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euphemism是什么意思 euphemism的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-20 05:16:21
  • 217

euphemism是什么意思 euphemism的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. "Pass away" is a euphemism for "die".

“Pass away”是“die”的委婉说法。

2. He's economizing on the truth - that's a euphemism for "he's lying."


3. In some cultures, using euphemisms when discussing death is considered polite.





例句:Donizetti carefully woven melodic lines, twists and turns to euphemism, expressive and singing, Orchestration in the accompaniment of music at the same time the pursuit of wealth effect. (多尼采蒂精心地编织旋律线条,使其委婉曲折,富于表现力和歌唱性,同时在伴奏音乐的配器上追求丰富的效果。)


例句:That is a euphemism that Stalin used time and again. (这是那个时期经常反 复使用的委婉语)


例句:But figures from cities and provinces still have an unknowable shuifen, or "water content, " as the euphemism has it. (但是,按照委婉的说法,来自各省市的数据仍有不可知的“水分”。)


例句:For instance, the word used to hail waitresses in Taiwan xiaojie, or 'miss, ' is a common euphemism for prostitute in mainland China. (翻译:例如,在招呼服务员时称“”,而在,“”通常是对女的一种委婉说法。)


euphemism一般作为名词使用,如在euphemism for(是…的委婉说法;是…的委婉语)等常见短语中出现较多。

euphemism for是…的委婉说法;是…的委婉语


1. But figures from cities and provinces still have an unknowable shuifen, or "water content, " as the euphemism has it. (翻译:但是,按照委婉的说法,来自各省市的数据仍有不可知的“水分”。)

2. For instance, the word used to hail waitresses in Taiwan xiaojie, or 'miss, ' is a common euphemism for prostitute in mainland China. (翻译:例如,在招呼服务员时称“”,而在,“”通常是对女的一种委婉说法。)

3. The family has been unable to plant its main sorghum crop, she says, and their buffaloes are becoming "diseased" , a euphemism for starving. (翻译:她说,整个家族无法种植高粱,他们的水牛也开始变得“病怏怏”的——“病怏怏”是饥饿的委婉说法。)

4. Euphemism, which is a very complicated language phenomenon, exists in all human lan-guages. (翻译:委婉语是人类语言中普遍存在而又十分复杂的一种语言现象。)

5. Well, we use that great euphemism, "trial and error," which is exposed to be meaningless. (翻译:我们普通人会做各种各样的实验 不断地犯错误 结果却一无所获 )

6. The days when an executive programme was a euphemism for a few days' break are long gone. (翻译:那种把“高管课程”当成“休几天假”的委婉说法的日子,早已经远去了。)

7. Protective reaction was just a euphemism for the bombers to stage raids over that country. (翻译:保护性反应完全是种委婉说法,实际上是用轰炸机对那个国家进行空袭。)

8. Just to clarify, ifTara did have any intention... of whatever euphemism you were in search of... it would, in fact, be none of your business. (翻译:你搞清楚 就算Tara想要做任何 你试图委婉表达的事 也和你完全无关)

9. My father, with incredible understatement and euphemism, picked me up at the airport around Christmastime of "72 and said", (翻译:我的父亲,以令人难以置信的 轻描淡写和委婉, 接我到 圣诞节左右 ,72,说)

10. Savant syndrome, then, is a case where thepoliticallycorrect euphemism "differently abled" hasrealmeaning. (翻译:那么,上将学者综合症委婉地成为“与众不同”,还是有一番道理。)

11. I use the euphemism digestive comfort -- actually -- it's a digestive discomfort, which the gut is concerned with. (翻译:我用一种委婉的说法就是消化舒适。事实上它是消化不适, 而这是肠胃所关心的。)

12. As a linguistic phenomenon, euphemism has its unique origination and formation, and abides by a certain development principle. (翻译:委婉语,作为一种语言现象,它有其独特的来源及构成方法,并遵循一定的发展规律。)

13. But Varney, tall and professorial , did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism. (翻译:但身材高大、富有教授气质的瓦尼并没有用法律术语或委婉的言辞掩饰她的想法。)

14. Hejia is a euphemism for "die". (翻译:死亡的委婉说法。)

15. 'User fees' is just a politician's euphemism for taxes. (翻译:“用户费”不过是家对“税款”的委婉说法。)





词组搭配:make a euphemism(使用委婉语)、euphemism for(代替语)




1. “Passing away” is a euphemism for “dying”.

“Passing away”是“死亡”的委婉语。

2. He used a euphemism to avoid using profanity in his speech.


3. “Restroom” is a euphemism for “toilet”.


4. People often use euphemisms for unpleasant topics.


5. “Passed on” is a euphemism for “died”.

“Passed on”是“死亡”的委婉语。

6. He used a euphemism to avoid mentioning his colleague's failure in the project.


7. “Pre-owned” is a euphemism for “used”.


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