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sanchez是什么意思 sanchez的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-08 18:51:10
  • 194

sanchez是什么意思 sanchez的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:sǎng chè sī

例句:Sanchez是一位出色的足球运动员。 (Sanchez is an excellent football player.)




例句:Sanchez has no priors, no affiliations we know of, and he's not on drug squad's radar. (Sanchez没前科 没入帮派 缉毒科的黑名单里也没有他)


例句:He also insisted that Quique Sanchez Flores had helped the club, but that it was time for changes. (他也表示基克弗洛雷斯对俱乐部的贡献很大,不过现在是时候改变了。)


例句:There's a lot about Leo Sanchez and his farm in Salinas, California. (关于里奥·桑切斯和他在加利福尼亚州萨利纳斯的农场有很多故事。)


例句:CARNE ASADA OUT OF SENORITA SANCHEZ, (翻译:carne asada 出自 senorita Sanchez,)


sanchez一般作为名词使用,如在Sanchez(n. 桑切斯(姓氏))、Sanchez Mira([地名] 桑切斯米拉 ( 菲 ))、j.sanchez([网络] 圣切斯)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sanchezn. 桑切斯(姓氏)
Sanchez Mira[地名] 桑切斯米拉 ( 菲 )
j.sanchez[网络] 圣切斯


1. There's a lot about Leo Sanchez and his farm in Salinas, California. (翻译:关于里奥·桑切斯和他在加利福尼亚州萨利纳斯的农场有很多故事。)

2. CARNE ASADA OUT OF SENORITA SANCHEZ, (翻译:carne asada 出自 senorita Sanchez,)

3. Bobby Sanchez has drawn the handicap and he will fight one arm. (翻译:博比桑切斯 抽到了被限制一方 他将用一只手臂打)

4. Mr. Sanchez, 66, said he always wanted to learn English but had not had time for lessons. (翻译:桑切斯先生已经66岁了,他说,他一直想学英语,不过都没有时间上课。)

5. In 1994, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, the terrorist known as "Carlos the Jackal, " was jailed in France after being captured in Sudan. (翻译:1994年,卡洛斯的走狗IlichRamirezSanchez,在苏丹捕获后被监禁在法国!)

6. You had tracked him to New York using Rick Ruiz and Tony Sanchez. (翻译:对 你在纽约追查到他使用 Rick Ruiz和Tony Sanchez的假身份)

7. - T.J., Sanchez, take the suspect, go! (翻译:-T. J. , 桑切思, 押送犯人,快走!)

8. Pozzo: "Alexis Sanchez is the cherry that is missing on Guardiola's cake. " (翻译:波佐:桑切斯就是瓜迪奥拉蛋糕上缺的那颗樱桃。)

9. Juan Sanchez. Go with him. Scram. (翻译:Juan Sanchez 跟他去吧 滚吧)

10. And there was a stark message about Natalia Kimiko Casas Sanchez: "someone has received information that this person is dead. " (翻译:还有一个显著的关于卡萨斯·桑切斯·纳塔莉亚·林睿君的信息,写道:“有人得知这个人已经死亡”。)

11. The last shipment of guns that were seized at our border have not been accounted for, Sanchez. (翻译:我们最近在边境截获的一批... ...已经找不到了, 桑切斯)

12. I want a complete rundown on Sanchez's operation, and I'll need a flight to Isthmus City, private. (翻译:我要彻底毁了桑契斯的作业 须要私下飞到伊斯马市去)

13. And they say Manolo might be the greatest Sanchez ever! (翻译:他们说,Manolo可能是有史以来最伟大的桑切斯!)

14. This is Suki Sanchez for KPFW. (翻译:据说很快变成了纵情狂欢 soon turned into allegedly too much fun.)

15. Delores sanchez,a female,22,migrant farm laborer abducted at a bus stop. (翻译:Delores Sanchez 女性 22岁 农场工作的移民 在公车站被)










1. Mr. Sanchez is a new teacher in our school.(桑切斯先生是我们学校的一名新教师。)

2. Sanchez family moved to a new house in the suburbs.(桑切斯一家搬到了郊区的新房子。)

3. The famous footballer Alexis Sanchez.(著名足球运动员亚历克西斯·桑切斯。)

4. Sanchez is a common surname in Spanish-speaking countries.(桑切斯是西语国家常见的姓氏。)

5. The company hired Sanchez as the new CEO.(公司聘请桑切斯为新的首席执行官。)

6. The Sanchez family reunion is held every year on Christmas Eve.(桑切斯家族在每年的圣诞前夕举行团聚活动。)

7. Maria Sanchez won the first prize in the art competition.(玛丽亚·桑切斯在艺术比赛中获得了一等奖。)

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