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shinji是什么意思 shinji的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:56
  • 249

shinji是什么意思 shinji的中文翻译、读音、例句

shinji的中文翻译为"真司",读音为zhēn jū。例句:Shinji是一个非常聪明的学生,他总是能够迅速解决问题。 (Shinji is a very intelligent student who always manages to solve problems quickly.)




例句:As Ikari Shinji continues to mentally deteriorate, where will our story lead? (碇真嗣这逐渐支离破碎的故事究竟会何去何从呢?)


例句:Shinji smiled, then released her hand, and sat back. (真嗣笑了,放开了紧握的手,恢复了正常的坐姿。)


例句:However, two events changed that: the failed activation test of Unit-00, and the arrival of the Third Children, Ikari Shinji. (然而,有两件事改变了这一点。零号机启动实验的失败,以及碇真嗣,也就是第三适格者的到来。)


例句:I care for Shinji? (翻译:我在乎真嗣? )


1. However, two events changed that: the failed activation test of Unit-00, and the arrival of the Third Children, Ikari Shinji. (翻译:然而,有两件事改变了这一点。零号机启动实验的失败,以及碇真嗣,也就是第三适格者的到来。)

2. I care for Shinji? (翻译:我在乎真嗣? )

3. Like with Shinji-kun right now. The more pain his heart endures, the more afraid he becomes. (翻译:现在的真嗣也是因为在心灵的某处害怕受到这种伤害)

4. I finally decided to come out of hiding and found Shinji cooking in the kitchen. (翻译:当我终于下定决心不再逃避,就撞见了在厨房做饭的真嗣。)

5. That's because... you killed Shinji Togashi... the day before on Dec. 1st. (翻译:因为你是在前一天12月1日 杀死富坚慎二的)

6. Did your little stroll clear things up for you, Ikari Shinji-kun? Not really. It didn't really matter. (翻译:出去转一转 心情好点了吗 碇真嗣 没好 我已经放弃挣扎了)

7. The star-studded indoor festivities included action star Jackie Chan, Japanese singer Shinji Tanimura, concert pianist Lang Lang and opera star Andrea Bocelli, among 2, 300 performers. (翻译:室内文艺表演群星荟萃,除了2300名演员外,还云集了功夫巨星,日本音乐艺人谷村新司,钢琴演奏家和歌唱家安德烈•波切利等。)

8. Shinji saw a flash of something to the left of him, and then he was knocked to the ground roughly. (翻译:真嗣感觉左边有东西一闪,随即被狠狠地撂倒在地。)

9. Inside Shinji's plug, black arms unfold from behind his seat and lock his arms into place, and the dummy plug activates. (翻译:慎内的插头,黑色武器展开从后面坐下,锁定他的武器,并在虚拟插件激活。)

10. Ho? ava gravity may also create the "illusion of dark matter, " says cosmologist Shinji Mukohyama of Tokyo University. (翻译:赫拉瓦引力论也能制造“暗物质假象”,——这是东京大学宇宙学家真嗣向山的观点。)

11. It is understood that the promoters will say goodbye to his friends love Iijima Shusei Nakayama, Shinji Shimada, etc. to help a total of 15 artists. (翻译:据了解,告别会的发起人为生前好友中山秀征、岛田绅助等共计15位艺人。)

12. Tessai apologizes to Urahara and before they can speak more Shinji suddenly scream out. (翻译:铁斋向浦原道歉,在他们能说其他东西前,真子突然尖叫。)

13. HoYava gravity may also create the "illusion of dark matter, " says cosmologist Shinji Mukohyama of Tokyo University. (翻译:HoYava引力也可能产生“暗物质假象”,东京大学的宇宙学家ShinjiMukohyama说。)

14. I would not lose Shinji. (翻译:我不要连真嗣也失去。)

15. I don't know about that... Shinji-kun is still here because of you, isn't he? (翻译:那就不知道了 真嗣不是因为有你在才留下的吗)

1. 含义:

'shinji' 可以是日本人名,也可以是一个代表信仰或信念的词语。在游戏和动漫文化中,“Shinji”也是一个非常常见的角色名字。

2. 语言特点:


3. 用法:

- 作为人名:


例句:Shinji is a popular name for Japanese boys.(“Shinji”是日本男孩中的一个流行名字。)


例句:The samurai lived by a strict code of shinji.(武士按照一套严格的信仰准则生活。)

- 作为代表角色名:


例句:Shinji is the main character in the popular anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.(Shinji是广受欢迎的动漫系列《新世纪福音战士》中的主角。)

- 作为缩写词:

'S.H.I.N.J.I'也可以被用作缩写词,表示“Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate”(战略危险干涉间谍后勤局)。

例句:In the Marvel Comics universe, S.H.I.E.L.D. often collaborates with S.H.I.N.J.I.(在漫威漫画宇宙中,S.H.I.E.L.D.经常会与S.H.I.N.J.I.合作。)

4. 适用场合:



- Shinji and his friends battle giant monsters in the city in the anime series Pacific Rim.(Shinji和他的朋友在动漫系列《环太平洋》中在城市中与巨型怪兽作战。)

- Many Japanese people have names like Shinji that represent their beliefs or values.(许多日本人有像Shinji这样的名字,代表他们的信仰或价值观。)

- The character Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion is known for his introspective personality.(《新世纪福音战士》中的角色Shinji以他内省的性格著称。)

- The S.H.I.N.J.I. organization in the Marvel Comics universe is dedicated to protecting the world from alien threats.(漫威漫画宇宙中的S.H.I.N.J.I.组织致力于保护地球免受外星威胁。)

- Some people choose to get tattoos of Shinji's name or symbol as a way of expressing their beliefs.(一些人选择纹身Shinji的名字或符号作为表达他们信仰的方式。)

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