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repelled是什么意思 repelled的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-27 09:17:31
  • 201

repelled是什么意思 repelled的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. His rude behavior repelled me.


2. The smell of the garbage repelled the visitors.


3. The strong magnetic field repelled the metal objects.





例句:They have been repelled by the apparent sophistry of parts of his essay on "Civil Disobedience" . (对他在《民的不服从》一文中某些显而易见的诡辩,他们颇有反感。)


例句:Led by Aradil the Witch Queen of the Elves the free races repelled his attacks. (有著名巫师埃尔仕的指挥 自由种族不断反抗黑暗)


例句:Magnetize attract or repel each other The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time. (金属球经过磁化,互相之间不停地相互吸引或相互排斥。)


例句:The invaders were repelled by the army and people of Guangdong, where Lin Zexu had made necessary preparations. (翻译:林则徐带领当地军民做了充分的准备,在广东痛击了侵略者。)


1. Magnetize attract or repel each other The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time. (翻译:金属球经过磁化,互相之间不停地相互吸引或相互排斥。)

2. The invaders were repelled by the army and people of Guangdong, where Lin Zexu had made necessary preparations. (翻译:林则徐带领当地军民做了充分的准备,在广东痛击了侵略者。)

3. And it really hampers my relationships terribly, because if I'm repelled, I never see that person again. (翻译:这在很大程度上制约了我的人际关系 如果我厌倦了,就永远不会再看那个人了)

4. Yes, it was an unexpected beast attack and we repelled it. (翻译:没错,这是魔兽一次意料之外的突袭,我们已经解决了)

5. Whenever an object repelled me, I made it a subject of study, ingeniously compelling myself to extract from it a motive for enjoyment. (翻译:不管什么时候,当一件事情使我反感,我便把它变成一个研究的目标,迫使自己创造性地从中找出某种快乐的由头。)

6. His pugnacity fascinated and repelled people in equal measure. (翻译:他的好斗既有人为之倾倒,也有人为之反感。)

7. "'It was only yesterday I repelled Lord Graham and his six million," (翻译:“我昨天终于拒绝了 格拉汉姆爵士和他的600万英镑”)

8. She was very striking but in some way I felt repelled. (翻译:她非常吸引人,但是我觉得有些反感。)

9. Certain aphids seem to prefer waxy leaves , whereas other species are repelled by them . (翻译:有些蚜虫,看来喜欢有蜡质的叶片,而这种叶片对另一些蚜虫却有拒避作用。)

10. Enchanted and repelled... by the inexhaustible variety of life. (翻译:我既入迷又排斥... 纽约有如此多阶层和面向的人生)

11. Our robot starts producing a factoid question, like: "Charlemagne repelled [this person type]" by itself. (翻译:我们的机器人自己首先 会提出一个事实问题, 比如:“查理曼击退【……人】” )

12. So if you fell in love with a man online, it would be hard to be repelled by his smell. (翻译:因此,当你与网友陷入爱河时,很少会因他的味道排斥他。)

13. The posturing before the camera on both sides repelled me. (翻译:双方在摄像机前装腔作势的姿态令我作呕。)

14. Mr Green was repelled from the company by one of his partners. (翻译:格林先生被他的一个同伴从这家公司排挤出去了。)

15. In 1950, rats invaded on the southeast border of Alberta, but were repelled by an impressive government rat control program. (翻译:50年代棕鼠侵入了Alberta的东南部 不过我们被一位令人钦佩的驱鼠员赶走了)




1. 词释:'repelled'一般指某个人或事物对某个人或事物产生强烈的厌恶和反感,并想尽办法去避开或逃避。

2. 语境运用:'repelled'常常和介词'by'连用,表示某人被某件事情所'反感'或'不喜欢',也可以和介词'from'连用,表示某人因不喜欢某件事而从某个地方离开。

3. 同义词替换:如果要避免使用'repelled'这个词,可以使用其他类似的词,如'disgusted','turned off','put off'等等。

4. 派生词形:'repelled'是'repel'的过去式形式,'repulsion'则是它的名词形式。

5. 容易混淆词:'repelled'容易和'repealed'混淆,后者指废除或撤销某个法规或政策。


1. The smell of the trash can in the kitchen repelled me. (厨房里垃圾桶的味道让我感到极度反感。)

2. She is repelled by the idea of eating meat. (她对于吃肉这个想法感到非常反感。)

3. His rude behavior repelled all of his colleagues. (他的粗鲁行为让所有同事都感到不喜欢。)

4. I was repelled from the party by the loud music. (我因为那个派对里的大声音乐而不想留下来。)

5. The repellent smell of the garbage made me feel sick. (垃圾的恶臭味道让我感到非常恶心。)

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