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ambience是什么意思 ambience的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-06 17:08:02
  • 187

ambience是什么意思 ambience的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The ambience of the restaurant was intimate and cozy.


2. The lighting and music added to the ambience of the party.


3. The designer carefully considered the ambience of the space before choosing the color scheme.





例句:In the midst of this suffocating ambience, National Geographic stubbornly continues its search for a pair of green eyes. (国家地理?就在这种窒息的空气中,固执地寻找一双绿眼睛。)


例句:The fast-food chain would hurt more traditional restaurants in the plaza and change its relaxed, colonial ambience, she said. (她还表示,麦当劳的快餐连锁店会危害广场内其它传统饮食店并且那里的殖民地式的闲散氛围。)


例句:Finally they arrived at their destination but the ambience was a little ambiguous, her battle companion regarded her as a spy. (最后他们来到了目的地,但是气氛却有点含糊:她的战友把她当成了间谍。)


例句:Well, it's not much on ambience, but they do have this one incredible craft beer that you gotta try. (翻译:嗯,这是没有太大的氛围, 但他们确实有这个令人难以置信的 那你得精酿啤酒尝试。)


1. Finally they arrived at their destination but the ambience was a little ambiguous, her battle companion regarded her as a spy. (翻译:最后他们来到了目的地,但是气氛却有点含糊:她的战友把她当成了间谍。)

2. Well, it's not much on ambience, but they do have this one incredible craft beer that you gotta try. (翻译:嗯,这是没有太大的氛围, 但他们确实有这个令人难以置信的 那你得精酿啤酒尝试。)

3. The company is adjacent to Chang Jiang Road and Science Avenue, with rich cultural ambience, transport facilities and beautiful environment. (翻译:公司毗邻长江路与科学大道,人文气息浓厚,交通便利,环境优美。)

4. That was partly because of its easier-going tropical ambience. (翻译:部分原因是由于古巴得天独厚的热带环境,让古巴更加逍遥自在。)

5. The small but exquisite book store soaks in a strong ambience of literature and art. Most of the books it sells are of humanities. (翻译:具有浓浓的文艺气息,小而精致、多以人文类的图书为主。)

6. It consults consumers on everything from the ambience of its stores to its environmental policies. (翻译:它向客户咨询商业上的所有事情,从店铺环境的布局到它的环境政策。)

7. The overall ambience of the room is cosy. (翻译:这个房间的整体氛围是舒适的。)

8. We are here to try and entertain people, and with the ambience there was today in the stadium it was also nice to do that. (翻译:我们来这里是尝试娱乐大众的,而今天在体育场里的气氛就很适合这么做。)

9. Okay, everybody, come on the stage that I have prepared to give you a little ambience. (翻译:大伙,过来吧,这是我准备的舞台 这会给你们一些灵感)

10. Most of the above points would narrow down to strong lack of communication and uninspiring ambience of the workplace. (翻译:上面大多数问题都会归结到缺乏沟通和气氛压抑的工作环境之上。)

11. rather developers seem to be excited by the mystique and ambience of these architectural curios. (翻译:实在是因为开发者对于这些古老建筑的神秘感和氛围兴趣十足。)

12. Since I can hear your voice and it's snowing now, The ambience in my car is livened up. (翻译:这里下着雪 还能听着哥哥的声音 气氛真棒啊)

13. Indeed, the entire building exudes historical ambience... and transports one back in time to the proud tradition of the Raj." (翻译:整栋建筑充满历史遗迹风情 重温经典辉煌的皇室传统时光)

14. as everyone know , it ' s ' the tv ad . of business streets ' and play ads . continuously 24h . it has strong ambience authentically. (翻译:被誉为“商业街边的电视广告”,24小时不断播放广告,具有强大的宣传气氛。)

15. Dear Mrs. Donnelly, please can you describe to us in as much detail as you desire... your experience of the ambience and atmosphere... of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. (翻译:亲爱的唐娜莉太太 请您尽可能仔细向我们形容 您在最具异国情调的玛丽戈德饭店...)



词组搭配:create/set/establish an ambience (营造氛围)




1. The ambience of the coffee shop was warm and inviting.


2. The hotel's ambience is luxurious and elegant.


3. The lighting plays an important role in creating the ambience of the restaurant.


4. The ambience of the concert hall was electric as the crowd waited for the show to begin.


5. The ambience of the party was festive and lively.


6. The music and decorations helped to establish a romantic ambience at the wedding reception.


7. The ambience of the old bookstore was cozy and nostalgic.


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