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propelled是什么意思 propelled的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-26 15:26:51
  • 541

propelled是什么意思 propelled的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. The strong wind propelled the sailboat forward.


2. The success of his business was propelled by his hard work and dedication.


3. The new technology propelled the company to the forefront of the industry.





例句:Witnesses said the insurgents launched a -propelled grenade against one of the cars. (目击者说,武装分子朝着其中一辆汽车发火箭弹)


propelled一般作为名词使用,如在jet propelled([航] 喷气推进的)、nuclear propelled(adj. 带有核推进器的)、power propelled(un. 动力推进的)等常见短语中出现较多。

jet propelled[航] 喷气推进的
nuclear propelledadj. 带有核推进器的
power propelledun. 动力推进的
reaction propelled反作用力推进的
electrically propelled ship电力推进船
hydrojet propelled ship喷水推进船
jet propelled aeroplane喷气式飞机
jet propelled carriage喷气推进牵引车


1. And intense and terrifying start, which propelled them through the hardships and the difficulties, and on. (翻译:紧张和恐惧开始了, 激励他们度过艰难、险阻... ...)

2. It was a real drag that I was no longer allowed to use my other gurney, the self-propelled one. (翻译:我再也用不着我的另一个轮床了 那个自动的)

3. Propelled by 500,000 pounds of liquid fuel, the shuttle crew heads toward their initial destination. (翻译:由500,000磅液态燃料推动, 太空团队向着最初的目的地出发了。)

4. This signal triggered the wheels of the mobot and propelled it to right in front of the can. (翻译:信号触动移动机器人的轮子,将其推进到饮料罐正前方。)

5. Human beings are alive because they seek attachment and because they are propelled by affection so the isolated achieving individual in the end implodes. (翻译:人类要寻求依赖 感受到情感 才能真正活着 所以孤立取得成功的个体)

6. Self-propelled machines, airships and whatever else. (翻译:自走蒸气和飞行船 接着还会冒出什么来呢?)

7. I have been propelled by possibility for most of my life. (翻译:我一生大多数时间 都在被可能性驱使着。)

8. Its substance is propelled across the vastness to be stirred by starlight and gathered up by gravity. (翻译:它的物质被推得四处纷飞 Its substance is propelled across the vastness 被星光搅动 to be stirred by starlight 被引力汇聚 and gathered up by gravity.)

9. Then it went sour and propelled you into one extreme... and you into another extreme. (翻译:可能太相近了,以致于把你们推向了一个极端 把你推向了另一个极端)

10. Corkscrew tanks didn't run on the typical caterpillar type treads, instead propelled by giant corkscrews. (翻译:螺旋式坦克不依靠典型的履带式踏板运行,而是用巨大的螺丝锥推动。)

11. I propelled myself straight into his office and grovelled. (翻译:我强迫自己走进他的办公室,低声下气地认错。)

12. "VisiCalc propelled the success of Apple more than any other single event." (翻译:“VisiCalc推动了苹果的成功, 它的作用胜过了任何其它单一事件。” )

13. He appeared, burned five tanks and four self-propelled guns, and disappeared. (翻译:它出现了 打着了五辆坦克 和四辆自行火炮 然后就消失了)

14. Others, propelled by lines of beating hairs, glide gently through the darkness. (翻译:Others, propelled by lines of beating hairs, 其它动物 依靠抖动的纤毛提供推力 glide gently through the darkness. 在黑暗中缓缓游动)

15. But the two worlds were propelled along radically different paths. (翻译:碳含量,但两个星球却被推上了 of carbon, but the two worlds were propelled 截然不同的发展道路 along radically different paths,)





词组搭配:propelled by(被...推动驱动)、self-propelled(自推进的)、propelled forward(向前推进)等。




1. The boat was propelled by a pair of powerful engines.(这条船由一对强大的引擎驱动。)

2. The was propelled into space.(火箭被推进太空。)

3. The airship was self-propelled by the wind.(这架飞艇由风自推进。)

4. He was propelled forward by his desire to succeed.(他被成功的渴望推动向前。)

5. The bicycle was propelled by the rider's pedaling.(自行车是由骑行者的蹬车推动的。)

6. The idea of a better life propelled her to work hard.(美好生活的想法推动她努力工作。)

7. The water jet propelled the swimmer through the pool quickly.(水流器使游泳者迅速地穿过池塘。)

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