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pompa是什么意思 pompa的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-03 05:45:46
  • 693

pompa是什么意思 pompa的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

pompa的中文翻译为“泵”,读音为pǒm pā。


1. 这台泵的效率很高,能够快速清除水。

The efficiency of this pump is high and it can quickly remove sewage.

2. 工人们正在检查水泵的工作状态。

The workers are checking the working condition of the water pump.




例句:In a ceremony with much pomp, the U. S. military said goodbye to one of its generals considered a star by many. (在盛大的仪式中,美方向这位很多人视为明星级的将领告别。)


例句:The White House South Lawn is often a place for pomp and protocol. (白宫南端的草坪一直是体现美国外交礼节的重要场所。)


例句:- A king displays his pomp in court. - Court. (国王的华丽展示在皇宫,这个字是Court 是Court.)


例句:Mr Cameron is in his pomp. (翻译:卡梅伦先生如今势头正盛。)


1. - A king displays his pomp in court. - Court. (翻译:国王的华丽展示在皇宫,这个字是Court 是Court.)

2. Mr Cameron is in his pomp. (翻译:卡梅伦先生如今势头正盛。)

3. I hate all this pomp and ceremony. (翻译:我讨厌所有这些排场和仪式。)

4. Pomp and patriotism have no place in a museum dedicated to Germany's armed forces. (翻译:浮夸和爱国主义在一个以德事力量为主的博物馆里是没有一席之地的。)

5. Their betrothal took place with great pomp and rejoicings. (翻译:他们举行了盛大而又欢乐的订婚仪式。)

6. Let me rot in Macedonian rags rather than shine in Eastern pomp. (翻译:也好过在... ...这华丽的东方蛮国 我不想跟那些拍马屁的人一样围在你周围卑躬曲膝)

7. Decorate of the pomp can display being rich with of a person, the grace can display the interest of a person, but the haleness of a person. (翻译:装饰的华丽可以显示出一个人的富有,优雅可以显示出一个人的趣味,但一个人的健。)

8. We marry, for example, with great pomp and ceremony and expense to signal our departure from a life of solitude and misery and loneliness to one of eternal bliss. (翻译:举例说,我们结婚 用舞会,仪式和花费 来宣告 孤独寂寞的悲惨生活 变成永恒的幸福)

9. Pomp, pageantry and symbolism mark the first day of this visit. (翻译:辉煌典雅、华丽壮观、象征性强是这次访问第一天的特点。)

10. Pomp senior pet mount not only the appearance of ferocity , its power will more afraid of the enemy. (翻译:威风凛凛的高级宠物坐骑不仅外观凶猛,其实力更会让敌人闻风丧胆。)

11. Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp. (翻译:由于陵墓教堂规模过小,这些马赛克没给人产生一种空虚、冷清的浮华印象。)

12. Pomp and pageantry are the order of the day in London as Britain celebrates Queen Elizabeth II 81st birthday. (翻译:在英国庆贺伊利萨白女皇二世81岁生日的这一天,伦敦上下华丽壮观。)

13. We marry, for example, with great pomp and ceremony and expense to signal our departure from a life of solitude and misery and loneliness to one of eternal bliss. (翻译:举例说,我们结婚 用舞会,仪式和花费 来宣告 孤独寂寞的悲惨生活 变成永恒的幸福 )

14. With some little children and the pomp of a real funeral, you buried the jay and wrote its epitaph? (翻译:你和几个孩子举行了隆重的葬礼 你埋葬了小鸟还写下了碑文?)

15. He was buried with great pomp and solemnity. (翻译:他的葬礼盛大而隆重。)


1. 意大利语中的“pompa”一词通常指“水泵”。示例:

- Il mio giardino è grande e ho bisogno di una pompa per irrigare le piante. (My garden is big and I need a pump to water the plants.)

- Questa cascina ha una va pompa manuale per estrarre l'acqua dal pozzo. (This farm has an old manual pump to extract water from the well.)

2. “POMPA”可能是一种缩写词或者缩写术语,在不同的领域和场景中有不同的意义。例如,在医学和生物学中,POMPA可以指导人膜蛋白A1。示例:

- La mutazione POMPA causa la malattia di Niemann-Pick di tipo A. (The POMPA mutation causes Niemann-Pick disease type A.)

- La proteina POMPA è coinvolta nel trasporto dell'ossigeno nelle cellule del sangue. (The POMPA protein is involved in transporting oxygen in blood cells.)

3. “Pompa”也可能是一种口语或俚语,常常用于形容某人或某事非常骄傲或夸张。示例:

- Il nostro professore si vanta sempre del suo talento, ma la verità è che è solo una pompa. (Our teacher always boasts about his talent, but the truth is he's just a pompous fool.)

- Non ho mai visto una macchina così pomposa e vistosa. (I've never seen a car so pompous and flashy.)

4. 最后,Pompa是许多地名和姓氏的意大利语发音。例如,波兰的“Pompa”小镇和意大利的Pompa家族。示例:

- Ho visitato la città di Pompa in Polonia durante le mie vacanze estive. (I visited the town of Pompa in Poland during my summer vacation.)

- La famiglia Pompa è una delle più antiche e rispettate della città di Napoli. (The Pompa family is one of the oldest and most respected in the city of Naples.)


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