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cultural是什么意思 cultural的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:21:25
  • 226

cultural是什么意思 cultural的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Cultural differences can cause misunderstandings between people from different countries.(文化差异可能会导致不同国家的人之间的误解。)

2. The museum is dedicated to preserving and promoting cultural heritage.(博物馆致力于保护和推广文化遗产。)

3. Learning a foreign language can broaden your cultural horizons.(学习一门外语可以拓宽你的文化视野。)




例句:Nietzche's cultural philosophy agrees with the cultural philosophy campaign spirit request of postmodernism. (尼采文化哲学契合了后现代主义这一场广义上的文化哲动的内在精神要求。)


例句:The city of Guangfu is a national historical and cultural city where has a long history and profound cultural connotation. (广府是国家历史文化名城,有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化内涵,它最大的特色是“水上古城”以及“太极广府”两大特征。)


例句:They were denounced from the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. Have you no party discipline in your heart? (一开始就被斗得很惨 说呀 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}They were badly denounced from the beginning of the Cultural Revolution Say it!)


例句:Naipaul's peculiar construction of cultural identity and cultural views make his works present an exiling feature. (翻译:奈保尔独特的文化身份建构和文化价值观使得他的创作散发出浓郁的气息。)


cultural一般作为形容词使用,如在national cultural(民族文化的)、social cultural([网络] 社会文化;社会文化环境;社会文化的)、famous cultural city(文化名城)等常见短语中出现较多。

national cultural民族文化的
social cultural[网络] 社会文化;社会文化环境;社会文化的
famous cultural city文化名城
folk cultural geography民俗文化地理学
hsinchu cultural center新竹市立文化中心
ideal cultural pattern【人类学】理想文化模式
intangible cultural heritage无形文化遗产
maritime cultural geography海洋人文地理
paddy cultural vegetation水稻栽培植被


1. They were denounced from the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. Have you no party discipline in your heart? (翻译:一开始就被斗得很惨 说呀 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}They were badly denounced from the beginning of the Cultural Revolution Say it!)

2. Naipaul's peculiar construction of cultural identity and cultural views make his works present an exiling feature. (翻译:奈保尔独特的文化身份建构和文化价值观使得他的创作散发出浓郁的气息。)

3. They are cultural creations, not natural phenomena. (翻译:你看,这两种范式都是人类的观点,都是文化的产物,而不是客观的自然现象 你看,这两种范式都是人类的观点,都是文化的产物,而不是客观的自然现象)

4. serious cases of smuggling valuable cultural relics out of thecountry or speculating in cultural relics; (翻译:盗运珍贵文物出口或者进行文物投机倒把活动情节严重的; )

5. Gramsci influence to nationality cultural view a dark one he get " cultural hegemony " concept out of very. (翻译:葛兰西对于民族文化观影响甚深的是他提出“文化霸权”概念。)

6. Linguistic-cultural image is a linguistic-cultural unit containing cultural connotation, which is equivalent to the LWM of linguistic-cultural study. (翻译:语言文化意象是含载有文化内涵的语言文化单位,相当于语言世界图景。)

7. BIK provides a multi-cultural environment to begin fostering cultural awareness and respect from a young age. (翻译:在多种不同文化的氛围中从小培养孩子学会了解和尊重其他文化。)

8. The town is a cultural dead zone. (翻译:这个镇子是个文化荒原。)

9. Comrade Le, with your influence in the Cultural Bureau... (翻译:with your influence in the Cultural Bureau...)

10. Some cultural attache you are. (翻译:你还真是个文化专员啊 Some cultural attaché you are.)

11. So... it is not the cultural norm. (翻译:所以 So... 不是什么文化风俗 it is not the cultural norm.)

12. cultural heritage; tourism development; cultural heritage protection; the scenic spot of Mount Dapi; (翻译:文化遗产;旅游开发;遗产保护;大伾山风景区;)

13. Hybridity , for the marginalized people, is a way of cultural resistance to colonialism and the Western cultural domain. (翻译:杂糅是边缘人对殖义和欧美主流文化霸权的一种抵制。)

14. What would happen to the Royal Opera House, the very summit of our cultural achievement? (翻译:长此以往 皇家歌剧院 What would happen to the Royal Opera House, 我们文明的精粹会怎样呢? the very summit of our cultural achievement?)

15. I am Le Van Quyen of the Cultural Bureau. (翻译:我是文化局的黎文娟 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}I am Le Van Quyen of the Cultural Bureau.)


1. 词义:'cultural' 通常指与文化有关的事物,包括艺术、传统、习俗、价值观等。例如:

- The government is inviting cultural exchange programs to promote cultural diversity. (正在邀请文化交流项目,以促进文化多样性。)

- It is important to preserve cultural heritage for future generations. (保护文化遗产对于子孙后代十分重要。)

2. 形容词:'cultural' 可以作为形容词,用来描述与文化有关的事物。例如:

- The museum has a vast collection of cultural relics from all around the world. (博物馆收藏了来自世界各地的大量文化遗物。)

- The school offers a range of cultural activities for students to explore different aspects of culture. (学校为学生提供各种文化活动,让他们了解文化的不同方面。)

3. 名词:'cultural' 可以作为名词,指代属于某一种文化的特定事物。例如:

- Chinese cultural symbols such as the dragon and the pnix are often seen in traditional Chinese art. (中国文化象征,如龙和凤凰,常常出现在传统的中国艺术中。)

- The museum has a collection of Mexican cultural artifacts dating back to the Aztec civilization. (博物馆收藏了追溯到阿兹特克文明时期的墨西哥文化艺术品。)

4. 动词:'culturalize' 是 'cultural' 的动词形式,意思是使某事物变得更加符合某种文化的特点。例如:

- The hotel has culturalized its menu to cater to international tourists with diverse tastes. (酒店调整了菜单,以迎合口味多样的国际游客。)

- The company is culturalizing its brand to appeal to the younger generation. (公司正在使其品牌更符合年轻一代的文化特点,以吸引更多的年轻人。)

5. 缩写词:'CUL' 是 'cultural' 的缩写词,常常用于课程和社交媒体中,表示与文化有关的话题。例如:

- The CUL course covers topics on art, literature, and music from around the world. (CUL课程涵盖了来自世界各地的艺术、文学和音乐等话题。)

- The CUL club organizes events and activities related to different cultures to promote understanding and appreciation. (CUL俱乐部组织与不同文化有关的活动和事件,以促进理解和欣赏。)

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