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insulated是什么意思 insulated的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-17 17:39:20
  • 157

insulated是什么意思 insulated的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The walls of the house are well insulated, which keeps it warm in the winter and cool in the summer.(这所房子的墙壁有很好的绝缘,可以让它在冬天保暖,在夏天保持凉爽。)

2. The wires should be properly insulated to prevent electrocution.(电线应该被正确地隔绝以防止触电。)

3. The thermos is designed to be well insulated to keep drinks warm for hours.(这个保温瓶被设计成很好的隔热,可以让饮料保温几个小时。)




例句:To keep the explorers warm, Nansen insulated his vessel with thick felt, reindeer hair, cork shavings, and tar. (而为了让给船员们保暖,南森用厚厚的毛毯、驯鹿的皮毛、软木以及焦油把船体围起来; )


例句:Copper conductor XLPE insulated and corrosion resistant polymer sheathed control cables with braided shield . (铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘编织屏蔽防腐聚合物护套控制电缆。)


insulated一般作为名词使用,如在enamel insulated(漆绝缘的)、insulated armature(缘电枢)、insulated bearing(缘轴承)等常见短语中出现较多。

enamel insulated漆绝缘的
insulated armature缘电枢
insulated bearing缘轴承
insulated body被绝缘体
insulated bolt[化] 绝缘螺栓
insulated boots绝缘鞋
insulated boundary热边界
insulated boxcar保温车箱
insulated cabinet保温箱,绝热箱


1. I installed a night vision program and I insulated his motor, so you can barely hear him. (翻译:и杆跌祘Α 临р皑笷筳 硂砀钮ぃǎ羘)

2. Insulated containers in a good sate of repair are suitable for fumigation and do not require to BE covered with gas tight sheets. (翻译:状态良好的保温集装箱适合于熏蒸,不需要用气密性帐幕苫盖。)

3. In the final step, heavily insulated exterior walls and windows are slotted in by crane. (翻译:最后一步,用起重机将高度隔热的外墙和窗户安装进去。)

4. ...insulated by secret loyalties and codes of silence... from the world they'd all been given to control. (翻译:因为内部的帮规戒律 这些秘密都不为外面的世界知晓 而这世界正是他们在控制)

5. To avoid possible condensation, all conveyors and bins which come into contract with the recirculate are insulated and heated. (翻译:为了避免发生冷凝现象,所有和再循环气体接触的输送机和仓室都被加热并且是绝缘的。)

6. Ensure yellow colour insulated cable lug must use at yellow colour position of the cable lug crimper (翻译:确保带的绝缘接头,必须放在电缆接头卷缩器的位置。)

7. Carefully solder 2 new thin, flexible, insulated wires in place. (翻译:小心的将两条细、易弯曲并且绝缘的新导线焊接到位。)

8. PVC Insulated, Unarmoured and PVC Sheathed, Multicore Auxiliary Cables for Control Purposes. (翻译:聚氯乙稀绝绿,无铠装,辅助型多芯控制电缆。)

9. He was insulated from the leaker by a go-between activist named Onya. No last name. (翻译:他不能直接接触泄密者 中间人是个激进分子 叫Onya 不知道姓氏)

10. The open ribbon elements are also made of nichrome wire and are insulated in the same manner as the open wire elements. (翻译:裸带式元件也和裸线式元件一样以镍铬合金丝制成并以同样方式绝缘。)

11. To keep the explorers warm, Nansen insulated his vessel with thick felt, reindeer hair, cork shavings, and tar. (翻译:而为了让给船员们保暖,南森用厚厚的毛毯、驯鹿的皮毛、软木以及焦油把船体围起来;)

12. "It appears that the heart is insulated from the intensity" of the intervals, she said, "because the effort is so brief. " (翻译:她说,“因为运动时间很短,心脏似乎完全没有受到这种高强度运动的影响”。)

13. Others, like their lemming prey, are here year-round beneath the snow, insulated from the cold air above. (翻译:其它的,比如它的猎物旅鼠 则终年生活在雪下 靠雪隔开上面的冷空气)

14. Copper conductor PE insulated braiding screened PVC sheathed inspecting equipment and computer control flexible cable. (翻译:铜芯聚乙烯绝缘编织屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套检测设备及计算机用控制软电缆。)

15. Copper conductor XLPE insulated and corrosion resistant polymer sheathed flexible control cables with braided shield . (翻译:铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘编织屏蔽防腐聚合物护套软控制电缆。)



1. 词义:insulated 意为隔热的、绝缘的、孤立的。

2. 词性:形容词。

3. 词组搭配:well-insulated(良好的隔热)、insulated wire(绝缘电线)、insulated glass(隔热玻璃)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/ˈɪnsjʊleɪtɪd/

6. 中英例句:

- The house is well-insulated so it stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer.(这座房子隔热效果很好,冬天很温暖,夏天很凉爽。)

- The electrician used insulated wire to avoid any danger of shock.(电工使用绝缘电线,避免任何触电危险。)

- The insulated glass windows in our office block out most of the noise from the street.(我们办公室的隔热玻璃窗减少了大部分来自街道的噪音。)

- The company has become too insulated from the needs of its customers.(这家公司已经与客户的需求脱节了。)

- He was so insulated from the real world that he had no idea how people really lived.(他与现实世界隔绝得太远,根本不知道人们真正的生活方式。)

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