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hado是什么意思 hado的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 04:21:54
  • 551

hado是什么意思 hado的中文翻译、读音、例句



读音:hǎ duō


1. 通过温暖的言语和微笑,我们可以感受到对方的'hado'。

By warm words and smiles, we can feel the 'hado' of others.

2. 一些健康专家信仰'hado'可以帮助调节身体的能量,从而促进身体的健康。

Some health experts believe that 'hado' can help regulate the body's energy and promote health.




例句:As it reaches the moment of impact, the Hado consolidated into your fist will make it nearly indestructible for that moment with the ability to punch through solid granite. (而在你拳头接触对方的瞬间 在你拳中聚集的波动 会让你拳头在瞬间坚不可摧 并能打碎花岗岩)


例句:Ifwe cause the Satsui no Hado to manifest itself in Ryu again, we won't be able to touch him. (曾一度把隆的杀意波动引发出 我们已经无法与之对抗 相当清楚了)


例句:First, to generate stable Hado in an instant, you must use the "Power of Nothingness." (第一 要瞬间产生稳定的波动 需要用到虚无的力量)


hado一般作为名词使用,如在Hado([地名] 下岛 ( 韩 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Hado[地名] 下岛 ( 韩 )


1. First, to generate stable Hado in an instant, you must use the "Power of Nothingness." (翻译:第一 要瞬间产生稳定的波动 需要用到虚无的力量)

2. My own brother, my last surviving Ansatsuken rival, lost his mind; driven mad by abuse of Satsui no Hado. (翻译:我的兄弟也是我最后一个对手 被杀意的波动搞到走火入魔)

3. I understand your reservations about Satsui no Hado, but do not be na'l've. (翻译:我知道你对杀意的波动有所保留 但你别天真了)

4. So your training in Hado begins. (翻译:虚无的力量 所以 你们对波动的学习现在开始)

5. I mean, you've already proven you can keep the Satsui no Hado under control. (翻译:确实将杀意的波动压抑住了 既然如此为什么)

6. A warrior consumed by Satsui no Hado could not ignore it. (翻译:一个沉迷于杀意波动的士兵是不可能忽略他的)

7. It is certainly a more difficult route to take to unlock the power of Hado, but a purer one. (翻译:这的确是发动波动的一个困难方式 但也是最纯粹的)

8. It looks like your gloves couldn't stand up to the Hado that you both now wield, so it's time you inherited these. (翻译:看起来 你们的拳套已经承受不了你们的波动 是时候你们继承这双拳套)

9. Ryu, by unleashing Dark Hado, you unknowingly sent out a beacon. (翻译:隆 当你释放黑暗波动的时候 你无意领悟到了最重要的东西)

10. Goki had ambitions of unlocking the power of Dark Hado, and ultimately, the Shun Goku Satsu. (翻译:豪鬼一直想释放暗波动的力量 并练成瞬狱杀 您不是说那只是虚构的吗)

11. This Hado will allow your muscles to contract with extraordinary force propelling you high into the air. (翻译:气的波动 会让你的肌肉大力的收缩 并让你强力冲向空中)

12. The caller was a 38-year old car dealer from Hado City. (翻译:受困者是来自河图市的 汽车经销商 38岁男性)

13. The most deadly Ansatsuken techniques can only be achieved by embracing Satsui no Hado and focusing it upon your opponent, through your mind, body, Ki, and technique. (翻译:暗杀拳中最致命的技巧 只能将杀意的波动 专注在你的对手身上)

14. Construction of Hado Tunnel No. 2, halted for the rescue operation, resumes today. (翻译:因救援行动而中止的 二号河图隧道工程 今天恢复施工)

15. I know that the Satsui no Hado lurks within you like cancer, tempting you to throw away your humanity for unlimited power. (翻译:杀意的波动 你对抗着那巨大的宿命 是放弃人的身份才能得到的)


1. 名词:表示物理上的波动。

2. 动词:表示产生波动。

3. 形容词:描述某物具有波动特征。


1. Hado疗法: 一种基于能量平衡和治疗技术的自我疗愈系统。

2. Hado水晶: 一种特殊的晶体,据说可以改善人们的能量场并提高情感健康。


1. 名词:


These sounds are caused by the hado produced by the music.

2. 动词:


He swept his hand over the suce of the sea, creating many small hado.

3. 形容词:


When a volcano erupts, the hado it produces can destroy everything around it.

4. Hado疗法:


With the help of hado therapy, I learned how to adjust my energy to achieve self-healing of the body.

5. Hado水晶:


Using a hado crystal can help adjust the body's energy and improve emotional health.

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