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wear out是什么意思 wear out的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:35
  • 174

wear out是什么意思 wear out的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:[weər aʊt]


1. He wore out his ss by walking too much.


2. The constant use of the washing machine has worn out the motor.


3. Don't wear out that book, I need it for my research.


wear out在中文中有"消磨、精疲力尽"的意思,还有耗尽的意思,在线读音是[wearout],wear out在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到79个与wear out相关的例句。

Wear out的中文翻译


例句:Wear the lab coat, Virginia. (Wear the lab coat, Virginia.)


例句:As for your appearance, what will you wear? (关于您的形象 您要穿什么? As for your appearance, what will you wear?)


例句:They just wear too many... (就是穿了太多的... They just wear too many...)


例句:No, I meant what women wear with... (翻译:No, I meant what women wear with... You know, decorative.)


wear out一般作为名词使用,如在to wear out(筋疲力竭)、wear ... out(na. 精疲力尽;用坏;穿破;磨破\n[网络] 磨损;穿坏;穿旧)、upper wear out([服装] 鞋帮破损)等常见短语中出现较多。

to wear out筋疲力竭
wear ... outna. 精疲力尽;用坏;穿破;磨破\n[网络] 磨损;穿坏;穿旧
upper wear out[服装] 鞋帮破损
wear me out让我累坏了
wear out failure衰老失效;磨损失效
wear out periodun. 磨损周期\n[网络] 磨损期;磨耗期
wear out something[网络] 穿一些东西
wear somebody out使疲乏,使筋疲力尽,使厌烦
wear someone out[网络] 使某人筋疲力尽


1. They just wear too many... (翻译:就是穿了太多的... They just wear too many...)

2. No, I meant what women wear with... (翻译:No, I meant what women wear with... You know, decorative.)

3. Oh, don't worry, you wear the name well. (翻译:you wear the name well.)

4. As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out. (翻译:牙刷毛一旦磨损就扔掉。)

5. Well, I have them... but I don't really like to wear them that much. (翻译:Do you wear contact Ienses?)

6. Even the most deathless love could wear out. (翻译:即使最最坚固的爱也可以磨没的。)

7. As a result they cover their skin or wear sunblock or stay out of the sun. (翻译:所以他们习惯遮盖住他们的皮肤或涂上防晒霜或远离阳光。)

8. - Now, is it customary to wear a blanket? (翻译:is it - - is it customary to wear a blanket?)

9. You see bikes going everywhere, and the bikes wear out. (翻译:你看,自行车哪里都可以去, 而自行车会磨损, )

10. What's wrong with your eyes? (翻译:A girl can never wear enough eye .)

11. You'll wear it out if you use it on a nail. (翻译

12. Grandma Kuchenski's wedding gown. (翻译:我决定穿 Well, I have decided to wear)

13. Of course ebooks don't wear out. (翻译:电子书当然不会磨损。)

14. But I would have you wear a dress that I make out of a tablecloth from there. (翻译:但是我是想用他们家的台布给你做件衣裳 But I would have you wear a dress that I make out of a tablecloth from there.)

15. When we go out tonight, will you wear your uniform? (翻译:当我们出门的时候, 你要穿你的军装吗? - 哦,不。- 求求你了。)

词义:wear out指因过度使用或消耗而磨损或疲劳,也可以指使人或动物疲劳或筋疲力尽。


词组搭配:wear out还可以构成以下短语和词组:

- wear out one's welcome:过度逗留而不受欢迎。

- wear out the carpet:在地毯上走动而使之磨损。

- wear out one's ss:通过步行或奔跑使鞋子磨损。

- wear out one's patience:让某人失去耐心。

- wear out the opposition:通过持续压力而使对手失去动力。

发音拼写:/wɛr aʊt/

以下是五个使用wear out的中英例句:

1. My ss are completely worn out, I need to buy a new pair.(我的鞋子已经磨损严重,我需要买双新鞋。)

2. After a long day of work, I am completely worn out.(经过一整天的工作,我已经筋疲力尽了。)

3. The shirt has been washed so many times that it is starting to wear out.(这件衬衫已经被洗过很多次了,它开始磨损了。)

4. I think I have worn out my welcome with my roommate because I have been staying with him for too long.(我觉得我已经让我的室友不喜欢我了,因为我已经和他住在一起太久了。)

5. The constant criticism from his boss finally wore out his patience, and he quit his job.(老板持续的批评最终使他失去了耐心,他辞职了。)

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