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mei是什么意思 mei的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-20 04:27:22
  • 6028

mei是什么意思 mei的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. 这个冬天,梅花开得特别美。

Translation: The plum blossoms are particularly beautiful this winter.

2. 她的名字叫做梅,是个很有魅力的女孩。

Translation: Her name is Mei and she is a very charming girl.




例句:To me, Mei Wai is like half a daughter while Τin Chi is half a son (美慧是我半个女儿 天赐差不多是我半个儿子)


例句:Ordinarily, yes. But apparently this Chen Mei is something of a name. That changes matters. (apparently this Chinese is something of a name.)


例句:The best known of these was Mei Lanfang. (当中最知名的就是梅兰芳。)


例句:Mei is a symbol of distingue spirit and moral integrity. (翻译:梅也象征着人物高尚的精神和节操。)


mei一般作为名词使用,如在mei ?(梅)、mei flower(梅花)、mei jiao(湄窖)等常见短语中出现较多。

mei ?
mei flower梅花
mei jiao湄窖
Mei Lanfang梅兰芳
mei shih靺师
Mei Wending梅文鼎
Mei Yaochen梅尧臣
miserere mei[医] 肠绞痛(旧名)
siu mei[网络] 烧味;小美;鱼子烧卖皇
mei p'ing[网络] i ing


1. The best known of these was Mei Lanfang. (翻译:当中最知名的就是梅兰芳。)

2. Mei is a symbol of distingue spirit and moral integrity. (翻译:梅也象征着人物高尚的精神和节操。)

3. Thank you for looking after Mei. (翻译:多谢您照顾我们家小美 从今以后还盼您多多关照)

4. Temporary Traffic Arrangement for Temporary Road Closure on Mei King Street, To Kwa Wan (翻译:因应临时封闭土瓜湾美景街而实施的临时交通安排)

5. Colonel Mei, sea battles are risky (翻译:梅SIR,一动不如一静 要是打无把握的仗)

6. Potential vorticity diagnostics of a mei-yu front case. (翻译:梅雨锋个例潜涡度诊断。)

7. Mei has been in love with Yuya all her life. (翻译:美已经用所有她的生命爱上了裕。)

8. Climbed on the peak, is the shape of Chi Mei, like jade for the screen Baofeng Lake. (翻译:攀上峰顶,便是造型奇美、宛如翡翠为屏的宝峰湖。)

9. I want you all to stay with Ah Mei! (翻译:我进去换件衣服 你收拾收拾搬到绮梅那儿去住)

10. conclusive evidence of Mr. Shan Mei confessed this ended all crime incidents (翻译:被查到证据后 山尾供出一切罪行 案子宣布侦破)

11. Mei Lanfang is the symbol of China's performing art and the pride of his people and nation. (翻译:梅兰芳在中国的社会主义建设作出了重大贡献,是中国的表演艺术的象征,他的骄傲和中华民族。)

12. [Mei Lin] Kublai is too strong. (翻译:忽必烈过于强大 Kublai is too strong.)

13. Her teacher's teacher is Mei Lanfang. (翻译:她师傅的师傅是梅兰芳。)

14. Among them, Mei Lanfang is acknowledged to be the symbol of China's performing art. (翻译:其中,梅兰芳被公认为是中国表演艺术的代表。)

15. Let me introduce to you, this is Leung, my brother This is Mei (翻译:介绍给你认识 这是阿良,我小弟! 媚姨!)



1. 含义:缩写词“MEI”通常代表“Middle East Institute”(中东研究所),而单词“mei”通常表示美(美貌,美好,美丽等)。

2. 发音:缩写词“MEI”发音为[mɪ], 单词“mei”发音为[meɪ]。

3. 用途:缩写词“MEI”通常用于指代中东研究领域的学术机构、学术期刊和学术会议等;而单词“mei”通常用于表示美丽和赞美。

4. 用法:缩写词“MEI”通常以大写字母出现,而单词“mei”通常以小写字母出现。

5. 注意事项:在不同的语境下,“mei”可能意思不同。比如,“mei guo”可以表示美国,而“mei nv”则表示美女。


1. The Middle East Institute (MEI) is a leading research center for Middle East studies.

(中东研究所( MEI )是中东研究领域的领先研究中心。)

2. The MEI Annual Conference brings together leading scholars and policymakers to discuss critical issues facing the Middle East.


3. She is a mei nv, with long black hair and sparkling eyes.


4. The scenery around the lake is mei li de.


5. Mei guo is a powerful country with a rich cultural heritage.


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