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clocks是什么意思 clocks的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-26 17:48:35
  • 269

clocks是什么意思 clocks的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The office is full of clocks ticking away the hours. (办公室里满是钟表滴答滴答地走着)

2. The clocks on the wall were all showing different times. (墙上的钟表都显示着不同的时间)

3. He collects antique clocks as a hobby. (他以收集古董钟表为业余爱好)




例句:Despite their drawbacks, sundials continued to be used for many years after the invention of mechanical clocks. (尽管日晷存在一定的缺点,但是在机械钟表出现之前,日晷一直是最常用的计时工具。)


例句:Watches and Clocks, Barometers , Hydrometers, Thermometers, Clocks and Tide Clocks. (采购产品手表和钟表,气压计,液体比重计,温度计,钟表和潮钟表。)


例句:All these clocks stop at 3:27 when the hauntings happen. (所有这些时钟停止在3: 27 当恶鬼出没发生。)


例句:Congratulations, gentlemen there is now one billion dollars waiting for us in the land of banks, cheese and cuckoo clocks. (翻译:恭喜,各位... 现时有十亿元... 在瑞士等着我们去拿)


clocks一般作为名词、动词使用,如在digital clocks(数字(电子)钟,数字显示式时钟[亦作digital watch,参较og clock])、electric clocks([仪] 电钟)、grandfather clocks(na. 有摆的座钟\n[网络] 祖父钟;祖父钟表)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital clocks数字(电子)钟,数字显示式时钟[亦作digital watch,参较og clock]
electric clocks[仪] 电钟
grandfather clocksna. 有摆的座钟\n[网络] 祖父钟;祖父钟表
longcase clocks[网络] 直立式长木箱挂钟
longitude clocks[网络] 经度时钟
mechanical clocks机械钟表
molecular clocks分子钟
o'clocks[网络] 紫茉莉
pendulum clocks[仪] 摆钟
pneumatic clocks气压钟


1. All these clocks stop at 3:27 when the hauntings happen. (翻译:所有这些时钟停止在3: 27 当恶鬼出没发生。)

2. Congratulations, gentlemen there is now one billion dollars waiting for us in the land of banks, cheese and cuckoo clocks. (翻译:恭喜,各位... 现时有十亿元... 在瑞士等着我们去拿)

3. Some pulsars keep time better than the Earth's most accurate clocks. (翻译:有些脉冲星表比地球上最精确的时钟还准。)

4. You notice there aren't any clocks in my room 'cause they...they interfere with your ability to... (翻译:你知道我的意思,我房间里的钟 因为它们干扰了)

5. Sheila Patek clocks the fastest animals (翻译:Sheila Patek 记录最快的动物)

6. And the clocks stop at 3:07 a.m. (翻译:钟都停在了凌晨3: 07 And the clocks stop at 3: 07 a.)

7. "Yes, but wind the clocks once again After so many years! (翻译:过了这么多年心里又感到如此激动了! 我得把发条上上,我儿子要回来了!)

8. Look at all these clocks. They're very special. They are called "kuku clock". (翻译:看看这些大钟,它们都是非常特别的,被成为新西兰果时钟。)

9. It is a timepiece of such astonishing precision that people often wake up a few minutes before their alarm clocks go off. (翻译:这种时钟准确得惊人,我们往往就在闹铃响前几分钟醒来。)

10. And so plants and animals developed their own internal clocks so that they would be ready for these changes in light. (翻译:因此植物和动物 都进化出自己的内部时钟, 这使得他们能适应光线的改变。)

11. The clocks and all of their supporting hardware can be up to the size of a refrigerator. (翻译:原子钟和它所有的支持硬件 加起来可以有冰箱那么大。)

12. The best clocks have jewel movements, cogs that fit, that cooperate by design. (翻译:最好的钟表需要有精确协调的 宝石机件和齿轮)

13. Disgusted by their jobs and their boss, Peter and his two friends embezzle money and start sleeping through their alarm clocks. (翻译:讨厌老板和工作的皮特和两位朋友贪、上班迟到。)

14. These two alarm clocks are nippy, but they're nice when you know 'em. (翻译:会好的 这两个闹钟很爆躁 但是你熟悉了就会很好用)

15. Titoni manufactures middle segment price clocks with the selling price between 300 and 2000 Swiss franconias. The clocks processing is almost exclusive mechanical works, which are built in hand work. (翻译:梅花生产定位于300-2000瑞士法郎的中档手表,整个制表过程几乎没有自动设备,全部手工制造。)




词组搭配:钟表收藏家(Clock collector)

短语:Beat the clock(赶时间)



1. The clock on the wall says it's already 10 o'clock.(墙上的钟表显示已经是10点了。)

2. I prefer og clocks to digital ones because I can see the movement of the hands.(我喜欢模拟时钟胜于数字时钟,因为我能看到指针的动作。)

3. The clock struck twelve, signaling the start of the new year.(时钟敲响了12下,表示新年开始了。)

4. He has a collection of antique clocks from different countries.(他有来自不同国家的古董钟表收藏。)

5. I always set the clock ahead a few minutes to avoid being late.(我总是把钟表快几分钟,以免迟到。)

6. The clock tower in the city center is a popular tourist attraction.(城市中心的钟楼是一个受欢迎的旅游景点。)

7. Can you hear that ticking sound? It's coming from the clock on the mantle.(你能听到那个嘀嗒声吗?它是壁炉架上的时钟发出的。)

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