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approving是什么意思 approving的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:28
  • 235

approving是什么意思 approving的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The board is expected to give its approving nod to the new project.


2. She looked at me with an approving smile.


3. His father was very proud of him and always gave his approving nod.


4. The committee voted unanimously in approving the proposal.


5. We all feel that the company needs to have a more approving attitude towards innovation.





例句:Ms. Conley, you're saying you have nothing to do with approving or denying overtime? (那么 Conley夫人 你说 赞同超时工作与否与你无关)


例句:The Henderson Committee, while generally approving the drug, said it could not deny that future research might disclose risks. (亨德森报告虽认为该药物大体安全 The Henderson Committee, while generally approving the drug, 却承认经长远研究 也许会发现其有害 said it could not deny that future research might disclose risks.)


例句:Lebanese media quoted the parliamentary speaker and key opposition figure Nabih Berri as also approving of the plan. (黎巴嫩媒体援引议会议长、主要反对派贝里的话说,他也同意这项计划。)


例句:For refugees. He's responsible for approving the asylum request (翻译:他负责批准Jamal的弟弟 Omar的庇护请求)


approving一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在policy approving authority(政策同意机构)等常见短语中出现较多。

policy approving authority政策同意机构


1. Lebanese media quoted the parliamentary speaker and key opposition figure Nabih Berri as also approving of the plan. (翻译:黎巴嫩媒体援引议会议长、主要反对派贝里的话说,他也同意这项计划。)

2. For refugees. He's responsible for approving the asylum request (翻译:他负责批准Jamal的弟弟 Omar的庇护请求)

3. MacAskill told Scottish lawmakers Monday that he conferred with families of the victims of the disaster, and with top U. S. officials, before approving Abdel Baset al-Megrahi's release from prison. (翻译:麦克斯基尔星期一告诉苏格兰议会,在决定释放迈格·拉希之前,他与死难者家属和美国官员进行了磋商。)

4. MLR is now directly in charge of examining and approving exploration and mining rights for tungsten and rare earth minerals. (翻译:目前,钨和稀有金属矿产的勘探和开采都必须直接经由国土资源部直接考核和审批。)

5. I was looking at the bill and I was surprised to see that there were tests on there that I don't remember approving. (翻译:我之前在看账单 惊奇的发现 那上面有一些 没有经过我同意的测试)

6. The vote approving the amendment was far from unanimous ; six members dissented. (翻译:通过修正案的投票远非全体一致;有六个人反对。)

7. He gave me an approving nod. (翻译:他向我点头表示同意。)

8. African-Americans remain the firmest part of Mr. Obama's base, with 91% approving of his job performance. (翻译:非洲裔美国人仍是阵营中最坚定的支持者,满意其政绩者达91%。)

9. Were the American founders hypocrites in affirming that all men are created equal while approving a constitution that allowed slavery to continue? (翻译:人在美国创办的伪君子 肯定的: 人人生而平等。而在批准宪法 这允许奴隶制继续吗?)

10. The most commonly used power is that of approving or vetoing any legislation. (翻译:他们使用最普遍的权力是通过或否决法律。)

11. But this time the Texas-based billionaire is receptive to the possibility of approving Gillett's get-out strategy. (翻译:但是,这一次的德克萨斯州亿万富翁接受审批吉列的出让股份战略的可能性。)

12. It took them a year, and when I was about to start on it... another regional law comes out... approving all the projects that were presented before... the previous law. (翻译:他们拖了整整一年,而当我 开始着手去做的时候 又一个地方法律出台了 批准了所有在先前法律颁布之前呈交的计划)

13. He sees the FDA mentality now as: "It's got to be so safe that we're not going to be criticized ever" for approving a drug. (翻译:他认为现在FDA批准一个新药的准则就是——足够安全到不会再遭受批评。)

14. The only alternative to approving the sale would have been the immediate liquidation of the automaker, reports Automotive News. (翻译:唯一的选择,以批准出售本来立即清算的汽车制造商,汽车新闻报道。)

15. "Carriers set strict standards for the Foundation to follow with vetting and approving non-profits, " said Tony Aiello, CEO of mGive. (翻译:“移动捐赠基金会要遵守电信为为和批准非营利组织设立了严格的标准。”Mgive的CEO,TonyAiello说。)



词组搭配:approve of 对...表示赞成/同意,approve something 批准/认可某事




1. The boss gave me an approving nod when I finished my presentation. (老板在我结束演讲时给了我一个赞许的点头。)

2. She gave me an approving smile as I walked in wearing my new dress. (当我穿着新裙子走进去时,她给了我一个赞许的微笑。)

3. The board of directors finally approved the company's expansion plan. (董事会最终批准了公司的扩张计划。)

4. The teacher approved of the student's creative approach to the assignment. (老师赞成学生对作业的创造性处理。)

5. The audience gave the performer an approving round of applause after the show. (演出后,观众给演员一个赞许的掌声。)

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