you to take-- Can I have the mar-- (我想要你把那个... 我能要回那些弹...)


例句:If he does not break himself of his bad habit, he will mar his own market. (翻译:如果他不必掉这种坏习惯,他会坏自己的事的。)


1. I want you to take-- Can I have the mar-- (翻译:我想要你把那个... 我能要回那些弹...)

2. If he does not break himself of his bad habit, he will mar his own market. (翻译:如果他不必掉这种坏习惯,他会坏自己的事的。)

3. No, Maria. What I do now, I do alone. (翻译:不, María 我现在要干的事,我要单独去)

4. The Exhibiton started from Mar. 28 and will last 10 days until Apr. (翻译:展览从3月28日开始,至4月8日结束,历时10天。)

5. We came back here to live with my father in Mar Vista. (翻译:所以我们回到这儿 跟我爸一起住在Mar Vista)

6. Mar 2016 Here She Comes, Royal Festival Hall, London performance in collaboration with Marvin Gaye Chetwynd. (翻译:表演,皇家节日大厅,伦敦,英国。)

7. Any bacteria that survived died in the subzero temperatures when exposed to Mar's atmosphere. (翻译:暴露在零度以下的火星大气中, 任何微生物都无法生存)

8. Conclusion: The cloned sequence is probably MAR binding protein cDNA fragment from Dunaliella salina. (翻译:结论:所克隆的序列可能为杜氏盐藻MAR结合蛋白片段。)

9. It was not the custom for elderly people to mar the picnics with their presence. (翻译:大人们照例不参加野餐,免得扫兴。)

10. IMO has issued the following circulars. (翻译:国际海事组织已经发布了如下通告。)

11. No more of that, my lord. You mar all with this starting. (翻译:我的爷 算了 你这样大惊小怪 把事情都弄糟了)

12. I know you'll go now, Maria, for both of us, because we love each other always. (翻译:我也走这条路. 我知道你现在也会走,María, 为了我们俩 因为我们都爱着对方)

13. - Tell Sordo I'm coming with Ingles! (翻译:- María! - 告诉Sordo,我要带老外来了)

14. "There's a common belief that reading literature is frivolous, or not practical," Mar said. (翻译:“人们普遍认为阅读文学作品是轻浮的,或者是不切实际的。”马尔说。)

15. Well I agree with you totally. IMO Europe was much better before the war than afterwards. (翻译:我完全同意你啊。在我看来,欧洲在这场战争之前的情况比在那之后好多了。)

1. 词语来源和含义:Marimo是指发现在日本岛屿湖泊中的小圆球状的绿色藻类,也被称为“水滴球”或“毛藻球”。该单词在日语中意为“马利模”,来源于 Ainu 语,他们把藻球称为“Torasanpe”(塔拉-サンペ),意思是“马利模之子”。


- In the pet store, I saw a tank of marimo floating in the water.


- Marimo are a popular souvenir for tourists to bring back from Japan.


- The local legend says that if you keep a marimo ball in your house, it will bring good luck.


- Marimo can grow up to 12 inches in diameter and live for more than 100 years.


2. 生物特点:Marimo球是一种水生绿藻,通常生长在淡水湖泊中,呈球状,由许多细丝状的藻体组成。它们能吸收水中的营养物质以及二氧化碳,同时释放出氧气,有益于水体的生态平衡。


- Marimo can help improve the water quality in aquariums by absorbing waste and pollutants.


- The marimo in the lake are an important part of the ecosystem, providing food and oxygen for fish and other aquatic creatures.


- Marimo can multiply through division, with small pieces breaking off and forming new .


- Despite their simple appearance, marimo are actually quite complex organisms with a variety of cellular structures and metabolic processes.


3. 艺术和文化价值:Marimo球在日本文化中有着特殊的地位,被视为可爱而神秘的生物。它们经常出现在日本艺术和手工艺品中,如玻璃瓶中的摆件、钥匙链和布艺玩具等。


- The marimo ball is a popular motif in Japanese kawaii culture, representing cuteness and charm.


- Many Japanese artists and craftsmen use marimo as a source of inspiration for their work, creating unique and beautiful pieces.


- My friend brought me a marimo ball keychain from her trip to Japan, and I love it!


- The annual Marimo Festival in Hokkaido celebrates the unique ecology and culture of the region, with music, food, and crafts featuring the famous algae .


4. 科学研究价值:Marimo球在科学研究中也具有一定的价值,因为它们能反映出水体中的环境变化和生态系统的健康状况。科学家们可以通过研究马利模球的生长状况、化学成分和基因组,来了解水体中的染物和生态压力对生物的影响。


- Researchers are using marimo to study the effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems.


- The genetic diversity of marimo is being explored as a potential source of new drugs and treatments.


- Marimo are useful indicators of water quality, and monitoring their growth can help identify potential sources of pollution.


- The unique physical and chemical properties of marimo are being studied for potential applications in biotechnology and environmental remediation.


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