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helena是什么意思 helena的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:22
  • 219

helena是什么意思 helena的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:hěi lún nà


1. Helena is a beautiful name.(海伦娜是个美丽的名字。)

2. I met Helena at the party last night.(我昨晚在聚会上遇到了海伦娜。)

3. Helena always wears stylish clothes.(海伦娜总是穿着时尚的衣服。)

helena的意思是"海伦娜",在英美地区还有"女子名"的意思,在线读音是['helinә, he'li:nә],helena在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到93个与helena相关的例句。



例句:Son of character actor Robert Keith and stage actress Helena Shipman. (儿子的性格演员·基思及舞台演员赫勒拿。)


例句:Sigrid puts Helena's desires into words. (Sigrid和Helena表达他们的想法)


helena一般作为名词使用,如在East Helena([地名] 东海伦娜 ( 美 ))、Helena Rubinstein(赫莲娜·鲁宾斯坦(人名)\n赫莲娜·鲁宾斯坦(品牌名))、Saint Helena(圣赫勒拿(英属殖民地))等常见短语中出现较多。

East Helena[地名] 东海伦娜 ( 美 )
Helena Rubinstein赫莲娜·鲁宾斯坦(人名)\n赫莲娜·鲁宾斯坦(品牌名)
Saint Helena圣赫勒拿(英属殖民地)
Santa Helena[地名] 圣埃伦娜 ( 巴西、哥伦 )
St Helena[地名] 圣赫勒拿 ( 非洲 )
West Helena[地名] 西海伦娜 ( 美 )
helena i.赫勒拿岛
St Helena Sound[地名] 圣海伦娜湾 ( 美 )
St Helena B.[地名] 圣赫勒拿湾 ( 南非 )


1. I lost a lot in the stock market and Helena won't budge on the alimony. (翻译:我在股市上亏了不少钱 海伦娜又不肯在赡养费上松口)

2. I see her arrogance, her cruelty... and Helena's humanity. (翻译:我看到的是她的傲慢与残忍 Helena则人道许多)

3. But, what is it that attracts Helena to Sigrid, if they are so different? (翻译:但是 如果她们是如此的不同 那Sigrid是怎么吸引Helena的)

4. That afternoon Helena went to the movies with her friend and you and I made love. (翻译:那天下午... ...海莲娜和她的朋友去看电影 ...我们俩)

5. Helena's distress would last longer when she's left alone in her office. (翻译:能增加单独呆在办公室里的Helena的痛苦)

6. Helena Ayala just left Club Platinum, the Obregon brothers' place in Tijuana. (翻译:海伦艾亚拉刚离开白金俱乐部 那是欧氏兄弟的地盘)

7. Helena's a wreck, and we get it, ya know, it time to move on. (翻译:Helena崩溃了 我们都知道 但是必须向前发展)

8. Helena is a city turned modern overnight bursting with all the energy and vitality of our times (翻译:海伦纳是一个夜间现代化的城市 充满了活力和冲劲)

9. That night, Helena came back to the store after closing. Cleaned out all the display cases and the safe. (翻译:那天晚上 Helena在关门后又回到店里 拿走了展示柜和保险箱里所有的珠宝)

10. Helena, did you tell anything to this imbecile? (翻译:海伦娜 你有跟这个心智低能的人说过什么吗)

11. And for you Helena embodies the opposite? (翻译:对你来说 Helena展现出的完全是相反的吗)

12. Its capital is Helena and the state flower is the bitterroot. (翻译:蒙大拿的首都是海勒拿,而其州花为苦根花。)

13. If you just accepted Helena the way you accepted Sigrid. (翻译:就像接受Sigrid一样接受Helena)

14. And you're not gonna leave until I have a dance with Helena. (翻译:你会不会走 直到我跳舞与海伦娜。对吗?)

15. Well, Helena's young too, I mean, she's not old. (翻译:Helena也很年轻啊 我的意思是 Helena也不老)



1. 词义:Helena是一个女性名字,在希腊语中是“闪耀的”或“光明”的意思。

2. 词性:Helena是一个名词,可以用于指代女性。

3. 词组搭配:没有特定的词组搭配。

4. 短语:没有特定的短语。

5. 发音拼写:Helena的发音为[həˈliːnə],拼写为"hel-EE-nuh"。


1. Helena always has a smile on her face, everyone around her feel happy.(海伦娜总是面带微笑,让身边的每个人感到快乐。)

2. Helena is an experienced designer and has won many awards for her work.(海伦娜是一位经验丰富的设计师,她的工作曾获得多个奖项。)

3. After graduating from university, Helena traveled around the world to broaden her horizons.(大学毕业后,海伦娜环游世界,拓宽了视野。)

4. Helena enjoys reading books and listening to music in her free time.(海伦娜在空闲时间喜欢读书和听音乐。)

5. Helena's family is from Greece and she often visits her relatives there.(海伦娜的家族来自希腊,她经常去那里拜访亲戚。)

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