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pid是什么意思 pid的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-20 10:20:32
  • 235

pid是什么意思 pid的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 进程的pid代表该进程的唯一标识符。

2. 使用命令ps -ef可以查看所有进程的pid及其详细信息。

3. 如果一个进程占用了太多的资源,可以通过kill命令来终止该进程的pid。


Translation of 'pid': process identifier

Pronunciation of 'pid': [pid]

Example sentences of 'pid':

1. The pid of the process represents the unique identifier of the process.

2. Using the command 'ps -ef' can show the pid of all processes and their details.

3. If a process takes up too many resources, it can be terminated by using the 'kill' command to kill its pid.




例句:After that, introducing weight gene, syncretized PID and fuzzy control's outputs by adding weight. At last, the result of fusion was output to object controlled. (之后引入加权因子,采用加权的方法将PID和模糊控制各自的输出进行融合,将融合的结果最后输出到被控对象上。)


例句:Aiming at water level control of boiler drums in power plant, a strategy of CMAC neural network and PID combined control is presented. (提出了电站锅炉汽包水位系统的CMAC神经网络与PID的复合控制策略。)


例句:Use that function in the following format: @@uft: PID: *: picked_function: entry. For example (按以下格式使用这个函数:@@uft:PID:*:picked_function:entry。)


例句:The name of the pid probe provider is formed by suffixing process id to the string 'pid.' (翻译:pid探测提供者的名称形式为字符串‘pid’加上进程id。)


pid一般作为名词使用,如在pid action([计]比例积分微分作用)、Pid'ma([地名] 皮季马 ( 俄 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

pid action[计]比例积分微分作用
Pid'ma[地名] 皮季马 ( 俄 )


1. Use that function in the following format: @@uft: PID: *: picked_function: entry. For example (翻译:按以下格式使用这个函数:@@uft:PID:*:picked_function:entry。)

2. The name of the pid probe provider is formed by suffixing process id to the string 'pid.' (翻译:pid探测提供者的名称形式为字符串‘pid’加上进程id。)

3. This example USES the PID provider. (翻译:这个示例使用PID提供者。)

4. The simulation indicates that this controllers quality is better than general PID controller in aspect . (翻译:仿真结果表明,该控制器在控制量品质、动态性能、稳态精度等方面都优于常规PID控制器。)

5. Locate the column called PID displayed. (翻译:找到称为PID的列。)

6. After limiting its control range with a limiter, the control effect of IMG goes worse, but is still better than PID. (翻译:通过限幅器可把控制量限制在可实现范围内,其控制效果虽然变差,但仍比PID控制好得多。)

7. Getpid is broken — it is very hard to get the pid for a group of threads constituting a process. (翻译:getpid被——获得构成进程的一组线程的pid非常困难。)

8. The application of thermostatic control module based on PID in opacimeter was introduced. (翻译:介绍了基于PID算法的恒温控制模块在不透光烟度计中的应用。)

9. Let's force the tids with the same parity as the pid onto core 1, the others onto core 0. (翻译:强制使tid具有与核心1上的pid相同的奇偶校验,其他与核心0上的相同。)

10. We will cover PIDs and more about status in a moment. (翻译:我们稍后将更详细地讨论PID和状态。)

11. Fuzzy PID Vibration Control of Large Flexible Structures Based on IMSC (翻译:大型挠性结构基于独立模态空间的模糊PID控制)

12. The name of the PID probe provider is formed by suffixing process ID to the string 'pid. ' (翻译:PID探测提供者的名称形式为字符串‘pid’加上进程ID。)

13. You see a strong vibration in case of PID control which means necessity of re-adjustment of parameters by engineers at the site. (翻译:你会看到一个PID控制在强烈振动情况下,这意味着需要重新调整参数的工程师在现场。)

14. Design and Application of Non-linear PID Controller for the Vibration Position Ring of Continuos Casting Crystallizer (翻译:连铸结晶器振动位置环的非线性PID控制器设计及应用)

15. In theory, many AQM mechanisms can be reduced to he PID controllers. (翻译:理论上,很多AQM机制可以最终归结为PID控制器。)


1. 意义:PID是“Proportional-Integral-Derivative”的缩写,是一种自动控制系统算法。在自动控制系统中,PID控制器可以通过对偏差、积分和导数进行运算,来产生控制动作。

2. 应用:PID控制器广泛应用于各种自动化控制领域,如工业、交通、食品加工等。

3. 组成:PID控制器由三部分组成:比例控制器(P)、积分控制器(I)和微分控制器(D)。

4. 细节:PID控制器的设计需要根据具体应用场景进行调整,如设置比例因子、积分时间等参数。

5. 优势:PID控制器具有响应速度快、稳态误差小、适用于多种控制对象等优点。


1. The PID controller can regulate the temperature of the oven within a precise range.(PID控制器可以精确调节烤箱的温度范围。)

2. The production line is equipped with a PID controller to manage the flow rate of the raw material.(生产线配备了PID控制器,管理原材料的流量。)

3. The PID controller consists of a proportional controller, an integral controller, and a derivative controller.(PID控制器由比例控制器、积分控制器和微分控制器组成。)

4. The engineer adjusted the PID controller's parameters to match the characteristics of the system.(工程师调整了PID控制器的参数,以适应系统的特性。)

5. Compared to other control algorithms, the PID controller has the advantages of fast response, small steady-state error, and adaptability to different control objects.(与其他控制算法相比,PID控制器具有响应速度快、稳态误差小、适应多种控制对象的优点。)

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