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permutation是什么意思 permutation的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:50
  • 175

permutation是什么意思 permutation的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Permutation refers to the rearrangement of the order of a set of items.


2. The number of possible permutations of a set of n distinct items is n factorial.


3. In cryptography, permutation is used as a technique for encryption to shuffle plaintext into the ciphered text.





例句:Cyclic shift permutation structure is an important part of partial parallel decoder for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes. (循环移位置换单元是准循环LDPC码的部分并行译码器的重要组成部分。)


例句:The limited condition of alternate permutation to utilize character of chessman polgnomial sets up recurrence relations and educes two math question about formula of permutation figure. (变更错排问题的限制条件,利用棋子多项式的性质建立递推关系,推出两个问题的排列数公式。)


例句:Topographic model, deposit solid model, rock and fault solid model are built based on the study on data permutation and vectorization of original modeling data of Tongchang Copper Mine. (在对铜厂铜矿原始建模资料进行了数据转换、矢量化等研究工作的基础上,建立了整个矿山的地表模型、矿床实体模型、岩层及断层实体模型。)


例句:and people always give you the same permutation of the same three things: under-capitalized, the wrong people, bad market conditions. (翻译:人们总是用同样的 三个东西以同样的排列顺序来回答你, 缺乏资金,用人不善,形势不好。)


permutation一般作为名词使用,如在discordance permutation(不和谐排列)、discordant permutation(不和谐排列)、even permutation([计] 偶排列, 偶置换)等常见短语中出现较多。

discordance permutation不和谐排列
discordant permutation不和谐排列
even permutation[计] 偶排列, 偶置换
exchange permutation交换排列
identical permutation恒等置换;元排列;同等排列
identity permutation[计] 恒等排列
initial permutation初始置换
inverse of permutation[数] 逆排列
inverse permutation逆置换


1. Topographic model, deposit solid model, rock and fault solid model are built based on the study on data permutation and vectorization of original modeling data of Tongchang Copper Mine. (翻译:在对铜厂铜矿原始建模资料进行了数据转换、矢量化等研究工作的基础上,建立了整个矿山的地表模型、矿床实体模型、岩层及断层实体模型。)

2. and people always give you the same permutation of the same three things: under-capitalized, the wrong people, bad market conditions. (翻译:人们总是用同样的 三个东西以同样的排列顺序来回答你, 缺乏资金,用人不善,形势不好。)

3. The Solution to Linear Differential Equation with Interlace Series of Negative Quartic Function and Permutation (翻译:负四次幂函数与排列数的交错级数型线性微分方程)

4. Don't use ALL: One of the most common mistakes is to grant ALL -- access to all commands, access to all users, or any other permutation. (翻译:不要使用ALL:最常见的错误就是授予ALL权限——这意味着可以访问所有命令、访问所有用户,或者访问其它任何权限排列。)

5. permutation code broke through the traditional concept of block algorithm , and improved the encrypt intensity greatly. (翻译:排列码加密解密算法突破了传统的分组密码的旧观念,使加密强度有了较大幅度的提高。)

6. Consequently, each permutation of a generic type with a specific argument type is considered a unique type. (翻译:因此,一般类型的每个带有特定参数类型的变形都被视为唯一的类型。)

7. In the improved means, AC coefficients are permuted by different permutation list. DC coefficients are encrypted with AES algorithm. (翻译:改进的方案中AC系数用不同的置乱表置乱,DC系数用高强度的加密算法aes加密。)

8. Realization of bit-permutation in processor based on Benes network (翻译:基于Benes网络结构的比特置换在处理器中的实现)

9. Actually, I could have used another permutation of these points. But, let's use this. (翻译:其实。我本来可以,用别的表示这些点,呃,不过还是用这些吧。)

10. With each recursive step, cross products with one additional Permutation Group are formed. (翻译:伴随每个递归步骤,会形成带有一个额外置换群的向量积。)

11. The reason is that every possible permutation needs to be looked at in order to find the best. (翻译:其原因就在于为了找到最好的路线,每一种可能的排列都需要被注意到。)

12. A procedure for dealing with tensor products of Hecke algebras, which corresponds to the CG series of permutation groups, are also formulated based on the LEM. (翻译:基于LEM还得到了处理对应于置换群cg系列问题的黑克代数张量积的方法。)

13. and people always give you the same permutation of the same three things: under-capitalized, the wrong people, bad market conditions. (翻译:人们总是用同样的 三个东西以同样的排列顺序来回答你, 缺乏资金,用人不善,形势不好。)

14. The Clinical Study of Cerebroventricular Drain and Spinal Fluid Permutation to Treat Cerebroventricular Emplastic Bleeding (翻译:脑室引流联合脑脊液置换治疗脑室铸型出血的临床研究)

15. This way, any permutation of role implementations by the different vendors can be configured. (翻译:这样就可以配置不同供应商提供的角色实现的任意排列组合。)



词义:'permutation' 可以指排列、变换、转换、置换等意思,通常用于描述某个组合中元素的不同排列方式。

词性:'permutation' 是一个名词。

词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:permutation group(置换群)、cyclic permutation(循环置换)、permutation matrix(置换矩阵)等。




1. The number of possible permutations of the letters in the word 'apple' is 120.('apple' 这个单词的字母排列方式有120种。)

2. The permutation group of a set of three elements has six members.(三个元素的集合的置换群有六个元素。)

3. The permutation matrix is a square matrix with exactly one entry "1" in each row and each column.(置换矩阵是一个方阵,每一行和每一列刚好有一个元素是1。)

4. The students were asked to find all possible permutations of the numbers 1, 2, and 3.(学生们被要求找出数字1、2和3的所有排列方式。)

5. The algorithm uses a recursive function to generate all possible permutations of a set of elements.(该算法使用递归函数生成元素集合的所有可能排列方式。)

6. Permutations of the same elements can produce different results when the order is changed.(相同元素的排列,改变顺序会得到不同的结果。)

7. A cyclic permutation shifts the elements in a certain order, while keeping the overall structure unchanged.(循环置换按照一定的顺序移动元素,保持总体结构不变。)

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